
Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout

author:A must-see for anglers
Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout

There is an artificial canal near the home, the water quality is clear, and the upstream of the canal is the local source of drinking water. The water quality is good, the fish are naturally good, but the fish are particularly difficult to catch. Because the water in this canal is flowing too fast. Once upon a time, this was our childhood swimming paradise, the laundry factory for beautiful young women nearby, the dishwashing kitchen of aunts and aunts...

Nowadays, because of the beauty of the city, the two sides of the strait have built fences, bathing, washing, washing dishes... It is impossible, only fishing is not affected!

Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout

Summer fishing, in addition to the early morning, but also in the evening can play. When the sun goes down, find a cool and ventilated place, carry an ancient fishing rod, a handbag, and lightly packed.

4.5 fishing rod, 1.0 main line, 0.6 sub-line, No. 2 gold sleeve, seven star scoop to play. Throw the rod into the water, float with the current, people follow the float, 10 meters back and forth, that is, fishing, and exercise.

Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout
Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout
Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout

The bait is prepared in advance at home, the amount is not large, and the egg size is a clump, enough to pull the bait for an evening.

Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout

Don't hit the nest, because the fight is also a white fight, and the water is too fast. Fishing here, you can only fish closely, and the hook attachment of the bait should be extremely strong, otherwise it is easy to be washed away by the current.

Recently, the water has risen a lot, and the water flow has become more urgent. Pull the bait down the rod, many mouths can not hit, occasionally can also get a few silver bass, or small salmon. Because it was too small, because it was not taken seriously, because I did not want to post, I let it go casually.

Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout

Although it is a mentality to pass the time, surprises are always everywhere. A big black drift, even dragging my float, really scared me.

Lifting the rod of stinging fish, it scared me even more, the weight was so full that I felt that I could not walk out of the water for several minutes.

The first reaction after coming out of the water is a grass carp, although it is not large, but this artificial canal is definitely a "giant" existence.

Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout

It wasn't until the fish choked on the water a few times and walked out of the water that it was red-eyed, scientifically known as the red-eyed trout.

Because of the high drop, it was lightly packed and simple, and there was no copying net (there was no way to reach the net), so this unfortunate red-eyed trout was walked by me for several minutes, and then directly did not move. I carefully grabbed the fishing line and slowly lifted it.

Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout

Because the appearance of such a "giant" red-eyed trout caused a small group of people to watch me, to be honest, I was quite embarrassed.

It was the first time I had caught such a large red-eyed trout and unlocked a new species on my doorstep. Originally planned to play in the evening, pass the time, the fish protection did not bring anything. So the fish caught were released casually.

When I released this red-eyed trout, it caused the crowd to sigh and think it was a pity to let it go, as if the fish was not let go for him to eat.

Oh, the human heart!

Take an evening fishing for the landscape river and accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout

Later, some small fish were caught one after another, and they were also released casually.

The weather is hot, the temperature of 38 degrees Celsius is often 100 days, I really don't have the courage to do fishing during the day, and now I can only fish morning and evening. Play this evening and unlock a pretty big red-eyed trout, which is a small surprise!

Original: Evening fishing landscape river, accidentally unlock the red-eyed trout - fishing home