
With this writing guide, the organ "Xiaobai" can also quickly become a "master"

Comrade Mao Zedong once said that to carry out the revolution, we must rely on "two poles" - the barrel of a gun and the barrel of a pen. In government organs and units, the ability to write is the foundation of cadres' standing and housekeeping skills. Being able to write materials and can write materials can often get the leader to "look up" and organize "three points of love". For comrades who have just entered the organs, how to play a good "chess game" of writing materials and enter the "door" of writing materials? The author believes that it is crucial to take the four steps of imitation, accumulation, practice, and modification.


Blue is better than blue, and ice water is colder than water

"The Simulator, the method of the ancients. If you read The Korean well, you will do the grammar of the Korean language; if you read the Su script well, you will do the grammar of the Su language. Zhu Xi said that the importance of imitation was broken. Imitation is the first step of creation, but also the initial form of learning, children's toddlers, literati writing, dancers practice dance, are from the most basic step by step, stroke by stroke, every move imitation. As a beginner, I can't write materials, just look at how others write and learn how others write.

The first is to imitate the original materials and fry "cold rice" into "hot rice". Most people have similar experiences when they first start working, the leader explains to write a material, there is no time and can not teach you to write by hand, but to give you a reference material or let you find the previous material to see. The same work, first look at what was written in the past, how to write, from which to find writing ideas, glimpse the leadership style, and then with the latest decision-making and deployment, situation tasks, target requirements, work initiatives as the "material", the "cold rice" fried hot, an introductory material initially took shape.

The second is to imitate recommended articles and glimpse the "heavenly opportunity" from the "classic". Some leaders of higher-level organs, writing big names, and industry leaders will regularly push classic articles with lofty positions, rich connotations, close to current events, and new brilliance, which can be copied and used for reference with work, and imitation intentions, titles, frameworks, and words and sentences that are not relevant to work often benefit a lot.

The third is to imitate similar materials and change "other use" into "own use". "Those who are good at playing games plot the momentum, and those who are not good at playing tricks seek their sons." The same is true for drafting manuscripts, we must learn how to build momentum, just so-called standing high in order to see far. In the face of a new material, if the unit cannot find the relevant, it can use the network to search for similar documents, learn from the ideas, frameworks or contents of the manuscript, and modify and process it in combination with the actual situation of the unit to become a material that meets the requirements. However, it should be noted that there are many garbage documents on the Internet, and it is necessary to practice a pair of "fire eyes and golden eyes", and the big waves of sand and sand can find high-quality documents with real reference value, otherwise it is easy to "self-defeating".

Just like the famous sentence in the "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion", "The sunset and the lone bird fly together, and the autumn water is long and the sky is one color" is sublimated in the "Horse Shooting Fu" "Falling flowers and Zhigai fly together, and the willow gongchun flag is one color", imitation, not a simple Handan toddler, raw and rigid set. Through imitation of the entry, once born twice and matured three times, after touching the doorway, there is an opportunity to innovate and surpass, to achieve the effect of "blue is better than blue, ice water is colder than water".


Broad-minded and approximate, thick and thin

If imitation is the basic method and the emergency method, accumulation is the basic skill of writing materials, and it needs to be done well. As the saying goes, "it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice", and accumulation solves the problem of "no rice under the pot". As a beginner, we should pay more attention to the accumulation of writing materials. Methodologically speaking—

One is to read more. Read the original works to learn the principles of the original texts, follow up and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's latest important speeches and instructions, continue to deeply understand and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, integrate and apply materials when writing materials, and improve the political height, theoretical vision, and policy level of materials.

Second, read more newspapers. The "newspaper" here refers to the People's Daily, Qiushi magazine and other party newspapers at all levels, official media and professional newspapers and magazines in the field of industry, through reading more news, paying more attention to social hotspots, keeping abreast of the latest policy requirements, work dynamics, ideology, and setting the direction for writing materials. For example, you can pay attention to the WeChat public accounts of party and government organs at all levels and mainstream media, and form the habit of reading every day.

Third, we must extract more copies. In ancient and modern China and abroad, many writers and celebrities have the habit of copying. "Don't use pen and ink and don't read, good memory is not as good as bad pen head." In the work, we must develop the habit of excerpting, establish a material library, see classic articles, ingenious ideas, novel titles, practical vocabulary, brilliant paragraphs, profound comments, etc. are all concentrated in the material library, when there is time to see more and think more, when you need to learn more and use more, often learn new, often new, after a period of accumulation, will eventually accumulate soil into mountains, armpits into fur, sand into towers. For example, the front-page headlines, commentator articles, and theoretical articles of newspapers and periodicals such as the People's Daily are collected in different categories, and they are carefully studied and studied in case of emergency.

