
Confessing to her daughter and asking for a wife for Baoyu, Jia Mu's free will reached the point of changing the order

The Little Sister of the Xue Family, Baoqin, appeared in Jia Mansion, making Jia Mu "like it unavoidably", one moment "forcing the wife to recognize the dry daughter", and the other moment "asking Aunt Xue about her Nian Geng's eight characters and the situation inside the family", "to match with Bao Yu", such a contradictory behavior, even readers outside the book can't see it, so they prove that Jia Mu's "to match with Bao Yu" is either Jia Mu playing with Bao Qin to attack Bao Chao, or Aunt Xue is self-made, jia mu has no such meaning.

In short, in the eyes of these readers, the old lady is the smartest, others are fools, and the old lady plays with the heart eye all the time, that is, a thick black expert, smiling and giggling on the mouth, mmp in the heart, and Wang Xifeng's "smile on the top of the face, make a trip under the feet; Ming is a pot of fire, dark is a knife" is comparable. These people never really want to think about why Jammu behaves so divisively.

Confessing to her daughter and asking for a wife for Baoyu, Jia Mu's free will reached the point of changing the order

Saying that it is strong evidence, it seems that it is indeed very conclusive evidence, because, the fifty-seventh time, when Dai Yu wanted to recognize Aunt Xue as a mother, Bao Chao said "I can't recognize it", the reason is that "my brother has been matched", which means that Xue Pan has taken a fancy to Dai Yu and wants to marry, so he can't recognize his wife.

Indeed, once the relationship between brothers and sisters is confirmed, it is no longer possible to talk about marriage, otherwise it is incest.

In fact, whether Jia Mu "wants to match with Baoyu" does not need to be guessed at all, nor does it have to take Baochao's words as evidence, because the book clearly tells us the answer.

Jia Mu's inconsistent behavior, judging from everyone's reaction, everyone is more convinced of "seeking matching with Baoyu".

When Jia Mu asked Aunt Xue "about her Nian Geng's eight characters and the situation in the family", Aunt Xue's psychological activity was as follows:

Aunt Xue meant it, probably to match Baoyu. Aunt Xue's heart was also willing, but she had already promised the Mei family, because Jia Mu had not yet said it explicitly, and she was not good at formulating it, so she half spit and half revealed to Jia Mu Dao...

Jia Mu "forced the wife to recognize the dry daughter" first, to Aunt Xue "asked her Nian Geng Bazi and the situation inside the family" After that, Aunt Xue could not know that the brothers and sisters could not marry? According to common sense, her mental activity should be like this:

Aunt Xue meant that she was about to seek a match with Baoyu, and she couldn't help but be shocked, was the old lady confused for a moment and forgot that my sister recognized her daughter? No, I can't pick it out, so I half spit and half revealed to Jia Mu Dao...

Judging from Aunt Xue's reaction, she either did not know anything about Jia Mu's "forcing her wife to recognize her daughter", or she did not take Jia Mu's character seriously. From a common sense point of view, the latter is the most likely. Because, such a big thing, Baoqin could not fail to report to Aunt Xue. Moreover, from a reasonable point of view, if Jia Mu wants Madame Wang to recognize Baoqin as a dry daughter, she must first seek the consent of Aunt Xue. Xue Tadpole Baoqin's brothers and sisters entered the capital to attach themselves to Aunt Xue, and Aunt Xue became their guardian, and the major events of the brothers and sisters had to be decided by Aunt Xue, such as Aunt Xue's request for Xue Tadpole to marry Xing Xiuyan.

Confessing to her daughter and asking for a wife for Baoyu, Jia Mu's free will reached the point of changing the order

I am inclined that Jia Mu did not seek Aunt Xue's consent in advance, but Jia Mu relied on the old and sold the old when entertaining jokes, so the author used a "forced" word, that is, Jia Mu "liked it unavoidably" when she saw Baoqin, and she took it upon herself to keep Baoqin by her side, so she forcefully asked Madame Wang to admit her daughter.

A "forced" word indicates that everyone is pandering to Jia Mu just to make her happy. And this pandering, which is entertaining in nature, does not rise to the level of fulfillment of formal procedures. You know, if you really recognize your daughter, you need to do a ceremony, not just verbally.

This is the author's Spring and Autumn brushwork, a "forced" word omits a number of words, leaving it to the reader to understand.

