
【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China

【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China
【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China

"March 3" refers to the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar, also known as the "Shangwei Festival", which is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation, which is typical of the Han, Zhuang, Miao and Yao ethnic groups.

【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China

In Guangxi, "March 3rd" is a grand and grand festival, a traditional Song Festival of the Zhuang people, and an important day for the Zhuang people to worship their ancestors, worship Pangu and The ancestors of Buluotuo.

【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China
【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China
【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China
【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China

Guangxi's "March 3 of the Zhuang Nationality" has the richest content, the most solemn atmosphere, and the most distinctive characteristics. On this day, Zhuang men and women gather on the hillside or under the big banyan tree to sing mountain songs and express their emotions like rushing to the polder; the masses in some places use the form of mountain songs to publicize the party's policies, publicize popular science knowledge, exchange production skills, and sing about a beautiful life. In addition to singing mountain songs, some localities have also carried out a series of cultural and sports activities with national characteristics, such as grabbing fireworks, playing copper drums, throwing hydrangea balls, playing flattened burdens, dancing dragons, lion dances, dancing spring cows, performing zhuang operas, shigong operas, tea picking dramas, etc. Some local governments have also actively guided and supported the "March Three Songs Festival" activities, using the song festival to hold economic and trade exchange activities, which meets the needs of the local people's spiritual and material life. (Li Xiang, Jiang Tao)

【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China
【Zhuang March 3 Eight Gui Carnival】 March 3 - a traditional festival of many ethnic groups in China

News source: Ningming County Rong Media Center Li Xiang Jiang Tao

Editor: Xu Fenglan (Intern)

First Instance: Wang Yinjing

Second instance: Jiang Tao

Final Judge: Li Xiang

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