
The most "easy to raise" 6 kinds of pet dogs, you can live if you eat, suitable for the novice Labrador Inu Shiba Inu, the Golden Hairy Side Shepherd Teddy Dog Chinese Pastoral Dog

author:The Wang Xingren family

There are a lot of people who love dogs but don't dare to keep them because it's a very sad thing to watch a dog get sick and leave. People who do not have enough spare time or have poor hands-on ability and lazy personality have to raise dogs that are easy to feed. Today I will introduce you to the best 6 kinds of pet dogs, give them food to feed, very suitable for novice breeding!

The most "easy to raise" 6 kinds of pet dogs, you can live if you eat, suitable for the novice Labrador Inu Shiba Inu, the Golden Hairy Side Shepherd Teddy Dog Chinese Pastoral Dog

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > Labrador</h1>

Labrador has a good personality, maybe a little naughty and mischievous when he was a child, but his liveliness and cuteness can bring you a lot of joy. It is very clever, even if the owner is a dog owner, it can be cultivated into a sperm.

It has very short hairs and doesn't have to spend as much time combing through its hair every day. And this dog is rarely picky eater. On the contrary, the owner should worry that it eats too much, so if you raise it, remember to control the amount of feeding.

The most "easy to raise" 6 kinds of pet dogs, you can live if you eat, suitable for the novice Labrador Inu Shiba Inu, the Golden Hairy Side Shepherd Teddy Dog Chinese Pastoral Dog

< h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > Shiba Inu</h1>

Although the price is a bit expensive, it will not be too much trouble to raise it. Because its personality is a bit like a cat, smart and independent. If you're busy at work, it doesn't matter, you just remember to feed it and give it something ready to play.

It is a small and medium-sized dog and has little space requirements. And it loves to be clean, and there is no body odor, and it is good to simply comb it in free time. In addition to illness, firewood under normal breeding is rarely picky.

The most "easy to raise" 6 kinds of pet dogs, you can live if you eat, suitable for the novice Labrador Inu Shiba Inu, the Golden Hairy Side Shepherd Teddy Dog Chinese Pastoral Dog

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > Golden Retriever</h1>

It may be a little naughty as a child, but it does not attack people casually, and it is smart and obedient, and can quickly learn what the master teaches. When it grows up, it will become very sensible and obedient, and it will become the intimate treasure of the owner.

It has little to ask for food, but the owner can't feed it at will. In order to make its long hair flowing and smooth and good-looking, it is recommended to feed some dog food that is good for hair, and usually comb it with hair when you have time.

The most "easy to raise" 6 kinds of pet dogs, you can live if you eat, suitable for the novice Labrador Inu Shiba Inu, the Golden Hairy Side Shepherd Teddy Dog Chinese Pastoral Dog

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > side pastor</h1>

BianMu has a good physique and is not easy to get sick. IQ first, very smart. But if you don't have time to train it properly, you can ask a professional dog trainer for help. Usually, you should also prepare some dog snacks at home, and have time to train or interact with it.

Its stomach is good compared to most dogs, but it cannot be fed indiscriminately. In addition, put its dog food well, not in a place where it can easily take.

The most "easy to raise" 6 kinds of pet dogs, you can live if you eat, suitable for the novice Labrador Inu Shiba Inu, the Golden Hairy Side Shepherd Teddy Dog Chinese Pastoral Dog

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > teddy dogs</h1>

Smart and witty, good training, as long as you don't indulge it, usually pay attention to its behavior habits, just like raising a clever child. It also does not lose hair, the body odor is also small, do not worry about the dog hair everywhere in the house.

It may be clingy, but it is very suitable for accompanying the elderly at home. It does not eat much, but it is not recommended to feed too much human food and inferior dog food, which can easily make it have tear marks, hair fading and other problems, and even affect health. Therefore, try to choose some good quality dog food that is good for hair.

The most "easy to raise" 6 kinds of pet dogs, you can live if you eat, suitable for the novice Labrador Inu Shiba Inu, the Golden Hairy Side Shepherd Teddy Dog Chinese Pastoral Dog

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > Chinese Pastoral Dog</h1>

It's low-priced, and many times, it's less than a hundred dollars to take home. It is easy to feed, good physical fitness, adaptable and rarely gets sick. Just give it food and it will give you a lifetime of loyalty.

The most "easy to raise" 6 kinds of pet dogs, you can live if you eat, suitable for the novice Labrador Inu Shiba Inu, the Golden Hairy Side Shepherd Teddy Dog Chinese Pastoral Dog

Conclusion: Which of the above dogs do you like the most?

The most "easy to raise" 6 kinds of pet dogs, you can live if you eat, suitable for the novice Labrador Inu Shiba Inu, the Golden Hairy Side Shepherd Teddy Dog Chinese Pastoral Dog

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