Why "force", is Aunt Xue not agreeing or Madame Wang disagreeing? This is a great thing to further close the relationship between Jia Xue and the two families, Madame Wang and Aunt Xue are sisters, what reason do they have not to agree? Therefore, this "forced" word indicates that this kind of thing was originally going through the procedure, but Jia Mu could not wait and was about to have a result, so Madame Wang had to agree.

Judging from everyone's reaction, everyone took this matter as a joke, because there was no ceremony afterwards, that is, there was no publicity, and no formal relationship was established.

Confessing to her daughter and asking for a wife for Baoyu, Jia Mu's free will reached the point of changing the order

Everyone mentioned here refers to Jia Mu and Aunt Xue, as well as Wang Xifeng, and even refers to Zi Juan and Bao Yu.

When Jia Mu asked Aunt Xue "about her Nian Geng Bazi and the situation inside the family", Wang Xifeng was also present. At that time, Wang Xifeng's reaction was to smile and say, "Old Ancestor leave it alone, I see in my heart that the two of them are a pair." Now that I have promised people, it is useless to say it, so it is better not to say it. "Directly explain Jia Mu's thoughts."

If Wang Xifeng's words are not substantiated, then the words of Zi Juan and Bao Yu can fully prove it.

The fifty-seventh time, Zi Juan tried jade to scare Bao Yu into a stupidity, and afterwards, Bao Yu asked Zi Juan, "Why did you scare me?" Zi Juan only said the worry in her heart, she was stimulated by the old lady's "to match with Baoyu": "In the years, I heard the old lady say that she wanted to set up a piano girl." ”

If Baoqin had become Madame Wang's dry daughter in name, Bao Yu's reaction at this time should be like this: "Don't talk nonsense, she is my dry sister."

Baoyu is the most protective of the girl, the seventy-ninth time, when Baoyu and Xiangling talked about Xue Pan's marriage, he said such a sentence: "I only heard the quarrel for half a year, and today I said that the Zhang family is good, Ming'er wants the Li family, and the queen talks about the Wang family." The daughter of these people,She did not know what sin she had committed, and told the people to talk about it with dignity. ”

The innocent daughter was talked about marriage in a dignified manner, and Baoyu thought it was "creating a sin", if Baoqin had become Baoyu's dry sister, it would be even more sinful to be said by Zi Juan.

Confessing to her daughter and asking for a wife for Baoyu, Jia Mu's free will reached the point of changing the order

However, Bao Yu did not mention the relationship between the brothers and sisters, only saying that "she has promised to the Mei Hanlin family", indicating that this matter is impossible, because Baoqin already has a marriage contract, not that there is already a brother-sister relationship.

All kinds of signs show that Jia Mu's "forcing her wife to recognize her daughter" is just a temporary entertainment, and everyone does not take it seriously, but "to match with Baoyu" is more recognized by everyone.

While confessing to her daughter and asking for a wife for Baoyu, Jia Mu changed her orders in this way, and the author intended to criticize her for holding on to authority and doing whatever she wanted.

The plot in the novel is all in the service of the main idea, otherwise it is nonsense. The Red Chamber has no idle writing, and every plot is meaningful. As the supreme authority of Jia Fu, jia mu is criticized by the author everywhere, including petting Bao Yu as "the first incompetence in the world", including her disregard for the decline of Jia Fu and still extravagant, and also her ability to do whatever she wants in her position of authority.

The author writes that Jia Mu confessed her daughter while asking for a marriage for Bao Yu, the purpose is to criticize Jia Mu's arbitrary desires.

As mentioned earlier, Jia Mu is "forcing the wife to recognize the dry daughter", and this "forced" word is the Spring and Autumn Brushwork, which contains a pejorative meaning. Who can "force" others? Only the authority knows that the other party is powerless to resist, such as parents forcing children, leaders forcing subordinates, and so on. Reasonable people will never force people to do things, but will only convince people with reason. Moreover, the higher the person, the less he will force people with power. Jia Mu forced Lady Wang, is the mother-in-law forced daughter-in-law, in the society where filial piety is greater than heaven, Lady Wang can only agree.

This is the author's criticism of Jia Mu's use of power to oppress people.

Confessing to her daughter and asking for a wife for Baoyu, Jia Mu's free will reached the point of changing the order

The same use of power to suppress people, the book also wrote once, that is, to Wang Taiyi to "send people to demolish the lobby of the Hospital." Tai Hospital is not a private hospital in Jia Province, and it is really necessary to say that Jia Mu does not have so much power to demolish Tai Hospital. Just like Wang Xifeng said, "It's okay to sue our family for rebellion", this is all in the position of authority for a long time, and then I forget about it.

