
Girls whose hair is getting wider and wider, how to prevent shedding? The most complete raiders are coming!

In the face of the "torture" of life and work, I believe that such things have happened to many girls:

Pillows to wake up to every morning, floors to sweep, floor drains in the shower, combs by the dresser... Hair falling everywhere, but only... Very little on the head.

(Source: Network)

Therefore, find a variety of folk remedies to start treating hair loss.

Don't worry! Losing your hair is not the same as losing your hair!

If you want to "cure hair loss", you must use the following scientific methods (treatment strategies are at the end)

Hair is a source of self-identity, self-confidence, and pride for every woman, so when there is a crisis in hair, every woman will be like a big enemy.

A 2012 study in Brazil showed that people's fear of losing their hair was as severe as their fear of developing a myocardial infarction [1], and more than half of the studies were women.

So, are you reading the article pulling your hair and worrying about "losing your hair" becoming "real hair loss"?

Don't panic, please ask the soul in the mirror: Has your hair seam become wider? Is the hair on the top of your head thinning a lot? Isn't your ponytail much thinner?

(Source: References[2])

If your hair does change above, or even has a "Christmas tree" appearance, or has the following conditions, then the probability of "true hair loss" will be greatly increased [2,3]

Sister in a tight ponytail

A beautiful woman who has permed and dyed her hair many times

Excessive dieting to lose weight malnourished beauty

Parents also have babies with hair loss

Postpartum mom

Women over 40 years of age and menopause

Women who receive chemotherapy or take certain medications

In addition to the above methods, there is a very simple method of judgment - Sabouraud's sign.

That is, in the case of not washing the hair for more than 1 day (preferably not washing for 5 days), use five fingers to pull the root of a small amount of hair (50-100 roots), at least 4 times, if the number of hair that falls exceeds 10% of the amount of hair pulled, it is likely to be really hair loss [4].

A life of a hair, simple and pure—

It goes through three periods: growth, regression, and rest. About 10% of our hair is in the telogen phase, 90% in the growth phase, and only about 1% in the regressive phase [4].

When hair is in different periods, it can lead to different hair loss effects, such as the following 4 common types of hair loss.


Traumatic alopecia, after stopping external trauma, hair loss is generally stopped

The most common "external factor" that causes hair loss is the use of too many chemical agents on the hair, such as hair coloring, perming, etc., or pulling the hair for a long time (such as tying the hair too tightly).

Hair, no matter what period of time, will fall out due to excessive physical or chemical stimulation.

This type of alopecia is generally "traumatic alopecia" or "traction alopecia", and often after stopping external stimuli, hair loss will improve.

It is important to note, however, that once chemical or physical stimulation has affected the hair follicles, it can also cause permanent hair loss [5].


Androgenic alopecia: If an immediate family member loses hair, protect your hair more

Yes, androgenic alopecia can also occur in women.

Moreover, whether male or female, androgenic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss.

Unlike men, even if androgenic alopecia occurs, women rarely experience receding hairline, baldness, etc., and the most common manifestation is that the hair is thinned on the top of the head and on both sides.

The pathogenesis is unclear and may be related to heredity, age, and androgenic status in the body.

There is a delay between the end of the telogen phase and the beginning of a new growth period in this type of alopecia patients, i.e. the hair falls off when it falls, but does not grow when it is long [6].

At the same time, on the top of the head of such patients, the soil of hair growth, the hair follicle, is also degenerating, and what used to be thick and black hair may now be thin and soft "hair".

Unlike male hair loss, the causes of female hair loss are more complex. New research suggests that some female patients with male loss do not have relatives with hair loss [7].

The following factors can be responsible for hair loss in women:


Telogen alopecia: postpartum, stress, etc., resulting in hair entering the telogen phase in advance

Many mothers lose a lot of hair after giving birth to a child, which is due to the rapid decline in estrogen and progesterone levels in the body after childbirth.

These two hormones are the elixirs that nourish the hair, and their decline is often accompanied by an increase in androgen levels, causing the hair follicle to contract into a telogen phase, resulting in hair loss.

Stress is also an important cause of telogen hair loss. On the one hand, when the pressure is too high, it will also make the hair follicles of the hair enter the rest period, causing a large amount of hair loss in a short period of time;

On the other hand, severe psychological stress can also cause the body's immune system to attack the hair follicles, resulting in alopecia-like hair loss [8].


Hair loss during the growth period: Dieting to lose weight, lack of vitamins, etc. may lead to the type of hair loss

Dieting and losing weight is something that many people have experienced. As everyone knows, when only vegetarian in order to lose weight, the intake of protein is reduced, the human body does not have enough protein to maintain hair growth, and the hair decreases during the growth period, resulting in hair loss.

