
How can you prove in one sentence that you have read a certain book?

author:Beam bungee jumping

1 God, your subordinates, fuck me.

- Yu Hua, "Shouting in the Drizzle"

2 sons, there are only eight buckets of rice in their fate, and they have gone all over the world dissatisfied with the rise.

——Yu Hua, "Brothers"

3 people live for the sake of being alive itself, not for anything other than being alive.

—— Yu Hua, "Alive"

4 There are treasures in the heavens, the sun, the moon and the stars; There is a treasure in the world, and the breasts are fat and fat.

- Mo Yan,"Fat Buttocks"

5 - On the ninth day of the first month of August in the 939 ancient calendar, my father, a bandit, was a little more than fourteen years old. He followed the team of the legendary hero Yu Zhan'ao, who later became famous all over the world, to ambush the enemy's car team on the Jiaoping Highway.

—— Mo Yan, "Red Sorghum Family"

6 days passed smoothly, overwhelmed, male dogs cocked their tails triumphantly, and people cocked their cocks.

——Mo Yan, "Life and Death Fatigue"

7 A person, especially wants to become something, but never becomes something, then this thing has become something that he has been dreaming about all his life.

—— Mo Yan, "The Late Bloomer"

8 Father, this time you are big, like An Lushan Day Noble Concubine Niangniang, like Cheng biting Jin and robbing the Sui Emperor Gang, fierce and less auspicious, life is difficult to protect.

— Mo Yan's "Sandalwood Punishment"

9 Bai Jiaxuan later became proud of marrying seven women in his lifetime.

——Chen Zhongzhong, "White Deer Plain"

10 I have very low demands on myself: I live in the world, just to understand some truths and encounter interesting things. If I can do what I want, my life will be successful.

——Wang Xiaobo, "The Silent Majority"

11 I was twenty-one years old on that day, in the golden age of my life. I have a lot of extravagant hopes. I want to love, I want to eat, and I want to turn into a half-light and half-dark cloud in the sky in an instant. Later, I learned that life is a slow process of being hammered, people grow old day by day, and their extravagance disappears day by day, and finally they become like a cow that has been hammered.

——Wang Xiaobo, "The Golden Age"

12 That year we walked home from the snow and walked into the depths of the white fog, and I was thrilled to see her. At that time, there was chaos on all sides, and I didn't know where the heavens and the earth were, and I saw her struggling through the kneeless deep snow, and I wanted to pick her up. Her little face was frozen red, and the white gas that came out was like a fountain. At that time, the world was vast, and there seemed to be no one else in the world. I want to protect her, get her, take her for myself.

——Wang Xiaobo, "Thirty and Standing"

13 years have passed, and everything has happened. There is no room for change in what has happened.

——Wang Xiaobo, "Like the Year of Water Flowing"

14 people live in the world, and happiness and pain are not clearly distinguished. So I just want it to be genuine.

——Wang Xiaobo, "Love in the Revolutionary Period"

15 There are not many good things in this world, there are simply none. So whatever it is, I'm willing to sacrifice my life for it

—Wang Xiaobo, "My Yin and Yang Realms"

16 The reason why there are unowned things in this world is because some people have lost their memories.

——Wang Xiaobo, "Wanshou Temple"

17 If you look closely, you can see that a flying swallow has been stabbed on the glans of his glans, which was fashionable at that time.

——Wang Xiaobo, "Red Breeze Night Run"

18 I said, "I have never done anything to harm heaven and nature.

The King of Yama said, "You have been indecent, trivial, mediocre, and you have emptied a good skin bag given to you by heaven, and you dare to argue that you are not guilty?"

—— Yu Geng, "If There Is No Tomorrow"

More than 19 years later, facing the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia will recall the distant afternoon when his father took him to see the ice.

—García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude

20 Unfortunately an infectious disease. The unfortunate poor have to avoid each other, lest the disease spread again.

- Dostoevsky's White Nights

21 I was old, and one day, in the hall of a public place, a man came up to me. He introduced himself and said to me, "I know you and will always remember you." At that time, you were still very young, and everyone said you were beautiful, and now, I am here to tell you, for me, I think you are more beautiful now than when you were younger, when you were a young woman, and I love your battered face more than you did then.

—Margaret Duras

22 I was deeply afraid that I was not a beautiful jade, so I did not dare to think about it, but I half believed that I was a piece of beautiful jade, so I refused to be mediocre and in the company of rubble. So I gradually became detached from the mortal world, alienated from the world, and as a result, a sense of resentment and shame increasingly fueled the weak self-esteem in my heart.

