
The man found that something was wrong with his 5-year-old son, and pulled him to do a paternity test, only to find that his wife was not his own mother

author:Peerless melon
The man found that something was wrong with his 5-year-old son, and pulled him to do a paternity test, only to find that his wife was not his own mother

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Wenzhou Hospital held the wrong child for five years, and the two families were dislocated, and their lives eventually returned

Five years of companionship, five years of love, in the end only to find that the child in the arms is not biological, such a blow is unbearable for any family, Wenzhou's "wrong life" incident, the two families to the cusp, but also triggered the public for hospital management, ethics and family issues and other issues of widespread attention and discussion, let us walk into this incident together, to explore the truth and thinking behind the incident

The man found that something was wrong with his 5-year-old son, and pulled him to do a paternity test, only to find that his wife was not his own mother

Mr. Bai and Ms. Fu, an enviable couple, have an enviable life: similar family background, decent job, lovely son, this seemingly peaceful life is overshadowed by the appearance of the son, the difference between the appearance of the son Xiaofan and his parents has caused a lot of discussion among the people around, these gossips are like a sharp blade, ruthlessly cutting the originally happy family, and finally, Mr. Bai chose to use a paternity test to break his suspicions, but unexpectedly revealed a secret that had been hidden for five years: he and his son were not related by blood!

In order to find out the truth, the couple decided to go back to the hospital where they gave birth to find the answer, and with the assistance of the hospital, they found another couple who gave birth on the same day as themselves - Mr. and Mrs. Huang, surprisingly, Mr. and Mrs. Huang's children are quite similar to Mr. and Mrs. Bai. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Bai are carved out of the same mold as Mr. and Mrs. Huang

DNA identification reveals the truth, and the two families have mixed tastes

In order to confirm each other's suspicions, the two families conducted a DNA test together, and the results confirmed their suspicions: the two children were indeed held by the hospital by mistake five years ago! The result was like a bolt from the blue, pushing the two families into a more complex emotional vortex

The man found that something was wrong with his 5-year-old son, and pulled him to do a paternity test, only to find that his wife was not his own mother

For Mr. Bai and Ms. Fu, in the past five years, they have poured all their love and effort into raising Xiaofan, and have long regarded him as their own, and now they know the truth, they have to bear the pain of losing their biological flesh and blood, and face the pain of separation from the child they have raised for many years, and for Mr. and Mrs. Huang, they are also full of feelings for the child they have raised for five years, but they are also eager to find their biological flesh and blood

In the face of sudden changes, the two families fell into deep struggle and pain, and they didn't know how to choose, whether to make a mistake and continue to raise their current children? Or do you choose to exchange for your own flesh and blood to give up this hard-won family affection?

Children are not objects, and emotional ties cannot be separated

Empathy, if we were the parents of the event, how would we choose? I believe that many people will fall into a dilemma, five years of getting along day and night, has already allowed the two children to establish a deep emotional bond with the original family, this kind of family relationship is not blood relationship can be easily replaced

The man found that something was wrong with his 5-year-old son, and pulled him to do a paternity test, only to find that his wife was not his own mother

Luckily, the two families eventually made a heartwarming choice: they decided to let the children recognize their biological parents while maintaining a bond with each other so that the children could have two loves at the same time

Hospitals are to blame, and the law needs to be improved

Due to the negligence and loopholes in the management of babies on the part of the hospital, the separation of the two families for five years has brought great pain and distress to their lives

The man found that something was wrong with his 5-year-old son, and pulled him to do a paternity test, only to find that his wife was not his own mother

Although the hospital eventually assumed the corresponding liability for compensation, this could not compensate for the harm suffered by the two families, and this incident also exposed the shortcomings of the mainland in medical management, laws and regulations, etc., and the relevant departments need to further strengthen supervision and improvement to prevent similar incidents from happening again

This incident occurred in Wenzhou, the "wrong life" incident, for all the families who are about to become parents sounded the alarm, after the birth of the child, we must carefully check the information of the hospital, to avoid similar tragedies again, this incident also makes us deeply reflect: what is family affection? Blood ties are important, but the emotional bonds formed by years of companionship and dedication are equally precious

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