
Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

author:Mi Li's mother channel
Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

Text | Rice grain mom

A few days ago, South Korean President Yoon Seok-yue and his wife were photographed on vacation together, and they were on the hot search again.

The childlike appearance and vitality of the First Lady of Korea always surprise everyone, and Migrain's mother has written her story.

But the rice grain mother feels that when it comes to maintenance, this is even more against the sky! She is the president of The South Korean Kasen Group, the president of Gyacheon University, and the president of Gyeongin Daily, Lee Gil-nü.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲ 90-year-old Li Jinu

If The rice mother does not say, can everyone see that she is 90 years old!

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

The class reunion is all this style of painting, and she is wearing a red dress on the right side.

But today, what Mi Grain Mother wants to tell you is not Li Jinu's face rejuvenation technique, but her life of self-improvement and changing the fate of herself and others.

Compared with these, beauty seems to be her most "worthless" advantage.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

In 1932, Lee Washi was born into a family in North Jeolla Province.

At that time, South Korea was particularly patriarchal, and Lee Ji-nü had an older sister, and when she got to this fetus, the family was looking forward to being a son.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲ Li Jinu and her mother

So when she was born, the air in the house froze.

Grandma was disappointed, and before Li Ji's mother could recover, she forced her to work in the field and threw the kelp soup and soup bowl that the mother drank into the yard.

But even because of the birth of the second daughter suffered so much unfair treatment, Li Ji's mother still cared for her in every way, and she secretly resolved to raise her daughter to be better than any other son.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

Li Jinu's mother resisted the pressure of her family and sent her to school.

It was also this wise and far-sighted mother who helped Li Jinu point out the original direction of life.

At that time, the fate of girls was to get married early and have children. But With the support of her mother, Li Jinu went all the way to high school.

But at this time, her friends and father died of illness one after another, which gave her a major blow. Since then, she has left only one way for her future, that is, to study medicine.

After some hard study, 19-year-old Lee Gil-nü was admitted to Seoul National University School of Medicine as she wished. But she knew it was just the beginning.

In college, she was always the most diligent one, even on holidays, she would carry the human skeleton model in her bag to take home to review, and the neighbors around her called her "female college student carrying human bones".

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲ Li Jinu (middle) and classmates

Kung Fu lived up to her hardships, and 6 years later, Li Jinu graduated from college with honors, but she made an unexpected decision.

She did not choose to go to a large hospital with superior conditions like her classmates, but rented a small shop and opened an obstetrics and gynecology clinic, which was definitely a pioneering event at that time!

At that time, the status of women in South Korea was very low, few doctors would pay special attention to their physical health, and most women had to choose to endure when they were sick.

And Li Jinu's clinic has greatly protected their health.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲ Li Ji's daughter delivered the quadruplets

As a woman, Li Jinu can put herself in the patient's shoes, she always hangs the stethoscope on her chest to keep warm, so that when auscultation, it will not irritate the patient because of the cold.

As an aside, this little detail is really very touching! When I was a child, I once took him to the hospital, and I also met a doctor like this, and his warm little action rice grain mother has always remembered to this day.

Some patients nervously asked before surgery: "Will I die if I am anesthetized?" Li Jinu replied softly: "Of course not." It's about getting some sleep. You have a good dream and look back at the happiest moments in the past. ”

She also often gently hugged her patients, soothing their uneasiness and giving them courage.

Soon, her reputation spread ten or ten hundred, and she became the patron saint of the women of the ten miles and eight townships.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

Li Jinu did not rest and stop here, learning is a lifelong thing, especially medicine.

She is bent on saving more patients than just obstetrics and gynecology. Therefore, the more patients she encounters, the more Li Jinu feels that her skills need to be more advanced.

So she settled down in her clinic and packed her bags and went to the United States for further study. After practicing in a hospital in the United States for 3 years, he was admitted to a Japanese university to pursue a doctorate in medicine, and constantly practiced his skills.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲Li Jinu who went to the United States for further study (second from the left)

In 1976, the 44-year-old Dr. Li Jinu graduated, and she once again chose to return to her hometown without hesitation.

Lee Gil donated all her property, purchased equipment, introduced talents, and opened an Incheon Gyoshi Hospital in her own name.

At that time, all hospitals in South Korea required a large deposit before patients were admitted to the hospital to ensure that patients had enough money to pay for treatment.

But in this case, people who are poor but seriously ill cannot even enter the door of the hospital, let alone get timely treatment, and can only resign themselves to fate.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲Li Jinu participated in the academic conference

At this time, Li Jinu made an extremely bold decision, that is, to cancel all deposits.

Li Jinu felt that the door of the hospital should not be artificially created to raise the threshold, no matter who said, the hospital should be patient-centered.

In her Ji Hospital, as long as the patient walks in, whether he has money or not, he will definitely be treated. The costs can be paid in installments, and some families who are too poor even receive free medical care.

Once again, her good deeds have gone away, and countless patients who have delayed treatment because they cannot pay their deposits have finally seen a glimmer of hope.

