
The four inconspicuous little things during pregnancy are the key causes of fetal teratogenicity, don't wait for it to happen before regretting it

Pregnancy is both stressful and exciting for women, and we all want to see our children come into the world healthy and healthy. But sometimes heaven is like a joke with us, so that deformed children appear in this world. The reason why the child has become like this is very much related to the 4 small things that women do when they are pregnant.

The four inconspicuous little things during pregnancy are the key causes of fetal teratogenicity, don't wait for it to happen before regretting it

Ms. Zhang has been pregnant for a long time, and she is happier to see her belly getting bigger and bigger, because it will not be long before the child will come to this world, if you can see the cute side of the child, then Ms. Zhang will be happier. And this day also came to the day of giving birth, Ms. Zhang still did not have any pressure when she gave birth, and soon the child came into this world.

I thought that the child would come to this world in a very healthy way, but I did not expect that the moment the child was born, Ms. Zhang was very surprised, and did not expect that the child she gave birth to was actually a deformed child. When the whole family heard the news, they were also very helpless and headaches, why did something like this happen? What exactly is the problem?

The four inconspicuous little things during pregnancy are the key causes of fetal teratogenicity, don't wait for it to happen before regretting it

In the next understanding, the doctor gradually realized the reason for this problem. All this is because Ms. Zhang's body was not as good as she thought during the pregnancy, so she took some medicine according to her own ideas. It is precisely because I took some medicine that the child in the stomach has undergone a series of changes, which is why the child has become a deformed child.

Now Ms. Zhang also realizes the problem, but now there is no way to regret it, after all, the child has come to this world.

In fact, this is a very standard example, for women since they are pregnant, then they should pay more attention to their own bodies, there are some things that can not be done. In particular, these 4 small things are the key triggers for the fetus to become deformed, don't wait until it happens to regret it.

The four inconspicuous little things during pregnancy are the key causes of fetal teratogenicity, don't wait for it to happen before regretting it

So which 4 small things during pregnancy can lead to deformities?

If we're really going to talk about this, we should talk about Down screening first. This is very important for a woman, so women must undergo regular obstetric examinations after pregnancy, so as to ensure that the child in their belly does not have any problems. And in this process, you also need to take nutrients that supplement your body according to the guidance of your doctor.

There are many pregnant women at this time will choose some wrong methods, such as listening to folk remedies to supplement their own nutrition, in fact, there is no way to protect the fetus in this way, and even make the child's situation become very passive, so this kind of thing must not be done.

The four inconspicuous little things during pregnancy are the key causes of fetal teratogenicity, don't wait for it to happen before regretting it

There are also some pregnant women in the process of pregnancy, the physical condition is not as good as imagined, so there will be a disorderly medical treatment, in fact, this practice is also very wrong. Because for pregnant women, it is not necessary to take medicine indiscriminately during pregnancy, because such a practice will certainly not help the child in the belly.

Therefore, if you really feel that your body is not as good as you think, then you can recommend it according to a professional doctor, and then go to take some medicines that should be taken, so as to reduce the danger.

The four inconspicuous little things during pregnancy are the key causes of fetal teratogenicity, don't wait for it to happen before regretting it

In addition, there are some pregnant women who do a wrong thing when they are pregnant, but the rest is never regular, plus they have some bad living habits. These bad habits, including smoking and drinking, are very incorrect, and at the same time should not make their living environment noisy.

For example, some young women especially like the rich nightlife, they will go to places such as bars to have fun. In fact, this situation is best not to appear, otherwise the result will certainly not be as good as imagined.

The four inconspicuous little things during pregnancy are the key causes of fetal teratogenicity, don't wait for it to happen before regretting it

The last point is not to go to places with many people, and the reason why you should not go to places with many people is because the flow of people in places with many people is too large. Pregnant women must protect their bodies well in this process, if there is a certain friction with other people, then there is absolutely no benefit to the child in the belly.

Therefore, even if you want to go out for a walk, then you should also go to a place where there are few people, and it is best to have relatives around to accompany you, so that you can achieve foolproof. If there is no way to do this well, then there will certainly be a greater risk for the child in the belly.

Therefore, for women during pregnancy, although these 4 small things seem to be less conspicuous, we should also do everything well, only in this way can we ensure that the child is not born with a deformity. In the face of any problem should not be taken lightly, some pregnant women are because they do not know how to protect themselves, so there will be a bad ending.

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