
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!


The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!

The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!
The article "Girlfriend Pregnant" is so exciting, I never get tired of watching it, and it is a humorous and interesting joke!

"And guess what, my best friend is pregnant!" Xiao Li said to me excitedly.

My eyes widened: "Really? When did it happen, why haven't I heard it from you? ”

Xiao Li smiled: "Just a few days ago, she has been hiding it from us, and she only told me today." ”

I felt excited: "And how is she now?" Is the reaction big? ”

Xiao Li nodded: "The reaction is quite big, I can't eat all day, and I always want to sleep." But she was quite optimistic, saying that for the sake of the baby, she could endure anything. ”

I couldn't help but laugh: "This is really interesting, you remember a few months ago she was still shouting not to have children, and now she is pregnant, but she is happy." ”

Xiao Li also smiled: "Yes, women are like this, they are really happy when they are pregnant." ”

Suddenly, a question came to my mind: "Does her husband know?" How did he react? ”

Xiao Li's eyes lit up: "This is the funniest part." When her husband first found out, he was so nervous that he thought he was going to be a father, but when he saw the B-ultrasound single in the hospital, he actually cried. ”

I laughed: "This man is so funny, why is he still crying?" ”

Xiao Li shook his head: "He said that he was so excited that he cried, after all, it was the first time to be a father, and he had mixed feelings." ”

The two of us were chatting happily when we suddenly received a call from our best friend. She smiled on the other end of the phone and said, "Don't just talk, come and stay with me, I'm too bored to be home alone." ”

Xiao Li hung up the phone and said to me, "Let's go, let's go see her." ”

When she arrived at her best friend's house, she was lying on the sofa, touching her stomach happily. Seeing us, she smiled brightly: "You guys are finally here, I'm bored to death." ”

I smiled and walked over, "Aren't you pregnant?" You should get plenty of rest. ”

The girlfriend pouted: "But I just can't be idle, you can chat with me." ”

We sat down and started talking about her pregnancy. My girlfriend said, "Do you know, I have to eat a lot of things every day, but sometimes I just can't eat it, and I always want to vomit." ”

Xiao Li asked with concern: "Then how does your husband take care of you?" ”

My best friend said helplessly: "He's nervous all day long, more nervous than me." Sometimes I want to eat some ice cream, but he won't let me eat it, for fear that it will not be good for the baby. ”

I couldn't help but laugh: "It's too careful, but it's also for your own good." ”

My best friend sighed: "Yes, I also know that he cares about me, but sometimes it really makes people cry and laugh." ”

Xiao Li suddenly asked, "Then have you ever thought about the baby's name?" ”

My girlfriend smiled and said, "There are several names, but they haven't been decided yet." We want to wait until the baby is born and then choose a name based on what he looks like. ”

I nodded, "That's fine, the name still has to have some special meaning." ”

After chatting for a while, my best friend suddenly said: "Do you know, I dream every day now, dreaming of various scenes after the baby is born, and sometimes I wake up laughing." ”

Xiao Li smiled and said, "It seems that you are really looking forward to this baby." ”

The girlfriend nodded: "Yes, although there are many inconveniences in pregnancy, it is worth all the hard work to think of having a baby to accompany you in the future." ”

When I got home in the evening, I was still reminiscing about today's conversation and thought it was so interesting to have my best friend's experience. Although there was a lot of hardship and discomfort during the pregnancy, her optimism and anticipation made me feel a special happiness.

The fact that my best friend is pregnant made me see the wonder of life and the greatness of mother's love. I hope that every woman who is about to become a mother can find her own happiness and satisfaction in this special time. Every time I chat with my girlfriends, I feel the small happiness and endless fun in life.

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