
Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

author:Entertainment goes round and round

Recently, the Internet has exploded.

The super popular Internet celebrity Bai Bing, with an army of 40 million fans, has made waves with the new star Guo Youcai.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

On the vast stage of the Internet, a "debate" about values and choices was quietly staged, starring Bai Bing, who has tens of millions of fans, and Guo Youcai, a new Internet celebrity.

When advertising meets principles, when monetization methods become the focus of heated discussions, the spark between them is not only the story of two people, but also a profound reflection of the current Internet celebrity ecology.

In the Internet celebrity world, Bai Bing, with its huge base of 40 million fans, sits firmly on the throne of super popularity, and its influence should not be underestimated. On the other hand, Guo Youcai broke in as a newcomer, quickly gained fans with his unique charm, and opened up his own sky.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

The worlds of the two did not intersect until a blunt in a live broadcast made their names closely linked. When Guo Youcai was live broadcast in Zhangjiajie, he resolutely refused in the face of high advertising invitations from game merchants, expressing his determination to pursue the depth and value of live broadcast content.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused a storm of discussion. Some viewers mentioned the phenomenon of Bai Bing's frequent insertion of game advertisements in the comment area, and this comment quickly fermented and received tens of thousands of likes, pushing the topic to a climax.

Therefore, this live broadcast clip was carefully edited by the Jiangbei financial media account and made public, which was originally the casual words of Guo Youcai's live broadcast room, but unexpectedly, it attracted Bai Bing himself to express his heart in the comment area and set off waves.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

In the face of doubts, Bai Bing did not evade, but was honest. In his video reply, he emphasized that cooperating with merchants is based on the rules of the platform, and she earns legitimate business cooperation fees, not relying on fan tips.

At the same time, she pointed out that the purpose of her live broadcast is to share and interact, not to induce gifts, and often give back to fans, sticking to her personal bottom line and integrity.

On the one hand, he clearly pointed out that accepting advertising cooperation is actually one of the responsibilities of the platform, and its income comes from the payment of merchants, which has nothing to do with the direct reward of the audience, and does not need to be borne by the audience.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

On the other hand, Bai Bing shared the highlights of his live broadcast experience, revealing that live broadcasts often attract hundreds of thousands or even millions of viewers online at the same time.

He once again reiterated that during the live stream, he insisted that the fans who followed him or ordinary viewers should not bear any gift costs; Instead, he's happy to pay out of his own pocket and give back to his fan base by handing out perks and surprise packages.

Before the two sides had a direct dialogue, the "battle" between fans was already full of gunsmoke. Guo's supporters praised his self-righteous attitude, arguing that he did not directly criticize others and maintained the purity of cyberspace.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

Bai Bing's supporters believe that Guo Youcai's remarks indirectly belittle other peers who make money through advertising and touch the boundary of moral kidnapping.

Behind the controversy is the public's different understanding and expectation of the influencer economic model. Bai Bing's advertising monetization model, relying on its huge fan base and commercial value, is the embodiment of market rules.

And if Guo Youcai can continue to attract fans with content to voluntarily reward, it will also be a victory for his personal brand and charm. Although the paths of the two are different, they jointly reveal the delicate balance between Internet celebrities, fans and business under the fan economy.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

On June 28, Bai Bing personally clarified the situation in the comment area, confirming that the message came from him, but at the same time firmly stated that the response was not directed at Guo Youcai, but against the comments of a netizen.

In the comment, the netizen questioned Bai Bing's frequent placement of game advertisements, meaning that he was easily tempted, and because the comment was subsequently deleted, it caused a misunderstanding of the intention of his response.

Bai Bing emphasized that he had neither the need nor the intention to target Guo Youcai, and this move was purely a legitimate response to defend his personal position.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

In fact, Guo Youcai and Bai Bing's choice of monetization methods are all within the scope of the rules, and there is no difference between the two, only the difference in personal preferences and choice paths.

In the online world, each influencer decides on his or her own development model, whether it is relying on advertising cooperation or fan tips, they should be treated equally. There is no need for the public to deliberately praise one or the other and create an atmosphere of unnecessary antagonism.

As we all know, many big Internet celebrities who used to be beautiful in the past unexpectedly suffered the fate of closure at the peak of their careers. Behind this phenomenon, all reflect the immutable law of "the tree is easy to attract the wind".

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

The Internet celebrity industry, a field that has always been on the cusp, has become the focus of close attention from all walks of life in recent years, especially by relevant departments.

In this way, those popular influencers have naturally become the "focus of attention" of the regulator.

In this context, if you are only obsessed with rising popularity, ignore the timely low-key and self-examination, and do not know how to fade out of the public eye at the right time, then the wave of public opinion "the higher you lift, the heavier you fall" may become an inescapable fate.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

The aftermath of the incident left us not only with after-dinner conversations, but also with deep thoughts on how to find a balance between commercialization and fan emotion.

How Internet celebrities can maintain their own style while taking into account commercial interests and fan feelings has become a must-answer question. It's not just about personal development, it's about the health and future of the industry.

Online disputes are like a mirror, reflecting the diversity and complexity of the Internet celebrity ecosystem. The story of Bai Bing and Guo Youcai is a discussion of choice, respect and growth.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

In this day and age, every influencer should cherish the precious support from their fans and repay that trust with better content and positive behaviors. At the end of the day, regardless of the monetization method, sincerity and integrity are the keys to long-term applause.

In this war without gunpowder, I hope that every participant can find their own answers and work together to create a more harmonious online environment.

This seemingly ordinary Internet celebrity controversy on the surface actually deeply reflects the diverse and deep-seated challenges and contradictions in the process of social evolution.

Bai Bing scolded Guo Youcai for "being and standing" follow-up: I responded on the facts, not at anyone

It is like a bell ringing in the heart, reminding each of us that we urgently need to explore and maintain a delicate balance in the multiple dimensions of profit and morality, individual rights and public interests, forward momentum and lagging status quo, financial pursuit and the essence of human nature.

Only in this way can society move forward steadily and our daily lives will be more harmonious and happy.

The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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