
How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Recently, Zhang Ting and his wife were exposed that "96 properties under the company's name were seized", and netizens fried the pan!

"Oh my God, I can't earn so much from the cave people on the top of the mountain" "96 sets?!" It's just in the name of the company. ”

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

I thought that chartering only a large yacht for the TST team to party was enough to "trench";

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

But he ignored it, Zhang Ting had already said that he had too many properties, so much that he would get lost when he returned home! Standing at the entrance of the elevator to ask the security guard how many floors they live in!

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Forget, Zhang Ting also said how big her family is, so big that she needs 5 nannies to serve... The bathroom and bathtub are super large, and the water should be left for two hours at a time to fill [cover your face]

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Poverty limits our imagination... Let's take a look at how outrageous the "Zhang Ting's real estate empire" really is.

Zhang Ting's TST pyramid scheme case began and ended: 96 properties were seized as early as last year

Careful netizens will find that these 96 properties were seized last July, and the news has only now been released. We may wish to sort out the "beginning and end of the Zhang Ting TST pyramid scheme case":

According to relevant information, in early May 2021, the Baokang County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau received an anonymous report that "TST is suspected of pyramid schemes", and the case was officially filed at the end of the month.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

According to the investigation, the "TST Court Secret" Blue Card member bonus system is not a big problem, but the "Bonus System for Red Card Members" has three typical characteristics of "pulling people's heads, paying entry fees, and pyramid team remuneration", so it is recognized as a pyramid scheme.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

In order to facilitate the investigation and collection of evidence, in July 2021, the relevant departments seized 96 properties under the name of Dalway Company, worth 1.7 billion yuan.

In December, the Municipal Supervision Bureau of Yuhua District of Shijiazhuang City applied to the court to take preservation measures.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

The reason for the preservation was that, in the course of investigating Dalway's bank account, the authorities found that the company had transferred and hidden a large number of market funds.

In order to prevent major losses to the country, the application was made to take preservation measures for 600 million yuan of funds involved in the transmission.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve
How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

On December 28, 2021, the relevant departments announced the following penalty results: confiscation of illegal gains of 19.2799 million yuan, fines of 1.7 million yuan, and forfeiture of nearly 21 million yuan.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

After this result was announced, many netizens believed that the punishment was too light, and the profit of 19.2799 million yuan was difficult to convince the public.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Until today, the tip of the iceberg floating under the water has emerged: don't worry, the relevant departments are still investigating!

While it is impossible to predict the final answer, the 96 properties have not yet been "unsealed" to illustrate at least two questions:

First, there are still doubts about the TST pyramid scheme case, which may be in the aspect of "transferring and hiding market funds" that netizens are concerned about.

Second, since Zhang Tinglin Ruiyang can afford to buy these 96 properties, the profits on the books may not be all.

We will have to wait and see what the truth is!

Huangpu and Changning have plots and terraces of 200 million mansions for growing vegetables

On closer reflection, these 96 properties are only "under the name of the company".

Guess, is it possible that the "TST headquarters building" jingyao qiantan bought by Zhang Ting in 2020?

It is said that Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Ting bought the No. 2 office building with a unit price of 66,924 yuan per square meter. The office building has a total of 17 floors, with a total floor of 2,200 square meters and a total area of 37,400 square meters.

According to the official price, the property management fee of this building will be 1.42 million yuan a month!

If Zhang Ting and his wife use it for rent, then according to the official rental price, the daily income is 336,600 [covering the face].

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve
How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

These two bosses of TST are really "trench" [covering their faces].

Zhang Ting's identity as the "owner of the front beach" is not the most cattle, she is still the "owner of Xuhui".

In the area where Xuhui Binjiang is inches of land, 50 meters away from the Huangpu River, there is a house with an average price of 140,000 per square meter, Shangwan Haoting, where Zhang Ting owns a top-floor mansion.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Zhang Ting once showed this mansion in a variety show, and she also felt "sorry" that "her home always caused many friends to get lost":

"Usually the first time you come to my house, you get lost."

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve
How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

I remember that Yu Yang, a comedian in the northeast, participated in this show and saw the gorgeous decoration style of the interior, and Yu Yang still maintained his composure. When you push open the glass door and see the terrace of more than 300 square meters, Yu Yang is not calm...

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

This 250 million yuan worth of mansion terrace, Zhang Ting actually used her to grow vegetables?!

