
ALS male Internet celebrity wedding! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is 4 months pregnant

author:Enlighten Wisdom Pavilion
ALS male Internet celebrity wedding! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is 4 months pregnant

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Fateful encounters: When love transcends geography and sickness

Bozhou, Anhui Province, an ordinary summer, a special wedding touched the hearts of countless netizens, 30-year-old ALS patient Qi Chen, married a beautiful bride from Guangxi, 80 tables of banquets witnessed the couple break through secular prejudices, brave love vows, this love story across regions and illness, like a breeze in summer, warm everyone's heart

ALS male Internet celebrity wedding! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is 4 months pregnant

Qichen's story, for many people, may only be glimpsed in the news, ALS, a cruel disease, imprisons patients in a body that gradually loses the ability to move, Qichen is no exception, in addition to being able to speak, eat, and manipulate two fingers, his life needs to rely on his elderly mother to take care of, the injustice of fate did not break Qichen, he used optimism and strength, in the Internet to open up a world of his own

The Miracle of Love: The souls of the three views will eventually meet

Love always happens at the most unexpected time, in the virtual world of the Internet, Qichen met this post-90s girl from Guangxi, one is a young man who is suffering from illness, the other is a girl from thousands of miles away, what kind of fate brought them together? Is it the illusory nature of the web, or is there something else going on? In the face of netizens' questions, the girl gave the answer at the wedding: it was Qichen's optimism, strength and talent that moved her, and it was the soul that matched each other's three views that brought them together

ALS male Internet celebrity wedding! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is 4 months pregnant

Six months of network exchanges, across the mountains and seas, no romantic encounters, no vigorous pursuit, some are just two hearts that attract each other and understand each other, in their opinion, love has nothing to do with distance, nothing to matter, nothing to do with the outside, only about the fit of the soul, the resonance of the soul

The Power of Love: Protect against the wind and rain together with love

Qichen's mother, this great woman, has guarded her son with decades of persistence and never given up, and now, seeing that her son has found someone who can be entrusted for life, she cried excitedly, and promised to treat her daughter-in-law like her own daughter, this unreserved love also deeply touched this girl from Guangxi, and made her more determined to go hand in hand with Qichen

ALS male Internet celebrity wedding! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is 4 months pregnant

At the wedding scene, Qi Chen was wearing a suit, sitting in a wheelchair, pushed by his mother to slowly walk to the palace of happiness, the bride was wearing a white wedding dress, beautiful and moving, although in appearance, they did not look like a good match, but the light of love made them shine on each other, particularly dazzling, as Qi Chen said, if he did not meet her, he may never be able to wear a suit, nor can he experience the happiness of marriage

The test of life: to welcome the arrival of a new life with responsibility and responsibility

What's even more surprising is that the bride has been pregnant for four months and is about to usher in the crystallization of their love. What about your child's future? In the face of these questions, we cannot give a definite answer, but I believe that Qichen and his wife must have thought carefully and made full preparations before making this decision, and they will use responsibility and responsibility to welcome the arrival of a new life and jointly protect the future of this family

ALS male Internet celebrity wedding! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is 4 months pregnant

Determination to struggle: create a better life with both hands to live up to expectations

Qichen knows that he has to work harder than ordinary people to give his wife and children a better life, he chooses to use the Internet to start a business, to support himself, to give back to the society, now, with a wife and a child about to be born, Qichen's responsibility is heavier, he will work harder, with his own hands to create a better life, live up to everyone's expectations

ALS male Internet celebrity wedding! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is 4 months pregnant

The true meaning of love: transcend the world and feel the temperature of love with your heart

The story of Qichen and his wife allows us to see the power of love, the tenacity of life, and the brilliance of human nature

ALS male Internet celebrity wedding! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is 4 months pregnant

Their stories also lead us to think at a deeper level: What is true love? Is it a vigorous romance, or a long-term companionship? Is it the luxury of fine clothes and food, or the blandness of each other? Perhaps, everyone has a different answer in their hearts, but one thing is the same, that is, true love has nothing to do with the outside, has nothing to do with conditions, it is only about the mutual attraction and mutual support of two hearts

Qi Chen and his wife use their stories to tell us: love can cross regions, can overcome illness, can create miracles, let us bless the couple, bless their love flowers to bloom undefeated, and wish their future full of hope and happiness!

What do you think of this love that transcends geography and sickness? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views

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