They will also use their own simple way to repay President Li, every harvest season, everyone will always bring their own farmed rice and vegetables to the hospital, and the canteen will be piled up.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲ Li Jinu led the team to the island for free clinics

At that time, the medical level in remote areas was very backward, and some residents living on small islands had nowhere to seek medical treatment when they were sick, so Li Jinu brought doctors and nurses from the hospital to visit regularly, help local residents to make free consultations, and teach them how to prevent diseases.

Later, she simply opened branches in rural areas, fishing ports and industrial parks, and other places where it was difficult to seek medical treatment, to provide medical protection for the residents of these places. In this way, patients no longer have to drag the sick body around for medical treatment.

In the years of medical practice, she has provided cervical cancer screening for more than 130,000 women free of charge, operated on more than 5,000 children with heart disease who could not afford medical expenses, invited overseas experts to come to the hospital for free consultation, and never stopped doing good deeds.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

But the reality is always cruel, and the biggest difficulty faced by hospitals is that they have been losing money, and even to the point of losing money one day after opening the door.

The hospital had gathered all her efforts, or rather, a utopia she had created for poor patients, and could it only be watched as it scrawled shut?

Li Jinu thought about it for a long time, and she decided to try more possibilities and make money to raise dreams.

Mother Rice really admired her, a strong sense of faith and decisive willpower, supporting her to move forward, and the starting point of all this is just a heart of compassion for heaven and man.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

Li Jinuo organized the Jiaquan Cultural Foundation non-stop, and then successively opened a sporting goods company, established a museum, founded the "Gyeongin Daily" and so on, which can be said to have blossomed in her career.

In fact, this result is also inevitable, what she has done over the years is obvious to everyone, so when starting a business, the partners also trust her. A sentence that Li Jinu often hangs on her lips is "People are hope, and love is an asset." "She used her great love to earn more assets for the hospital."

Thanks to her efforts, the hospital did not close, but developed steadily, becoming one of the largest general hospitals in South Korea.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

The operation of the hospital no longer needs to worry, Li Jinu began to look further afield, she hopes to train more people with great love to embark on the road of practicing medicine and saving people.

So in 1997, at the age of 65, she decided to open another medical university to train more reserve talents.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲Jiaquan University

In order to allow students from poor families to apply for universities without any worries, Li Jinu decided to waive all tuition fees during her time at the school, provide free dormitories, and provide additional scholarships for students with excellent grades.

This was followed by the Establishment of the Institute of Brain Science, the Institute of Cancer and Diabetes and the Institute of Rare Diseases of Genetic Diseases, which provided a solid force for the development of medicine.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲Li Ji female award students

Her spirit has also been continuously passed on to generations of students, Li Jinu was just practicing medicine, hung a stethoscope on her body, with a strong sense of mission into the world of patients, and has never left.

Therefore, the students of the Medical Department of Jiaquan University will receive a stethoscope as a gift when they graduate, just so that they can always remember the supremacy of life.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

For her great contribution, the South Korean government awarded her the Order of the Hibiscus, a first-class National Medal, and was also selected as one of the "150 Women Who Influenced the World" by Newsweek in the United States.

In 2020, she received lions clubs' highest honor, the Humanitarian Award, which was full of recognition.

Now at the age of 90, she is still active in the front line of education and medicine, and students can often see her delicate makeup stepping on high heels and walking briskly in the teaching building.

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

▲Li Ji interacts with students

Speeches at the celebrations were still energetic and energetic.

The media once asked her, what is the secret to staying healthy? Li Jinu said without hesitation: "Finding happiness and meaning in my work and actively enjoying it is the source of my health." ”

She dedicated her life to the cause of the patient and her beloved, and never had children in the first half of her life. When she was studying in the United States, there were also rich people who pursued her, but she said, "When there is time to go on a blind date, I would rather see one more patient!" ”

Li Jinu looked back on the past and never regretted it.

She said: "Every moment in my life is full of value, and my life is exciting and happy. I understand that as long as I sleep less and eat less, I can get more people out of pain, get back to health, and be happy. Patients who were carried into the hospital yesterday due to illness can touch their stomachs today, walk slowly tomorrow, and run gently the day after tomorrow, looking at these I don't know how happy it is. ”

Frozen age beauty has never been married in her life, but it is for this matter, and the life of "South Korea Zhang Guimei" is too inspiring

From a rural girl to a leader in medical, educational, media and cultural foundations, Li Jinu's life is a history of the struggle of a great heroine, and in the face of her inspirational and wonderful life experience, any language of praise seems to be pale.

Mother Rice grain once wrote the story of Lin Qiaozhi, the mother of ten thousand babies in the mainland, and the article → "She personally delivered Yuan Longping, who is Zhong Nanshan's aunt, and will not marry for this matter for life." It is also so touching, with great love and no borders.

These wonderful women are like lighthouses, illuminating the way forward.

Their spirit of striving all out for their dreams and constantly bravely challenging them is always worthy of our children to follow.

About the author: @Rice Grain Mom Love To Share (Welcome to Pay Attention), American returnee, Haidian parent, when the first place in the new book list "Parent-child English Book That Affects Children's Life" author. Focus on the scientific parenting of 0-5-year-old babies, learning enlightenment, and the world's novelty recommendation, welcome to pay attention! (5-12 years old bao mom please pay attention to: @ rice grain mother channel)

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