
The operation was not done cleanly, and a huge cholesteatoma was found in the skull 3 years after surgery!

author:Director of the top three ear, nose and throat Tiefeng

Mr. Ma from Qiannan, Guizhou Province, 3 years ago, began to have pus in his right ear with peculiar smell, hearing loss, ear swelling and pain, etc., so he was treated in a large hospital in the province, and was diagnosed with "middle ear mastoiditis with cholesteatoma", and underwent radical surgery for him to have right open mastoidectomy.

After the operation, Mr. Ma felt that the discomfort in his right ear was better, and during the follow-up, the doctor prescribed some anti-inflammatory drugs and ear drops, and the feeling in his right ear was relieved, but it was not completely cured.

The operation was not done cleanly, and a huge cholesteatoma was found in the skull 3 years after surgery!

Recently, Mr. Ma felt that his symptoms of pus in his right ear and hearing loss had worsened significantly, and the hospital where he was treated did not give a solution. After many visits, Mr. Ma came to Guiyang Mingren Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital.

After a detailed medical history and examination of Mr. Ma, the otolaryngologists of our hospital identified the cause of his illness: right middle ear mastoiditis, purulent otitis media, and mixed deafness, and recommended him to undergo surgical treatment.

After sufficient preoperative preparation, the medical team led by Dean Deng Zhongxian of our hospital performed right open mastoidectomy + tympanoplasty for Mr. Ma under general anesthesia.

The operation was not done cleanly, and a huge cholesteatoma was found in the skull 3 years after surgery!

During the operation, a microdynamic system and an ear drill were used to grind the mastoid bone, and a large amount of purulent discharge was found in the mastoid air chamber, which was cleaned with a curette. Subsequently, a large amount of cholesteatoma-type secretions were found outside the intracranial dura mater, which was completely removed.

After 5 days, Mr. Ma felt that the effect of the treatment was very obvious, and the discomfort of ear pus and hearing loss had completely disappeared, and he thanked him repeatedly, "I didn't expect the first operation to be clean, but I was tossed back and forth for three years. ”

The operation was not done cleanly, and a huge cholesteatoma was found in the skull 3 years after surgery!