
In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

author:Open-minded Maple Leaf eRt

Liu Xuehong, an ordinary and extraordinary woman, her story has become a microcosm of an era after the resumption of China's college entrance examination in 1977. With a thirst for knowledge and a vision for the future, her dream has never been shattered, even though she was unable to take the college entrance examination due to the interruption of the college entrance examination.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

Liu Xuehong was born in Beijing to a military family, her father was a railroad soldier, and the peculiarity of this profession made her childhood full of uncertainty. The frequent relocation of her family caused her to transfer between different schools, but no matter which school she was in, her grades were always at the top. Her thirst for knowledge and love of learning set her apart from her peers.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

After graduating from high school, during the Cultural Revolution, the college entrance examination was interrupted, and many young people like Liu Xuehong were forced to go to the countryside to become educated youth. She was no exception, being assigned to a remote rural village

In 1977, an important turning point in China's history, the restoration of the college entrance examination system brought a ray of hope to countless young people. This year is of great significance to Liu Xuehong. Although she was not good at farm work in the rural production group, she never gave up her thirst for knowledge and the pursuit of learning.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

Liu Xuehong's production team is located in a remote mountainous area, where living conditions are very difficult. During the day, she worked in the fields with other educated youths, turning the soil, sowing seeds, and harvesting, and every farm work tested her physical strength and endurance. Although her hands were covered with calluses, her heart was filled with a thirst for knowledge. Whenever night fell, when others chose to rest after a tiring day, Liu Xuehong lit the faint oil lamp and began her study time.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

She knows that if she wants to get the chance of taking the college entrance examination, she must put in more effort than others. In those days of information blockage, it was very difficult to obtain learning materials. Liu Xuehong sought help from friends and family in the city through various channels, and collected some precious books and materials. She read voraciously, and her knowledge of everything from history to politics, literature to philosophy, became more and more extensive.

In the process of preparing for the college entrance examination, Liu Xuehong is facing tremendous pressure. Not only did she have to overcome the harsh living conditions in the countryside, but she also had to face various pressures from her family and society. But she didn't back down, she firmly believed in her choice and believed that her efforts would pay off. She knows that only by passing the college entrance examination can she change her destiny and realize her dreams.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

After unremitting efforts, Liu Xuehong finally won the place to take the college entrance examination. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for her. In the months leading up to the college entrance examination, she made an important decision - to abandon science and literature. This decision was very bold at the time, as science was considered a more promising option at the time. But Liu Xuehong has her own considerations, she has a strong interest in literature and journalism, and she hopes to spread knowledge and influence society through journalism.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

After choosing the Department of Journalism, Liu Xuehong began to study more targetedly. She began to pay attention to current affairs, learn news writing skills, and study communication theory. She knows that journalism is not just about reporting facts, it's also about social responsibility. She hopes that through her own efforts, she can become an excellent journalist and contribute to the development of society.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

Liu Xuehong's story is a microcosm of many young people in that era. They have dreams and face difficulties and challenges, but they never give up. Their stories have inspired generations to pursue their dreams and realize their own values. Liu Xuehong's dream of taking the college entrance examination is not only her personal struggle, but also the voice of the times, and her infinite yearning for knowledge and the future.

Liu Xuehong's road to the college entrance examination was full of hardships and challenges, but her persistence and hard work allowed her to achieve excellent results in the college entrance examination. Her success is not only a personal glory, but also an encouragement to all the young people of that era who worked hard to pursue their dreams. Her story teaches us that no matter how difficult life is, as long as we have dreams and pursuits, nothing is impossible. Her story is a story of perseverance and courage, a story of dreams and hopes.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

Liu Xuehong's road to the college entrance examination was full of hardships and challenges, but with her firm belief and unremitting efforts, she finally achieved brilliant achievements in the college entrance examination in 1977. Her success has not only brought her personal glory, but also inspired countless people to pursue their dreams.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

In the college entrance examination, Liu Xuehong's essay title is "I am in this year of fighting". In this essay, she poured all her emotions and thoughts, and integrated her life experience and thirst for knowledge into it. She used sincere brushstrokes to describe her persistence in learning in a difficult environment, expressing her love for knowledge and longing for the future. This essay not only shows her solid literary skills, but also reflects her perseverance.

In 1977, the first female champion of liberal arts in the college entrance examination is now: she did not choose to go abroad, and she was at the deputy department level before retirement

Liu Xuehong's essay stood out among many candidates and was highly praised by the marking teacher. The essay's influence went far beyond the examination room, and it was published by the People's Daily and became the focus of national attention. In that era when information dissemination was relatively limited, it was undoubtedly a high honor to be able to publish an article in the People's Daily. Liu Xuehong's name spread all over the country overnight and became a good story in people's mouths.

It was this essay that made Liu Xuehong favored by the Chinese Department of Peking University. After the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977, she became the first female champion and was admitted to the Chinese Department of Peking University. This news is undoubtedly a huge surprise for Liu Xuehong. Her dream has finally come true, and she will have the opportunity to further her studies at the highest university to build a strong foundation for her future.

At Peking University, Liu Xuehong is like a fish in water, her knowledge is broader, and her thinking is more in-depth. She has not only achieved excellent academic results, but also demonstrated her talent in campus cultural activities. She participated in editing the school magazine, organizing literary salons, and her name was widely known on campus.

Liu Xuehong's success is not only a personal glory, but also an encouragement to all young people who worked hard to pursue their dreams in that era. Her story has become a symbol of the times, inspiring countless people to pursue their dreams and realize their own values. Her success proves that as long as there is a dream and a pursuit, no matter how difficult and challenging it is, it is possible to achieve it.

Liu Xuehong's story is a story about perseverance and courage, a story about dreams and hopes. She used her own experience to tell us that no matter how difficult life is, as long as we have dreams and pursuits, nothing is impossible. Her story inspires each of us to bravely pursue our dreams and realize our own values.

In her study and life at Peking University, Liu Xuehong has constantly enriched and improved herself. She knows that the power of knowledge is infinite, and only by constantly learning can we continue to improve. She cherishes every day in Peking University, and she knows that this will be a new starting point for her life, and she will set off from here to meet a broader world.

Liu Xuehong's story continues, and so does her dream. Her experience teaches us that no matter how times change, the power of knowledge will never go out of style. Her story is a story of perseverance and courage, a story of dreams and hopes. She used her life experience to write a legend that inspires each of us to bravely pursue our dreams and realize our own values.

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