——— Nakajima Atsushi "Mountain Moon Chronicle"

23 for you, thousands and thousands of times.

——— Kadler Hussey, you "The Kite Chaser"

24 What I have the most sympathy for is that God cannot commit suicide.

- Ryunosuke Wasagawa, "The Life of a Fool"

25 If you happen to pass through 84 Chaling Cross Street, please offer me a kiss, for I owe her much.

- Helene Hanf, "84 Charing Cross Street"

Although the 26-hole room flower candle is good, it is not as interesting as fornication.


27 You, you who don't even know I exist!

- Zweig, "Letter to a Strange Woman"

28 It is those who have the right to dispose of the country's money in their hands. They use the money of the state to make private relations; Earn power in your hands by personal connections; Then use the power in your hands to earn the money of the country. So the cycle, power and money are both abundant.

——Wang Yuewen, "Chinese Painting"

29 In the past, women paid attention to cultivation, but now women only know how to pay attention to clothing. They also thought they could just put on fancy clothes. Wearing a full head jewelry, it is more valuable than the woman next to it, and it should be more respected than the woman next to it; In fact, they thought about it for a while, if they dressed up a donkey, it could stack more things on its body, but people still only regarded it as a donkey.

--Giovanni Boccaccio, "Decameron"

30 I don't think a person can be happy so easily! Happiness is like a palace guarded by dragons on a magical island. To attain happiness, you have to go through a vicious fight.

- Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

31 Lolita is the light of my life, the fire of desire, but also my sin, my soul. Lolita, the tip of the tongue has to move down three times from the palate, and then gently stick to the tooth for the third time: Lo-Li-Ta.

- Vladimir Nabokov, "Lolita"

32 First eyes, once coveted all kinds of glitz in the world; The second is the nostrils, which prefer a gentle breeze and an emotional fragrance; Again it is the mouth, once opened, moaning out of pride, shouting in lust; Again it's the hands, love to touch lubricated things; Finally, the soles of the feet, which used to run so fast in order to satisfy desires, can no longer walk.

— Flaubert, Madame Bovary

33 You can never really get to know a man unless you walk around in his shoes and think in his shoes.

—Harper Lee, "Kill the Mockingbird"

34 Then I understood that I had never really seen fire, nor had I seen destruction, let alone a new life.

- Acheng "Tree King"

35 I was born in York in 1632 into a decent family. We are not authentic locals because my father is from Bremen, Germany. When he arrived in England, he initially settled in Hull, where he bought a family fortune in business, and later moved to York, where he married my mother. Her mother's maiden name was Robinson, and she was a prominent local family. So I was named Robinson Cruznell, but because of the change in pronunciation among the locals, I called us "Croceau."

——— Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe

(Don't ask me why I can remember such a boring and lengthy beginning, having watched Robinson Crusoe 27 times as a kid.) There is only one reason – the lack of books. Also watched more than twenty times are "Water Margin" and the illustrated version of "Three Kingdoms")

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36 In order to be fully associated with another person, one must first associate with oneself. If we can't embrace our own loneliness, we're just using others as a shield against isolation.

—Owen Yaron, "When Nietzsche Wept"

The greatest enemy of the 37 people is themselves, and the heavens and the earth are not limited to people, and the people themselves are limited to the heavens and the earth. After so many years of facts, it has been proved that what you do according to your wishes must not be a good thing, only if you make yourself uncomfortable and awkward, is the hope.

—— Yan Zhen, "The Water of the Waves"

38 In addition to dressing and eating, the most important thing for people in the town is human affection and face, which is almost the reason for living.

—Yan Zhen, "Alive Above"

39 At that time I did not understand how contradictory human nature was, how much acting was contained in the performance of sincerity, how many despicable motives were hidden in noble conduct, or conversely, whether there was goodwill behind evil deeds.

- Maugham, "The Moon and Sixpence"

40 Illegal Free Love Is Often Looked Down upon by Legitimate Love.

- Maupassant, "Ball i of Mutton Fat"

41 We are rarely born to be blessed in the world, so when the mind or body is not tormented at the same time, it is necessary to let one of them suffer, and the good state of this one is almost always detrimental to the other.

- Rousseau's Confessions

42 You like everyone, that is, you are indifferent to everyone.

— Wilde, Portrait of Dowling Gray