
After 5 years, the Volkswagen 1.5T engine is finally coming, or the debut of the new Sagittarius

Recently, FAW-Volkswagen new Sagitar appeared on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in addition to the appearance of the new car has a certain change, another eye-catching place is the "300TSI" logo at the end, indicating that the power system of the new Sagitar may change, from the declaration information, the new car will be equipped with a new 1.5T engine, the engine is likely to be the long-awaited EA211 1.5TSI engine.

As early as 2017, the EA211 1.5TSI engine has been introduced to the market, why was it introduced to China after 5 years?

After 5 years, the Volkswagen 1.5T engine is finally coming, or the debut of the new Sagittarius
After 5 years, the Volkswagen 1.5T engine is finally coming, or the debut of the new Sagittarius


The Volkswagen 1.4T engine of "The sword is not old"

The EA211 1.4TSI engine was put into operation at the FAW-Volkswagen Changchun plant in August 2013, and the first model to be equipped with it is the domestically produced seventh-generation Golf. Today, the EA211 1.4TSI engine has been "in service" for nearly 9 years, but its "TSI + DSG" golden power combination with the DSG transmission can still play.

After 5 years, the Volkswagen 1.5T engine is finally coming, or the debut of the new Sagittarius

Let's take the domestic eighth-generation golf as an example to compare other models in the same class. Among the domestic small-displacement turbocharged engines, 1.5T engines are the mainstream, and compared with them, the EA211 1.4TSI engine is not superior in parameters.

How does the power actually perform? According to media measurement data, the golf 1.4T 100 km acceleration time is 7.89s, while the Civic 1.5T, Fox 1.5T, and Willand 1.5T break 100 times are 7.5s, 9.1s and 7.58s, respectively. It can be seen that the actual power performance of the EA211 1.4TSI engine is not weaker than the mainstream 1.5T engine on the market. In addition, the above-mentioned measured Golf 1.4T 100 km fuel consumption is 6.8L, and only the Veyron 1.5T is lower than it, which is 6.6L, indicating that its fuel economy is also good.


The EVO2 engine is thermally efficient at 38%.

Since the EA211 1.4TSI engine is still excellent, why did FAW-Volkswagen introduce the EA211 1.5TSI engine? Yipinjun analysis believes that there are two main reasons for the following.

First, if a car company always has no new technology, it is easy to leave consumers with the impression of "eating the old" for a long time, and over time, it will damage the brand image, which will affect sales.

Second, the EA211 1.4TSI engine, while powerful, is not perfect, and the biggest problem is emissions. As a product from ten years ago, the emissions of the EA211 1.4TSI engine are not up to standard today, and the manufacturer has met the most stringent domestic 6b emission standards by installing a particle trap (GPF), but the future is difficult to say. Therefore, FAW-Volkswagen needs an engine that can face the future.

The EA211 1.5TSI engine, which was marketed for several years as a late EA211 1.4TSI engine, was developed with stricter emission standards in mind. It should also be noted that FAW-Volkswagen introduced the EA211 1.5TSI EVO2 engine in China this time, not the EVO type launched overseas in 2017, and belongs to the latest version.

After 5 years, the Volkswagen 1.5T engine is finally coming, or the debut of the new Sagittarius

The EVO type is equipped with many new technologies, such as variable-section turbines, 350 Bar high-pressure injection, APS coating technology, electronically controlled cooling systems, and active cylinder shut-off technology, with a thermal efficiency of 37.5%. The EVO2 model will be upgraded on this basis, it is reported that the thermal efficiency is expected to exceed 38%, it is believed that the fuel consumption control and power response of the new engine are better than the EA211 1.4TSI engine.

The new engine is good, but the cost when it is first put into production is definitely higher than that of the old engine, so it may bring about a price increase. Taking the "American version of Sagitar" Jetta as an example, its 2022 model is equipped with an EA211 1.5TSI engine, and the starting price is up $1200 compared with the old model equipped with the EA211 1.4TSI engine, which is about 7600 yuan. As a reference, the new domestic Sagitar 1.5T model will most likely increase in price, and the time has come to test the user's feelings.

After 5 years, the Volkswagen 1.5T engine is finally coming, or the debut of the new Sagittarius

In the view of Yipinjun, the EA211 1.5TSI engine, especially the EVO2 type, is definitely one of the most technologically advanced engines today. However, the "ceiling" of the traditional internal combustion engine itself is not high, and no matter how advanced it is, it is difficult to have a big breakthrough in fuel consumption and power. It has to be said that the era of the traditional internal combustion engine is really coming to an end, and at this stage, it is replaced by a hybrid system. At present, independent brands have made hybrid models equal to traditional fuel vehicles, which has accelerated the popularity of hybrid models. Therefore, although the EA211 1.5TSI engine is powerful, it is somewhat untimely, and the future "electrification" transformation based on it is particularly urgent.

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