
Chaoshan dialect learns from the ancients: "Physiological great take advantage"

Usually, when mandarin people worship the lord and worship the god Buddha to "speak" (pray), or when they say blessings in the New Year, they will wish each other "physiological opportunities" (business is profitable, that is, the meaning of getting rich). This word is easy to say, but it takes a lot of effort to figure out its meaning and the word.

Let's talk about "physiology" first, if you read sên1 li2 (some li), it is a scientific term, referring to the "physiology" of physiology. However, the most used in colloquial language is sêng1 li2 (liter lee), which refers to business, such as the saying "physiology will make a fortune" (although the business is small, it can get rich), "the physiology is poor for a while, the wife marries the wrong one" (the business is poor for a while, the wife marries the wrong one and delays for a lifetime) and so on.

The word "physiology", the Tang and Song dynasties as a solution to "livelihood", one of the poems of Tang Du Fu's "Spring Day Jiangcun": "Difficult physiology, drifting to the present." Song Sushi's "Idle Five Songs and Buying a House": "Physiology pays for Cao, and the old man is lucky to eat and sleep." In addition, Su Shi's "Second Rhyme High Wants to Make Liu Xiangxia Mountain Temple See Mail": "The ugly state is really old, and the physiology is also rough." ”

By extension, it is used to refer to trading and doing business, such as Song Gong Mingzhi's "Zhongwu Jiwen Zhu Clan Rise and Fall": "Zhu Chongwei was a business of often selling, and then his family was slightly warmer, easy to become a medicine store, and his physiology was getting better and closer." ”

Descendants have become common words, and can also be used as verbs, such as Ming Fubai master "Laughing Forest. Look at the mirror: "There are people who go out to live, and their wives ask them to buy a toothbrush when they return." "Ancient and Modern Novels : Han Wu Selling Spring Love in Xinqiao City": "Wu Shan will rest for half a year, still in Xinqiao City. ”

But it is more used as a noun, such as "Ancient and Modern Novels. Shen Xiaoguan killed seven lives with one bird:"(Zhang Gong) did not go to the street to do physiology, and ran straight home." "Awakening to the Everlasting Word. The two counties ordered Jingyi to marry an orphan girl: "Jia Chang means to secretly visit a good lord, marry him out, and then rest assured, and go out to do physiology at home." "Cautionary Tales. Song Xiaoguan reunion broken felt": "(Song Dun) Husband and wife do not do physiology, rely on the ancestral land, see (now) collect some rent for life." ”

The saying of "doing physiology" is the same as that of Chaoshan dialect. (See Li Xinkui and Lin Lunlun, "Interpretation of Chaoshan Dialect Words", page 138, Guangdong People's Publishing House, 1992)

"Do physiology", that is, businessmen, Chaoshan dialect called "do physiological people", such as saying: "Ruan to be a physiological person, please do not matter, buy and sell to calculate points" (we are businessmen, in the business of business, invite guests to eat regardless of the cost, but to start a business, will definitely be more baht, the accounts are clear).

Experienced businessmen, known as "physiological feet", such as saying: "You are a physiological foot, falling into the sea may not be able to take advantage of the money, or teach to do the bottom of the book (you are not a business material, go to the sea may not be able to get rich, or teaching insurance). ”

Speaking of the word "take advantage", the tide of making money is called "tang3 money", usually everyone does not know how to write the word "tang3", so they write the synonym "earn" (see the previous tweet "The Elders' Instructions and Dialect Writing"). The word "earn" is a word with a closed mouth and a rhyme, it is impossible to read "tang3", and writing "earn" to read "tang3" is a precept reading. "Big take advantage", colloquially said as "dua7 tang3", usually written as "big money", but the original word of "tang3" is "take advantage" is not "earn".

The word "take advantage" is pronounced as "ziang2" in Shantou dialect, such as "hit the iron while it is hot" and "take advantage of the fire to rob" and so on. However, in many places in Chaoshan Province, the dialect point, "eat while hot" is called "tang3 burnt food", and this "tang3" is the white pronunciation of "tang3".

The word "Guangyun" is pronounced "ugly" and belongs to the "cher" mother, and the Chaoshan dialect white reading retains the tongue tip vowel t-, which is a perfectly normal correspondence law; the rhyme mother belongs to the "true/zhen" rhyme, most of the words are pronounced -ing rhyme mother, a small part of the word reads -iang, such as "Zhen taking advantage of the diagnosis of kidney miserliness", etc., but some words still retain the ancient level, no -i-intermediate -ang vowel, such as "Min scale (fish scale he5-7 lang5, ba scale ba1 lang1, hard scale ngên6-7 lang1) Chen (surname)" and so on. Therefore, there is no problem with pronouncing "tang3" in the word "tang3".

In the Fujian Minnan dialect, the character "take advantage" reads tin, white read tan, and the Mandarin Minnan Dialect Dictionary (p. 90) explains yun: "get; take advantage of food, eat people", "take advantage of money, make money", "take advantage of the time, seize the opportunity or advance time", just like the Chaoshan dialect "hurry up".

"Take advantage of food" is also said in the Chaoshan dialect, such as saying: "Just pick up the food guy you have a good yi (you have to keep these tools to make money and support your family). "Don't be secluded, take advantage of the lack of food." (Do not understand the industry language, mixed in the industry, you can not make money to make a living)

Therefore, to say "make money" as "to take advantage of (tang3) money" is actually to retain the words (accents) of Fujian Minnan dialect before the tide entered.

Chaoshan dialect learns from the ancients: "Physiological great take advantage"

As for the meaning of the word "taking advantage of money" to make money, it was common in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Ming Shaoxuan's "Sachet Book: Asking Bu": "When you get money like this, there is no savings in the family." The thirty-first time in the Water Margin: "Because he has a wine and meat shop, in the happy forest in the east of the city, he even takes advantage of the money." "The Surprise of the Second Moment Shooting" Volume 32: "This woman is also pitiful, he sews clothes and mends clothes, and takes advantage of the money to live." ”

The example of "taking advantage of food" is earlier, Song Zhoumi's "Sequel to The Miscellaneous Knowledge of Decoction and Lake Turning": "Farmers all team up with each other to eat in Huainan." "Cautionary Tales: Confessions of the Poor Outsiders": "The family is dressed in a crown, ashamed to be ugly in their hometown, so they have to go to other counties, and the domestic workers take advantage of the food." ”

Whether it is "taking advantage of money" or "taking advantage of food", it is derived from the meaning of the word chasing and seeking.

Summary: "Physiological" Wenbai heterogeneous reading refers to different meanings of words, which is called "Wenbai different meanings", and there are many examples like this in Chaoshan dialect, such as:

Dong1 si1 (object)

≠dang1 sai1 (direction)

Sifang si3 huang1 (four sides)

≠ si3 bang1 (square)

Flowing water liu5 zui2 (flowing water)

≠ lao5 zui2 (tide)

First ciu1 ig4 (the first day of the lunar month)

≠ Co1 Ig4 (Junior 1st Grade)

The "tang3" of "big tang3" is written as "earn", which is the pronunciation of "take advantage". In examples like this, there are also many Chaoshan dialects, in addition to the "inner" training reading "li" (lai6) written in the previous article, there are:

"Man" Reading "Nong" (nang5)

"Foot" Precept Reading "骹" (ka1)

"Two" Reading "Two" (no6)

"Pill" training "circle" (in5)

And all that.

Guess what: how should the words in the picture be read?

Source: Lin Lunlun dialect tea

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