
17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

author:Sunflower inventory

17-year-old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie died of convulsions in Indonesia! Questioned by netizens that the golden first aid time was delayed!

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

Cause of the incident

17-year-old Chinese badminton singles player Zhang Zhijie was competing in Indonesia yesterday, and when he fainted, he was playing against a Japanese player in a badminton match, when the two were in a hot match, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted to the ground, and his body convulsed violently.

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

State media said that the medical staff at the scene of the match took Zhang Zhijie to the hospital within two minutes of him fainting, but unfortunately, the 17-year-old badminton player's life was forever fixed on that court.

On-site first aid raises questions

On the morning of July 1, after the Badminton Association announced the news of Zhang Zhijie's unfortunate death, some netizens questioned Zhang Zhijie's first aid.

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

Although the video does not disclose the specific first aid process, we can see that when the first aid personnel of the Indonesian organizer pointed out that when they arrived at the scene with a stretcher, it can be seen from the video that the first aid personnel only carried the stretcher to the scene, and surrounded Zhang Zhijie without hurry.

Netizens questioned whether the organizer had the corresponding first-aid equipment on site.

As early as Euro 2021, Danish football player Eriksen also suddenly became unwell during the game and fell to the ground without warning.

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

He was discovered by his teammates within three seconds, the captain arrived at the scene after 5 seconds, the team doctor was in place within 8 seconds, and the medical team of the organizer arrived at the scene with AED first-aid equipment in 37 seconds, rescued Eriksen on the spot, and successfully saved Eriksen's life.

It seems that this textbook-level on-site rescue did not attract the attention of many sports competition organizers!

Compared with this time Zhang Zhijie fainted and died at the badminton match scene, netizens felt very angry!

Compared with Eriksen's cardiac arrest incident on the football field, the reactions of his teammates, staff and rescuers at the scene, this time, badminton player Zhang Zhijie fainted because the on-site personnel had no awareness of first aid, which made netizens extremely angry!

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

Netizens with first aid experience said that the best rescue time for sudden cardiac death is 4 minutes, and it must be fast, racing against time, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a race against death! If the patient is resuscitated within one minute of fainting, the survival rate of AED rescue is 90%, that is to say, after fainting, every second of this minute is very precious!

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

After Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, there was no staff on the scene for about 30 seconds to check, when the coach tried to go forward to check Zhang Zhijie's condition, but was also stopped by the referee at the game site, until Zhang Zhijie was found to be wrong, the medical team started first aid for Zhang Zhijie.

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

Some netizens pointed out that Zhang Zhijie's domestic coaching team was also derelict in his duties, if the on-site staff could pay attention to Zhang Zhijie's fainting, the coach would still care about the rules at a critical moment!

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

In dozens of seconds, Zhang Zhijie fainted and was not taken seriously, and the on-site first aid staff were not professional enough, according to the real sudden cardiac death rescue process, Zhang Zhijie has a great chance of being rescued.

Zhang Zhijie's sister witnessed the whole process of her brother falling to the ground on live TV, she thought that her brother was just sick, but she didn't expect this to fall, and her brother never got up again:

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

Regarding the death of her younger brother, Zhang Zhijie's sister also questioned it.

Zhang Zhijie is one of the most promising rookies of the Chinese men's badminton team

Zhang Zhijie was born in Jiaxing in 2007, is one of the most promising rookies of the Chinese men's badminton team, and is also the country's key training object, Zhang Zhijie entered the national youth badminton team in 2003.

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

In 2022, Zhang Zhijie, who is only 15 years old, won the men's singles championship in the finals of the National U Series Badminton Competition, and in 2023, 16-year-old Zhang Zhijie won the men's singles championship and men's team championship in Group B of the National Youth Badminton Championships.

In the first half of this year, the 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie also won the men's singles championship of the Henan Youth Badminton International Championship and the men's team championship of Group B of the 2024 National Youth Badminton Championships.

May the tragedy never happen again

This young man who can be called the pride of heaven, there are infinite possibilities in the future, he can represent the country at the age of 17, he has just begun to bloom in your badminton arena, he has not had time to realize many of his dreams, such a young life with regrets has come to an end.

17-year-old national feather Zhang Zhijie competed in Indonesia, fell to the ground and died of convulsions! Was this "man-made" or accidental?

About 540,000 people die suddenly of heart disease in mainland China every year, and in 2019, actor Gao Yixiang died of a heart attack during the recording of a certain program and was not rescued in time!

For ordinary people, many people lack first aid awareness, do not understand first aid knowledge, and do not know first aid skills, this time Zhang Zhijie died suddenly on the field, once again sounded the alarm for everyone, it can be seen how important it is for us ordinary people to learn first aid knowledge!

More netizens called for starting from the doll and including first aid in the nine-year compulsory education!

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