Jia Mu's words and deeds invisibly laid hidden dangers for the destruction of Jia Fu and the future fate of Baoyu. The wall fell down and everyone pushed, and one day it lost its position, and those who had been threatened by such words inevitably did not jump out and beat the falling water dog.

However, inside Jia Fu, such a compulsion, everyone did not take it seriously, just like the game laughed through. This is strange, jia fu up and down, including Baoyu Zijuan, do not take Jia Mu seriously?

This is another layer of the author's criticism of Jia Mu: a glimpse of the whole leopard, everyone takes Jia Mu's words as untrue, indicating that she has become accustomed to her change of orders, accustomed to her arbitrary desires, who is really stupid.

Confessing to her daughter and asking for a wife for Baoyu, Jia Mu's free will reached the point of changing the order

But it is also this kind of arbitrariness, which shows that Jia Mu really likes Baoqin to the bone, so she can't wait for a moment and will express it immediately. Living to the age and position of Jia Mu, there is no need to hide your emotions, and the joys and sorrows can be expressed immediately. Even sage Kong said, "Seventy and do as you please", as long as you "do not exceed the rules". If Jia Mu has already done a ceremony for Baoqin to recognize the dry mother, relatives and friends know it, and Jia Mu also proposed to marry, which is excessive. If Jia Mu knew that Baoqin already had a marriage contract, but forced people to retire like the Prince of Chang'an Province, it was excessive.

Therefore, we can see that Jia Mu's free will is usually only manifested in the house, such as raising Bao Yu as a girl in the inner courtyard. However, if he leaves the palace, Baoyu "just has no inside and no outside, does not compete with adults, and depends on how he was born, he should also be killed."

That is to say, in the acre and three points of Jia Province, everything is Jia Mu's decision, and her words are the rules. This point was made clear by the author through daiyu's dialogue with Lady Wang when Lin Daiyu first entered the Jia Mansion. According to the rules, Dai Yu entered the house, "naturally only with the sisters, the brothers themselves are in the other courtyard." However, such universal rules do not apply in Jia Province, and the rules of Jia Province are decided by Jia Mu, "Since childhood, because of the old lady's love, (Baoyu) was originally pampered with the sisters."

Therefore, Jia Mu said that if Lady Wang wanted to recognize Baoqin as a dry daughter, then she had to recognize it. She said that if she didn't count, then she wouldn't count.

This is why everyone is not right about admitting to the relatives: Jia Mu's change is like modifying the document on the computer, and the second version covers the first version, and the last revised version shall prevail.

Such a freewheeling is a taboo for management. Therefore, Jia Fu maintains superficial rules and etiquette, and behind the scenes, all kinds of violations of rules and violations of etiquette are endless. Old ladies can break the rules openly, and children and grandchildren can secretly ignore the rules. Bao Yu's grandfathers can live in the boudoir, and Jia Lian can't marry a second room during the period of filial piety? Therefore, noticing that there was none, Jia Lian secretly married Second Sister You, mainly trying to hide from Wang Xifeng, and was not afraid of being known by the old lady. Finally, Wang Xifeng knew, and Wang Xifeng only dared to take Second Sister You's marriage contract to complain to the old lady, and nothing else was anything else.

The so-called upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked, which is how it comes from.

Confessing to her daughter and asking for a wife for Baoyu, Jia Mu's free will reached the point of changing the order

Therefore, Jia Fu is going to decline, and Jia Mu has an unshirkable responsibility. In the second time, the author borrowed jia Yucun's mouth and said: "Is there any reason why such a poetry house is not good at education?" The fact is that "today's children and grandchildren are not as good as a generation." The result of this situation is that on the one hand, Jia Mu does not attach importance to the education of her children and grandchildren, and on the other hand, Jia Mu takes the lead in "peace and prosperity" and breaks the rules and etiquette at will. The change in the matter of Baoqin is an example of what the author deliberately wrote.

There is a saying in the "Book of Jin and the Biography of Yuan Hong": Those who are on top will not be axiomatic, and those who are below will be glorified by private roads. The supreme Jia Mu's selfishness is greater than the public heart, and her selfish desires overshadow reason, which leads to her children and grandchildren seeking benefits in their own private paths, and the family is also divided and there is no cohesion.

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