
For the first time, mankind circumnavigated the Arctic Ocean without docking! Zhai Mo, the first person in China to sail around the world, made history again

author:The Paper

Zhu Bichen design

On the morning of November 15, during the live performance of the saxophone "Going Home", a sailboat slowly landed on the Huangpu River. Zhai Mo, the captain of the sailing ship, boarded the dock from the boat and welcomed the flowers and applause of the citizens on the shore.

For the first time, mankind circumnavigated the Arctic Ocean without docking! Zhai Mo, the first person in China to sail around the world, made history again

On the morning of November 15, Zhai Mo disembarked from the ship, and the citizen representatives laid wreaths and bouquets. The Paper reporter Zou Jiawen Photo

After more than 500 days and a total voyage of more than 28,000 nautical miles, Captain Zhai Mo successfully completed the "2021 Human Voyage Without Docking in the Arctic Ocean" activity on the "2021 Human Voyage Without Docking" and successfully returned to Shanghai, the place of departure. On the morning of November 15, the homecoming ceremony was held at the terminal of SIPG International Guest Center.

For the first time, mankind circumnavigated the Arctic Ocean without docking! Zhai Mo, the first person in China to sail around the world, made history again

On the morning of November 15, the "2021 Human Voyage to the Arctic Ocean without docking" was held at the terminal of SIPG International Guest Center. Photo courtesy of the organizer

Arctic sea ice has been the focus of human attention in recent years. The "2021 First Human Voyage to the Arctic Ocean without docking" activity is in response to the "Belt and Road" initiative, calling on mankind to pay attention to the Arctic and protect the Arctic, initiated by Zhai Mo, the "first person in global navigation in China" and served as the captain, set sail from Shanghai on June 30, 2021, passing through the East China Sea, the Sea of Japan, the West Pacific Ocean, through the Bering Strait, Chukchi Sea, East Siberian Sea, Laptev Sea, Kara Sea, Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea, Greenland Sea, Danish Strait, North Atlantic, Davis Strait, Baffin Bay and other seas , successfully completed the voyage around the Arctic Ocean.

The Northeast and Northwest Passages of the Arctic are known as the "legendary shipping lanes", and it is the first time in human history that a sailboat sailed around the Arctic Ocean without docking. This time, Captain Zhai Mo led the crew to withstand the test of storms and foggy icebergs, and completed this sailing challenge through hardships and dangers, creating a new milestone in the history of world navigation.

After successfully completing the challenge of circumnavigating the Arctic Ocean without docking, the Global Pass underhauled and rested its ships on the west coast of the North Atlantic, and then traveled south along the east coast of North America, through the North Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea, the Panama Canal, and across the Pacific Ocean, returning to Shanghai, where it set sail.

"When I left Shanghai last year, I was honestly apprehensive, but I was confident that I would come back safely. Sailing around the Arctic Ocean has been my wish for more than a decade, and with the funding and care of various departments and enterprises, it has finally come true. Zhai Mo said at the scene that he was deeply honored to hold this homecoming ceremony in the Shanghai City Hall, and he also hoped to make more contributions to Shanghai's sailing culture, sailing sports, yacht industry, etc. In addition to his status as a navigator, Zhai Mo also has the United Nations Propaganda Officer for the Defense of Nature, the Arctic Ocean Explorer on Desertification and Drought Day, the National Marine Public Welfare Image Ambassador, and the Ambassador of China's Maritime Science Popularization. During this voyage, he sailed through green and environmentally friendly sailing, which also intended to call people's attention to the Arctic, protect the Arctic, and make rational use of the Arctic.

For the first time, mankind circumnavigated the Arctic Ocean without docking! Zhai Mo, the first person in China to sail around the world, made history again

Zhai Mo drives a ship in the Arctic. Photo courtesy of the organizer

During the homecoming ceremony, Zhai Mo donated the "Voyage of the Arctic Ocean" memorial to the China Maritime Museum, and the Chinese Institute of Navigation awarded Zhai Mo the "China Institute of Navigation Science and Technology Award - Navigation Science Popularization Award". Hosted by the China Institute of Navigation and the China International Cultural Exchange Center, the challenge was strongly supported by China Mobile, COSCO SHIPPING, SIPG, Shanghai Real Estate, Unification Group and other enterprises. Transportation and maritime, polar research, weather forecasting, and customs border inspection provided comprehensive assurance for the successful completion of the challenge.

For the first time, mankind circumnavigated the Arctic Ocean without docking! Zhai Mo, the first person in China to sail around the world, made history again

Walrus photographed by Zhai Mo while circumnavigating the Arctic. Photo courtesy of the organizer

During the circumnavigation of the Arctic Ocean, CCTV News and CGTN broadcast the event live online; The United States, Canada, Iceland and other Arctic coastal countries, as well as relevant United Nations agencies, also paid close attention to the voyage and carried relevant reports.

Zhang Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor, Xu Zuyuan, Maritime Goodwill Ambassador of the International Maritime Organization and former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Transport, Xu Lirong, Vice Chairman of the China International Cultural Exchange Center and member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress, Zhang Shouguo, Executive Vice President of the China Shipowners Association, Xie Qunwei, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Shanghai Maritime Safety Bureau, and Yan Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. attended the homecoming ceremony and jointly launched the "Navigation Spirit Publicity Activity".

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