
Six nearly centenarians sing affectionately! The "Oral Song Album" records the living inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

Six nearly centenarians sing affectionately! The "Oral Song Album" records the living inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

This year, the Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center set up a "Oral Song Album" research group, in Chaoshan found six elderly people who experienced the popular era of Chaozhou SongBook and loved Chaozhou Song Album, let them tell the memories of the Chaozhou Song Book, and recorded the scenes of the old people singing the song book, preserving the various forms of folk song book chanting in the form of sound and image, restoring the historical scenes of the Chaozhou Song Book, and retaining the historical information.

These six elderly people are all women, distributed in many places in Chaoshan Province, the song book chanting has its own characteristics, their original, simple interpretation, so that the existing song book text on the paper comes alive, so that the viewer can taste the living inheritance of the Chaozhou song book.

Teochew SongBook

It is a kind of folk rap literature sung in the Chaozhou dialect, which was formed around the Qing Qianjia period, and is a cultural carrier with a very rich Chaoshan charm.

Centenarians turn on the memory switch to complete the back song book

Teochew songbooks were popular in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China period, and were widely sung as a folk entertainment method, and many of the bards and listeners were women.

Mai Weichun, the main initiator and project team leader of the "Oral Song Album" research group, told reporters that with the changes in the social and cultural environment, the scene of singing in the song album in that year no longer exists, and most of the people who experienced the chanting scene in that year are also old. The 6 elderly people interviewed, aged between 90 and 101 years old, their common feature is that the memory of the Teochew song book is particularly deep, the content of the song book that they learned to sing when they were young, as long as they say the first sentence of the song book, they can open the switch of their memory and sing a whole paragraph of the song book content fluently and completely.

Qiaozhu, a 101-year-old man in Furen Village, Raoping Haishan Town, Chaozhou City, raped with her about "when the spring rain of the first month", she immediately picked up "Thinking of being a daughter", and then sang the next whole paragraph in her complete back, without a little "stuck shell" in the middle, making it difficult to believe that this is a centenarian. Several other 90-year-old people also sang the Teochew song book with their eyes shining, the voice was sonorous and powerful, and when they sang excitedly, they were accompanied by body movements, completely immersed in the simple era when the song book was used for music.

Six nearly centenarians sing affectionately! The "Oral Song Album" records the living inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

101-year-old Qiaozhu (middle) and 95-year-old

Chen Jingshan(right) sang the Teochew song book together.

The song book is the "textbook" for women to learn in a specific period

Mai Weichun told reporters that most of the elderly interviewed did not go to school formally, or dropped out of school due to war after only two or three years of schooling, and learning to sing and singing became the main way for them to read. At the beginning, they listened to others chanting, and by listening to and comparing the words in the song book, they slowly became more and more literate, and at the same time, they learned a lot of principles of being human from the song book.

For ordinary people at that time, women's reading was a relatively luxurious thing, and it was difficult to be generally recognized. The songbook thus became the best "textbook" for women to study at that time. Chen Shujun, an old man in Fengsi Village, Guxiang Town, Chao'an District, Chaozhou City, recalled that she had never read a book since she was a child, and when she saw someone singing a book, she approached and stood behind people's backs to listen and read, read a lot of words, and later she could read the song book, see the interesting content, and learn the whole paragraph of several pages of the song book. But she was secretly watching, secretly learning, and when someone came, she quickly hid it, afraid of being laughed at.

The songbook became the spiritual food of the era of cultural scarcity

In the era of relatively scarce culture, the song book circulated in the folk was one of the important spiritual food of the common people, and the love of women for the Teochew song book at that time was tantamount to the fanaticism of people chasing dramas today.

Mai Weichun said that listening to the old people reminisce about that year, the most touching thing is the spiritual comfort that the song book brought to the people of that era, which is particularly valuable.

The 95-year-old Chen Jingshan was born in Chenghai Zhanglin, was originally a teacher, and once taught in Chenghai and Rao. When she was eleven or twelve years old, she learned to sing under the guidance of her mother, and was busy with work in the middle, and after retirement, she regained her childhood hobbies, and her nephew specially collected many song books for her, so that she had a richer life content in her later years. She recalled the obsession of women around her with song books, as long as someone was singing books, no matter how sleepy they were, they were reluctant to go, dozing off while listening, and sometimes hearing three changes in the middle of the night. She said it was really "three more in the middle of the night", often heard after twelve o'clock in the evening, and sometimes heard one or two o'clock in the morning.