In addition, deficiencies of iron, zinc, and other nutrients can lead to hair loss [9,10].

There are also some women who have undergone chemotherapy who have experienced hair loss.

This is because chemotherapy drugs not only attack cancer cells, but also normal hair follicle cells, making them unable to grow normally, resulting in a lot of hair loss, and even hair loss throughout the body.

Although hair loss will affect the appearance, but fortunately, hair loss is not irreversible, on the contrary, hair loss is saved, the sooner the treatment effect is better [3] -

For postpartum hair loss, treatment is not needed, and the hair loss stops after the hormone levels in the body stabilize.

Hair loss caused by combing ponytail and perming and dyeing hair, changing the hairstyle, and taking more care of the hair, often can get a good anti-loss effect.

Hair loss caused by malnutrition caused by weight loss and dieting needs to supplement nutrition in many ways, and the body function is improved, and hair can be naturally raised.

For female-type hair loss, treatments such as drugs are more likely to be used, and it will take months or years to see results.

At present, the clinical treatment of female hair loss mostly uses topical minoxidil.

50% of patients have some degree of hair growth after one year of treatment, especially for hair loss time

Side effects of minoxidil are also minimal, with very few developing allergic contact dermatitis [11].

In addition to minoxidil, there is also a combination of antiandrogen use of the regimen, the use of Dayin 35 can inhibit the activity of testosterone and its product dihydrotestosterone, reduce the atrophy of hair follicles to reduce hair loss.

After 12 weeks of treatment with Dayin 35 combined with minoxidil, the effective rate can reach 70.91%, with small adverse reactions and occasional vomiting and nausea [12].

It should be reminded that the very famous drug for treating male hair loss - finasteride, in general, is not recommended for women! Especially in women of childbearing age, it can lead to abnormal fetal growth and development [13].

Some studies believe that the use of finasteride in menopausal women for hair loss is more effective and the side effects are controllable, but the specific use should be consulted with a professional dermatologist [14].

For patients undergoing chemotherapy, methods such as cooling caps or minoxidil can be taken to protect their hair according to the doctor's recommendations.

Therefore, if you feel that you have signs of hair loss, you must go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible, and do not miss the opportunity to grow hair.

Finally, I wish all the friends who read this article have lush hair!


[1] Penha M , Santos PM, Miot HA. Dimensioning the fear of dermatologic diseases. An Bras Dermatol. 2012 Sep-Oct;87(5):796-9.

[2] American Academy of Dermatology.

[3] Cleveland Clinic.

[4] Ramos PM, Miot HA. Female Pattern Hair Loss: a clinical and pathophysiological review. An Bras Dermatol. 2015;90(4):529-543

[5] Billero V, Miteva M. Traction alopecia: the root of the problem. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2018 Apr 6;11:149-159.

[6] Cotsarelis G, Millar SE. Towards a molecular understanding of hair loss and its treatment. Trends Mol Med. 2001 Jul;7(7):293-301.

[7] Redler S, Messenger AG, Betz RC. Genetics and other factors in the aetiology of female pattern hair loss. Exp Dermatol. 2017 Jun;26(6):510-517.

[8] Grymowicz M, Rudnicka E, Podfigurna A, Napierala P, Smolarczyk R, Smolarczyk K, Meczekalski B. Hormonal Effects on Hair Follicles. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jul 28;21(15):5342.

[9] Almohanna, H.M., Ahmed, A.A., Tsatalis, J.P. et al. The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) 9, 51–70 (2019).

[10] Guo EL, Katta R. Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2017;7(1):1-10. Published 2017 Jan 31.

Chen Junnan (Review), Song Jianxing (Review). Progress in the diagnosis and treatment of female alopecia[J]. Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine, 2012.

Chu Xiaoyan, Liu Yan, Fu Zhiliang, et al. Efficacy of Daying 35 combined with 2% minoxidil solution in the treatment of female hair loss[J]. Chinese Aesthetic Medicine 2017 Vol. 26, No. 11, pp. 72-74, ISTIC CA, 2017.

[13] Thiedke CC. Alopecia in women. Am Fam Physician. 2003 Mar 1;67(5):1007-14. PMID: 12643360.

[14] Won YY, Lew BL, Sim WY. Clinical efficacy of oral administration of finasteride at a dose of 2.5 mg/day in women with female pattern hair loss. Dermatol Ther. 2018 Mar;31(2):e12588.

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