
TST Court secret e-commerce platform store removal Customer service responded that the business was adjusted

On January 7, Zhongxin Finance (reporter Xie Yiguan) On January 7, Zhongxin Financial reporters logged on to Taobao, Jingdong and other e-commerce platforms and found that the TST court secret official flagship store could not be searched, but the TST court secret flagship store on the Douyin platform was still operating normally.

TST Court secret e-commerce platform store removal Customer service responded that the business was adjusted

The Taobao platform has been unable to search the TST Court secret official flagship store.

When the reporter asked the Taobao official customer service about the reason, it said, "Under normal circumstances, if the seller closes the store or does not open a store for the time being, it is impossible to search." ”

The official customer service of TST Court Secret told reporters, "This is a business adjustment of the company, if you want to buy products, you can download the TST Court Secret APP to place orders." ”

As for whether the TST official Douyin live broadcast room will be closed, the TST court secret official customer service said, "At present, no relevant notice has been received." ”

Previously, the Shijiazhuang Yuhua District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau revealed through the "Reply to the Verification Letter" that Shanghai Darway Trading Co., Ltd. was suspected of using the network to engage in pyramid schemes, "because it used financial institutions to transfer or conceal funds involved in pyramid schemes, the bureau has applied to the people's court to take preservation measures in accordance with the law, and the case is currently under further investigation." ”

In this regard, the TST Court secretly issued a statement in the early morning of December 29, 2021, saying that thanks to the Government of Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, for guiding our company to check risks, the company's current operation is normal, and the company will actively cooperate with the relevant departments.

According to Tianyan' investigation, the TST Court was secretly founded by Lin Ruiyang, the husband of actor Zhang Ting, and Darway Company is the main body of the secret operation of the TST Court, with Tao Hong as one of its shareholders.

TST Court secretly replied to the official Weibo, which has been banned.

On January 2, it was reported that TST founders Zhang Ting, Lin Ruiyang and his wife, and TST Ting's secret Weibo were all banned. In addition, the reporter's inquiry found that Zhang Ting's Douyin account was also prohibited from publishing works. According to the explanation of the penalty for violation, the user was banned from publishing works for violating the relevant provisions of the Douyin Community Self-Discipline Convention. (End)

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