Lin Shaohong, a provincial inheritor of the Chaozhou song book, recalled that when she learned to sing the song book when she was a teenager, her grandmother was blind in both eyes, and she sang a song book in the house every night to relieve her grandmother's boredom, which attracted many neighbors and aunts to listen outside the house. During the day, they also exchanged the storyline of the song book together, which made the grandmother's originally dark days sound and colorful.

Elder Chen Shujun said that she and her sisters embroidered flowers together every day, and in the afternoon, they sang together to refresh their minds, so that they would not be sleepy. She said that the more people in the album, the more atmospheric, the louder the singing, and the longer the tone, singing the sentence of scolding the adulterer, adding body movements when she was excited, and once when she was burning the fire, she sang and sang, so excited that she accidentally threw the song book into the stove.

Six nearly centenarians sing affectionately! The "Oral Song Album" records the living inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

Chen Shujun said that she and her sisters embroidered together every day and often sang a book to refresh their minds.

At that time, it was not easy to have a complete set of song books, and the 95-year-old green seal old man recalled that her brother bought a whole set of "Xue Gang Anti-Tang" song books for her in Hong Kong, a total of more than fifty copies, which were of great value, and when she got married, she brought this set of song books as a dowry to her in-laws' family. This set of song books made her very envious, and someone always came to her and asked her to sing the album.

Six nearly centenarians sing affectionately! The "Oral Song Album" records the living inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

The picture shows the old man with the green print and her "dowry".

Fieldwork preserves the living heritage of songbooks

Why did you come up with the idea of conducting this fieldwork and recording the contents of the survey in the form of video? Mai Weichun said that because the bards and creators of the song album are elderly people, if they do not use audio-visual technology to record their memories and interpretation techniques now, a lot of historical information in the Chaozhou song book will slowly disappear, and the inheritance of this intangible cultural heritage will become more difficult.

Six nearly centenarians sing affectionately! The "Oral Song Album" records the living inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

Lin Shaohong (left), a provincial inheritor of the Chaozhou song book, recorded the chanting scene of the Chaozhou song book.

In order to protect and inherit the Chaozhou songbook, an intangible cultural heritage, she constantly learns the singing method of the Chaozhou songbook, and often goes to universities, primary and secondary schools, the community new era civilization practice center, the Chaoshan historical and cultural dissemination base, the cultural center and other places to voluntarily disseminate traditional culture and sing the Chaozhou songbook. In order to bring the Chaozhou song book into the school, considering that some of the contents of the traditional song album are not suitable for young people to learn to sing, on the basis of the traditional song book, she created more than 100 new Chaozhou song albums based on some influential events that have occurred at this stage, and used the traditional cultural form of the Chaozhou song book to carry forward the new social trend and obtained good results.

Mai Weichun believes that the innovation of intangible cultural heritage needs to respect the essence of culture. The content of the song book can be innovated with the times, and the rich interpretation form can also be added to the soundtrack, etc., but the essential form of the song book must be protected. The main elements of the Chaozhou song book are the story plus dialect rhyme, so it can also be said to be "Chaoshan dialect narrative poem", the Chaozhou song book is the same as the novel, to have a clear theme and a complete plot, and pay attention to shaping the typical characters; the song book of the song text four sentences for a section, the first, second, four sentences rhyme, to rhyme the dialect flat rhyme, the third sentence does not rhyme, the last word must be a slang word. Like these basic elements, we cannot change them casually and lose the original appearance of intangible cultural heritage.

To this end, at the end of last year, she proposed the topic of "oral song album" to the Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center, and soon received strong support from the center, with Lin Li, Yin Zhenkai and other consultants, and Mai Weichun as the team leader to form a project team. Mai Weichun said that this fieldwork of Teochew song book chanters has gained a lot from her. She found that the song book in terms of interpretation, because there was no musical score, no accompaniment, and did not stick too much to the singing method, the singer sang casually, as long as the singing was good, can sing the whole plot, can be accepted by the listener. However, the song album is also created in different regions of Chaoshan and has certain differences in rhyming words, such as the album created with different regional accents such as Shantou, Chaozhou, Jieyang and so on, which need to be sung with different accents to sing accurate rhymes. The working women on the seashore sang the song book, often with emotion and body language, while the pastoral housewives sang the song book, most of which were gentle and gentle, more charming.

Six nearly centenarians sing affectionately! The "Oral Song Album" records the living inheritance of intangible cultural heritage

The old man Zheng Anai (right) of Rao PingShu sang the Chaozhou song album with great emotion.

This fieldwork made her more confident to record and inherit the Teochew SongBook Intangible Cultural Heritage in this form. Next, we will also prepare to participate in the investigation of the old creators of Chaozhou song albums organized by the Chaoshan Historical and Cultural Research Center, and obtain more precious living information from the creation of Chaozhou song albums.

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