
485000! China's 5G reshuffle: Huawei still lost, and the biggest "dark horse" is still domestic

author:The Rose of Victory i

485000! China's 5G reshuffle: Huawei still lost, the biggest "dark horse" is still domestic!

As we all know, the global mobile phone giant is constantly changing, from the original Motorola to Nokia, and now to Samsung.

But now Samsung's share of the Chinese mobile phone market has become lower and lower, and Huawei has also surpassed Apple to become the world's second largest mobile phone market, which makes the mobile phone market face a three-legged situation today.

In the advent of this year's 5G era, Apple cannot withdraw from 5G mobile phones this year, but major mobile phone manufacturers such as Samsung Huawei have launched their own 5G mobile phones.

485000! China's 5G reshuffle: Huawei still lost, and the biggest "dark horse" is still domestic

In the Chinese mobile phone market, according to relevant data, as of September, China's shipments of 5G mobile phones have reached 485,000 units, 485,000! The big reshuffle of China's 5G mobile phone market, this time Huawei still lost, but the biggest dark horse is it.

This time, the biggest dark horse of 5G mobile phones occupying the Chinese mobile phone market is not Samsung, the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer, nor Huawei, the largest manufacturer in the Chinese mobile phone market, but vivo!

485000! China's 5G reshuffle: Huawei still lost, and the biggest "dark horse" is still domestic

It is understood that Vivo's 5G mobile phone shipments accounted for 54.3% this year, while Samsung ranked second and Huawei ranked third!

For the 5G era, can the sudden killing of VIVO make a big change in the mobile phone market?

485000! China's 5G reshuffle: Huawei still lost, and the biggest "dark horse" is still domestic

In fact, for vivo, there is still a long way to go in the 5G market, but taking the lead is still a good start for vivo!

After Samsung, Huawei and other mobile phone manufacturers have made efforts on 5G mobile phones, I hope that vivo can maintain its current momentum!

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