The ancients said: "Broad and about to take, thick and thin hair." Accumulation plays a very important role in writing, but accumulation is not simply copied down, but to calm down, to study, to think, to understand, to use, in order to achieve the state of "reading ten thousand volumes, writing like a god", feel the happiness of "plum blossom fragrance from the bitter cold".


The road is long and its cultivation is far away, and I will seek up and down

The material is written, and it is even more dry. "On paper, I finally feel shallow, and I absolutely know that I have to do this thing", there are high people to point out, listen to the lectures of the gods, read a few sample texts, not implemented in the intensive practice, the same is the same on paper. The material is sometimes thought of easy, when you start to write, you find it difficult to start; sometimes you think about the difficulty, and the idea of moving your hand slowly comes out, in the final analysis, it comes down to a sentence: writing is it! From not being afraid to write, to writing without fear, to being afraid of not writing, step by step.

One is to practice from a multidimensional perspective. Different materials have different requirements, through writing different materials, mastering different styles, and opening up different ideas, you can not only cope with different work requirements, but also improve your personal ability and quality.

Second, divergent thinking practice. Working in a post, faced with the problem of repeatedly writing summaries, reports, speeches in the same aspect, many people are overwhelmed by this. If you want to get exercised and continuously improve the level of writing, you can't be lazy, just change the spirit and data examples of implementation, but you must readjust the framework, conceive of new titles, use new expressions, correct previous deficiencies, and write a new material.

Third, we must be willing to bury our heads in hard training. Writing material is hard, so many people are only willing to do business, not to write materials. If you want to become a master of materials, you must have the persistence of "gradually widening the belt and never regretting it, and getting haggard for the people of Yiwu", while studying, researching, working, and summarizing, willing to endure hardships, and transforming and growing in hardship.

The road is long and its cultivation is far away, and I will seek up and down. There is never a shortcut in the world, only down-to-earth, diligent study, in order to strengthen the writing thinking, master the writing skills, easy to deal with the problems of work.


The article is not tired of a hundred times to change, repeatedly deliberate on the good sentences

The famous writer He Qifang said: "Throughout the ages, all those who have written well have probably made efforts in revising them. Lu Yan rang "Yin An a word, twist off a few stems and whiskers", Jia Dao", "two sentences for three years, a yin double tears" all tell the hard work of repeated revision, but also profoundly explain the truth that "the article is changed".

First, be quiet. Most people write a material, often impetuous, eager to throw it away immediately, unwilling to look at it more, so that the material handed over is often rougher. Good materials need to be polished repeatedly, which requires calming down, pondering word by word, filtering sentence by sentence, repeatedly "pushing drafts", and striving to implement the spirit of the superior, conform to local reality, and have guiding significance.

Second, we must listen to it. Every time the poet Bai Juyi writes a poem, he must read it to the old man in the neighbor, the old man has something he can't understand or thinks his language is cumbersome, he will say it, Bai Juyi takes it home and continues to revise it until the old man has no opinion. As a result, most of Bai Juyi's poems are easy to understand and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Writers are prone to "not knowing the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because they are in this mountain", which requires listening to the opinions of leaders and colleagues, humbly asking for advice, opening up the way of speech, and absorbing public opinion, so that the material can fully condense the collective wisdom.

Three to get a hand. There is a popular saying in the material circle: "One draft and two drafts, engaged in white; three drafts and four drafts, just started; five drafts and six drafts, we must do it again; seven drafts and eight drafts, do it again; nine drafts and ten drafts, back to the first draft." Although it is a joke, it also shows that "one draft" is not easy, and if you find that the writing is not right and not good, you must be fierce, make a big change, and even overturn the rewrite, repeatedly revise and improve, until you are satisfied and then shoot.

The article has been through the ages, and the gains and losses are known. Comrade Mao Zedong once said that he was "very little completely satisfied" with what he had published. Before important manuscripts are published, he has to revise them repeatedly, and even if they have been published in the past, he will not hastily print them. This shows that good articles are changed. Beginners should get rid of the trap of "secretarial secretary and secret copying", and constantly learn and practice in revising manuscripts, which not only improve the level of manuscripts, but also improve the spirit of party spirit.

(Author Affilications:Supervision Commission of Nanning Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection)

Author | Rainan

Editor-in-charge | Huang Yawen

Audit | Zhu Jinli Gao Xia

Source | Contemporary Guangxi

Produced by Contemporary Guangxi New Media

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With this writing guide, the organ "Xiaobai" can also quickly become a "master"
With this writing guide, the organ "Xiaobai" can also quickly become a "master"

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