
How should the female dog be taken care of after giving birth? Remember not to bathe your dog right away

author:Veterinarian Xiaoming

Demu's IQ has always been among the best in the dog rankings, which is why they are selected as police dogs.

Let's take a look at the small story shared by the following netizens, it turns out that Demu's IQ also has a time to roll over.

How should the female dog be taken care of after giving birth? Remember not to bathe your dog right away

This netizen had a Demu at home, and when he first bought it, he went to iq. Of course, it did not live up to the trust of the shoveler and was quite handy in training, but all this changed because of a pregnancy.

This product was successfully pregnant and gave birth under the mediation of the shoveling officer, and gave birth to 3 babies, which was originally a happy event, but the shoveling officer gradually found that something was wrong, only to see that Demu usually did not honestly stay in the nest to feed, but always stared at his cubs, and various postures showed them: What are these things? Where did it come from?

How should the female dog be taken care of after giving birth? Remember not to bathe your dog right away

After a long time, netizens also confirmed that the IQ of Demu after childbirth plummeted, and the head was no longer as good as before, harm, the original dog is the same as a person, and will also be pregnant for three years.

How should the female dog be taken care of after giving birth? Remember not to bathe your dog right away

It is estimated that Demu is blindfolded at this time, and there are 3 more little guys in his nest for no reason, and he also has to drink his own milk, hahahaha.

How should the female dog be taken care of after giving birth? Remember not to bathe your dog right away

The following veterinarian Xiaoming for everyone to popularize some of the matters that the shoveling officer should pay attention to after the birth of the female dog.

1. Do not bathe the dog immediately

Many shovelers feel that the female dog is dirty after giving birth and wants to help them bathe. However, at this time, the female dog is relatively weak, the resistance is relatively poor, if you take a bath at this time, it is not only easy to cause a cold in the dog, but also increase the probability of wound infection.

It is best not to bathe the female dog for 30 days after giving birth, and if necessary, the shoveler can wipe their bodies with a warm wet towel.

2, to do a good job of deworming work

The female dog also feeds the puppies after giving birth, and the deworming work during this period cannot be ignored, otherwise it will cause the female dog and the pups to infect each other.

How should the female dog be taken care of after giving birth? Remember not to bathe your dog right away

Because they are more troublesome to infect with parasites, regular deworming is indispensable. In addition, disinfect and clean the supplies of the kennel, and often get exposed to the sun to sterilize.

3. Prepare a quiet environment for the dog

The female dog is very stressful and sensitive during the period after giving birth, and the temper is also very grumpy, and strangers cannot be allowed to approach them to avoid biting. It is best to prepare a quiet environment for Wang to breastfeed them.

4. Calcium supplementation is essential

The female dog will lose a large part of the calcium in the body after childbirth, and calcium is very important to the female dog's body, and when the calcium in the body is insufficient, it may also cause the dog to be unconscious. Therefore, usually the shoveler can prepare some chicken soup or calcium tablets for them to supplement calcium.

The image comes from the Internet, if you have any questions, you can contact the veterinarian Xiaoming.

If there are pet health and pet problems, pay attention to veterinarian Xiaoming for consultation.

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