Zhang Ting explained with a smile: "I pay great attention to eating, and my family should eat healthy." ”

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Of course, Zhang Ting could not have planted vegetables himself, and the only person who planted vegetables could be a nanny.

Once on the program of Xiao S and Cai Kangyong, Zhang Ting counted the nannies at home: cooking, cleaning, counting the drivers a total of 5.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

In the show, Zhang Ting once expressed his dissatisfaction with a nanny from Henan or Hebei:

"They probably don't have a refrigerator at home, and I told him you put your food in the refrigerator, but she put it on the cupboard every time."

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

It seems that this eldest sister really regards herself as a "queen through time and space".

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

It is said that Zhang Ting is not only a "landlord" but also a landlord.

In November during the investigation, they also joined hands with a fund to take the subway commercial land on Tianshan Road in Changning District, and prepared to do a big job!

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

It is true to yearn for wealth, but the means of "gathering wealth" are too disgraceful

There are many rich people in this era, and Zhang Ting and his wife make netizens unfair not because of "hatred of the rich", but because "trenches have no humanity" and "trenches have no bottom line" - their "wealth gathering" means are too disgraceful.

In the early years, Zhang Ting and his wife both left the entertainment industry to join the business world.

Although at that time, "Lin Ruiyang was a real estate tycoon worth 33 billion yuan", the discerning people could see that they did not make money in those years.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve
How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Even in 2013, when Shanghai Dalway was just founded, they were sued for arrears of payment to suppliers.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

But since 2019, Lin Ruiyang has shown himself as a "white-haired grandmother", and the couple seems to have found a way to get rich, and its name is "TST Court Secret". (Essence is the way to cheat money):

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

In the name of cosmetics micro-business, it has rapidly developed 6.76 million "members" and sold tens of billions of dollars in three years. Behind the "myth of gathering wealth" is the scam of "pulling people's heads, paying entry fees, and pyramid team remuneration";

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

It is the couple who join forces to carry out "mind control" of various means to "go offline";

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve
How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

It is to use the stars who are short of money or greedy for money to call their own platform;

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

It is to use the acting skills in the live broadcast room to cry poor and sell miserably, to create a so-called miracle of "selling 250 million yuan in 5 hours of live broadcasting, surpassing Luo Yonghao"...

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Embarking on this road is not accidental, it is all caused by blind worship of gold and lack of conscience, and some clues can be found from Zhang Ting's early interviews.

Zhang Ting bought her first big house at the age of 25, and she described it to the host:

"My neighbors are all in their 40s, they have doctors and lawyers, they're all of that class."

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

She used the inappropriate word "class", and it can be seen that she is ashamed of poverty, yearns for "rich and rich", and has no values in her heart.

Interestingly, at this point, the camera captures the subtle expressions of the audience...

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Zhang Ting used to be a very lucky and talented actor and actress.

In just four or five years, it has become popular because of works such as "Love Through Time and Space" and "Luminous God Cup", known as "the first dimple beauty", "dream lover" and "female Zhou Xingchi". When she was very popular, Yang Mi and Tong Liya were still "juniors".

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve
How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve
How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

Zhang Ting also worked very hard and single-mindedly wanted to get ahead.

She has done 9 test tubes for pregnancy, while giving birth to a baby, taking a master's degree, and thinking about making a comeback film.

At that time, he always recalled the difficulties of his family and the hardships of his childhood, and his tears still seemed sincere.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

However, since establishing the TST Court Secret and successfully getting rich and wealthy, Zhang Ting has changed into a person.

Full of lies, poor "acting skills", frequent ostentation of wealth, and once sold her "micro-business thick black science" on the Internet.

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

We ordinary people feel that after the actor became popular, the speed of making money has been like driving an airplane. But probably for Zhang Ting, the speed of "flying the plane" is still too slow, and she has to take a rocket [cover her face].

After becoming a "trench rich", she enjoyed the stars in the circle for their "cattle breaking status quo" shocked jaws; she enjoyed showing her acting skills in the live broadcast room, letting hundreds of thousands of working people pay for her hard work;

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

She was so proud that she had everything under control, and even forgot her form; the habit of "poverty and luxury" made her gradually lose her conscience and self.

Nowadays, everything has returned to its original form, the aura of "star" has been lost, and the myth of "local tycoons" is no longer there. I'm afraid that the business world and the entertainment industry do not have her place...

I don't know at this time, will Zhang Ting regret not being the beginning?

How "trench" is Zhang Ting? Huangpu Changning has a land, 200 million mansions to grow vegetables, 5 nannies to serve

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