
Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

When it comes to pure electric vehicles, everyone may first think of the "Wei Xiaoli" these new car-making forces, but in fact, there is a brand, the technology is at the forefront, not to mention, the sales volume is better than the "Wei Xiaoli" three, it is GAC Aian.

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

Many people are curious, the same is the traditional car companies to make a new force brand, why GAC Aean can shine, and even in terms of sales can fully surpass the new car-making forces? Today, with this question, I borrowed the release of GAC Aean spring tide products and chatted with you about GAC Aeon.

Let's start with sales

First, let's take a look at several domestic pure electric vehicle brands in March, and the overall sales performance. Xiaopeng Motors sold 15,414 units in March, ranking first among the new forces. Nezha Cars followed, selling 12,026 units. Ideal Auto and NIO sold 11,034 and 9,985 units, respectively.

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

Data source GAC Aeon

The above brands have been counted as new power brands, and they are selling relatively well. However, GAC Aean's sales in March were overwhelming, selling 20,317 vehicles, ranking first in the sales list of smart pure electric vehicles in March 2022, selling almost 5,000 more than Xiaopeng.

Let's take a look at the development history of GAC Aeon. If you count from November 20, 2020, that is, the independent operation of the GAC Aean brand, GAC Aean New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. has just "reached the age".

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

Even since July 28, 2017, GAC BJEV's brand has been registered, it has only been less than 5 years. Compared with most of the new car-making forces, GAC Aean is more "young".

However, in just a few years, GAC Aeon has developed from a new energy brand under a traditional automobile brand to a high-end intelligent electric vehicle brand operated independently, and its development speed can be described as very fast.

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

And whether it is the strength of technology research and development, or the speed of product promotion, GAC Aeon is at the forefront of the industry. For example, at the technical level, GAC Aeon already has magazine batteries, super-double batteries, sponge silicon anode battery technology, and NDA intelligent pilot assistance system, which are ahead of industry technology.

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

In terms of product promotion, GAC Aeon basically maintains the research and development of 2 new cars per year, and each car will also be updated annually every year. Here is revealed a "gossip news", GAC Aeon will launch a pure electric sports car in the second half of this year, as for the "ENPULSE" seen at the event site, or the beast that broke the hundred in 1.9 seconds, the official did not disclose for the time being.

In addition to the product itself, why is GAC Aeon so popular?

Although sales volume does not represent everything, at least it can prove that GAC Aeon's products can withstand the test of users and the market. And this spring fashion product conference, but also let me see from the side of the products and technology, GAC Aean popular on the other side, that is, "trend" and "original".

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

Nowadays, the domestic automobile user group has become more and more young, especially the owners of pure electric vehicles, most of whom are young users. And young people's understanding of the car is by no means as simple as a "means of transportation", but a trendy "single product".

So we can always see many designs that young users like in GAC Aeon's car. For example, at the event site, a variety of new cars led by AION S PLUS and AION Y can already "play games" in the car, and many users are having fun with the game handle on the spot.

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

In addition to the theme of "e-sports", which young users like very much, there are also a large number of surrounding tides playing at the event site, which is also very popular among young users. At this spring fashion release conference, GAC Aean launched three new products at one time, that is, three theme series of clothing wearing, including functional wind, e-sports wind and tide style.

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

The release of clothing as a new product of the car brand is very fresh and interesting, which is also in line with the brand positioning of GAC Aean as the "number one technology player".

Many people wonder, why does GAC Aean launch so many fashion products around? First of all, it is certain that these things are not used to make money, because all the trendy products seen on the scene can be exchanged for points in the APP.

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

Therefore, these "fashion products" are mostly to better serve users. This can not only effectively increase user stickiness, but also greatly enhance the happiness of users' car life, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

As for "original", first of all, GAC Aeon is original from product technology to design. We rarely find other car designs on GAC Aean's cars, including all the "fashion products", which are original, which is a very rare thing.

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

In addition to the originality we see, in fact, gagac Aeon's "original" has another meaning, that is, "co-creation", simply put, "the user's originality".

In this regard, GAC Aean has also done a very successful job. In the more than four years since its establishment, GAC Aeon has not only become the "number one technology player" in the minds of many users, but also created an APP for 300,000 users, which has gained more than 1.14 million fans, of which fans participate in the co-creation of fashion products, with a single monthly shipment of up to 15,000 pieces.

Write at the end

The reason why GAC Aean can sell well is actually very simple. Technology is ahead of the industry, the product foundation is firmly laid, and users basically have no worries about choosing a car. On this basis, GAC Aeon has made its products into fun and trendy "trendy products", while bringing more trendy products around, giving more value to brands and products. Such a brand, how many young people are not impressed?

Pure electric don't just stare at Wei Xiaoli, this brand sells better than TA

It is believed that the monthly sales of 20,000 is just the beginning, and with the increasing popularity of pure electric vehicles and the continuous development of products and functions by GAC Aean, GAC Aeon is expected to continue to lead the new trend of pure electric vehicles. Of course, sales are bound to get higher and higher.

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