
Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

author:Liu Xiaoshun

This is Liu Xiaoshun's Institute of Travel and Life.

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

Speaking of Italy, everyone should know that it is a very economically developed European country, mainly composed of the Apennine Peninsula and two islands located in the Mediterranean Sea, "Sicily" and "Sardinia". With a long history and a rich cultural heritage, Italy is also one of the countries with the most World Heritage Sites in the world.

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

As a world-famous tourist country in Europe, Italy's many cuisines are also talked about, such as the representative "pasta" and "pizza" that are loved by people around the world.

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

Italy's tourism industry is quite developed, and its unique "artistic" atmosphere and "fashion" culture have always attracted a large number of tourists, which is unforgettable.

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

However, in addition to Italy's praiseworthy art, history, cuisine, scenery, and architecture, many tourists also say that Italy should still be the country with the most handsome men in Europe.

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

If you have traveled to Italy, you will find that italian handsome men are indeed worthy of the name, and it is possible that they have lived in this very artistic country since they were young, which will naturally make them exude a certain elegant temperament.

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

There is also that no matter what occasion you are on, you will see italian handsome men dressed up exquisitely, with fashionable hairstyles, neat beards, sideburns and eyebrows will be specially trimmed, and there is a faint smell of perfume on the body, giving people a feeling of elegance and confidence.

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

Why are there so many handsome men in Italy? There is also a saying that Italy is geographically located, it is at the junction of the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, which means that there may be more ethnic groups and tribes marrying, multiplying here, and gradually optimizing genes.

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

And the Italian handsome guys are not only in their appearance, but also in their enthusiasm for others and their gentlemanly attitude. It is said that every Italian man, regardless of age, is a romantic, and even talking to children begins with "Hello beautiful".

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

However, many people believe that although the Italian handsome man combines romance, enthusiasm, handsomeness, delicacy, thoughtfulness and sweetness, it may also be a "big turnip", but also be careful!

Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Tourist: It's true, but be careful

So, have you ever traveled to Italy? What about italy? Do you think Italy is the country with the most handsome guys in Europe? Did the Italian guy impress you? Welcome to leave a comment!

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