
Qingwei | Wang Xingbiao: Encounter

Qingwei | Wang Xingbiao: Encounter

Wen | Wang Xingbiao Editor| Swallow Photo | Network

Last week, I went for a haircut. I was standing in front of the barbershop and hesitating when suddenly a boy pushed open the door and invited me. He wears high-soled white striped sneakers on his feet, a blue turtleneck knit shirt, and an off-white jacket. His round, chubby face, bronzed, but full of childishness and cunning, nodded and said to me, "Please come in, please come in."

I couldn't refuse this invitation, and Mei Zizi went into the shop, or he washed my hair. He affectionately called me "brother" and gently massaged my head, and I suddenly felt relaxed. Then he said apologetically: "I just ran out of hot water, I am grasping the boiling water, maybe the water is a little cold, please don't mind." It just so happened that the water was flowing over my head, warm and not cold. I thought to myself this is a very talkative child. So I asked him his age, and he replied that he was fifteen. Ah, only fifteen years old! It occurred to me that my students were also about fifteen years old, but there were few people who were so good at talking, and even fewer who were so self-sufficient. I paid extra attention to him because of this, and therefore I talked a lot more.

I asked him, "Where do you study?"

"I didn't read anymore, I came out for more than a year, and I didn't finish my second year of junior high school..." he said.

It turned out to be a kid who dropped out of school. I thought of homeschooling, I thought of the compulsory education law. I asked him, "Doesn't anyone care about you if you don't read?" In order not to arouse his disgust, I deliberately spoke in a relaxed tone.

At this time, he let out a triumphant laugh: "The four of us played well, we didn't study together, and as a result, both of them were arrested by the police station and studied in it for three days..."

"The result?"

"As a result, they all went back to school."

"Then why not arrest you?" I learned his tone of voice.

"Because I left school the day after I left, I went to Qingdao and stayed there for more than half a year."

I suddenly felt a little pain in my heart, not knowing whether this child was lucky or unlucky. I wanted to tell him the truth about reading, so I made it clear: "Actually, I'm a teacher, and you're about the same age as my students." Even, you are more sensible and independent than most of them..."

"Teacher, I can see that you are a city person."

"City people?" I smiled mockingly, "Actually, good grades don't really evaluate a child." Some children have bad grades, but he is very sensible, ambitious and ambitious, and he is still a good child. ”

As if he had met a confidant, he praised me as a good teacher. I took the opportunity and said, "Go back to school, there are many, many better teachers than me."

He shook his head and said he wasn't going back, he said he was going to start at the barbershop and become a big boss later, and then he smiled with his white teeth and said, "When the time comes, I'm going to visit my teacher in a luxury car and a good cigarette."

I was infected by his innocence, when we were both a boy who loved to dream. Think of your friends around you, maybe he made the right choice. As long as a person has the ambition and perseveres, he will be able to succeed one day. So I graciously gave him advice: "That's okay, but you have to go out and walk around more, see more of the outside world, and have more insights, so that you can become a big boss."

After getting a haircut, when I went out, he panicked and pushed open the door for me, just as attentive as when I first arrived. He said to me, "Teacher, thank you! Welcome back next time! ”

I've been to a lot of barbershops, and when I leave, I'll say " Welcome next time " , and I know they're not really welcome to me. However, this unknown boy, this ordinary sentence that was said to me that day, was very different...

Qingwei | Wang Xingbiao: Encounter

Author; : Wang Xingbiao, teacher, Xiwen.

One Point Heart Dream Literature

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