
Before mating with a 6-year-old male tiger, a 14-year-old female tiger was bitten to death by a partner.

author:Old cow spoke

In the animal kingdom, some female animals will kill male animals after mating, and some male animals voluntarily sacrifice themselves to let females eat themselves to obtain more nutrients, such as praying mantises, spiders, scorpions. It is not uncommon for females to kill males after mating, and it is rarely heard of males killing females before mating.

When a 14-year-old female tiger mates with a 6-year-old male tiger, she is bitten to death by her partner, is it an outbreak of family conflicts?

According to the Daily Mail, in a zoo in Merseyside, England, a 6-year-old male Siberian tiger killed a 14-year-old female named Cinda, who is 14 years old and has lived in the zoo since she was 2 years old; The male tiger is Miron, 6 years old, who came to the zoo two years ago.

Before mating with a 6-year-old male tiger, a 14-year-old female tiger was bitten to death by a partner.

At this stage, the tiger is in heat, the zoo arranged for Cinda to live with Milon on November 12, the female tiger Cinda took the initiative to tease, released the message of mating, and the male tiger Milon not only did not accept the courtship, but also bit Cinda to death, the attack speed was so fast, the staff did not have time to intervene, Cinda was bitten into a serious injury, died of death.

The male tiger has a previous conviction, and it also bit the female tiger to death 4 years ago, and it did not show abnormal behavior before cohabitation

This is not the first time that a male tiger Milone has killed a female tiger, and four years ago, Milon also killed a female tiger who came to mate with him at the Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark. It has been observed that the male tiger Milon does not have abnormal reactions such as mania, and it is still eligible to participate in the European endangered animal breeding program.

Before mating with a 6-year-old male tiger, a 14-year-old female tiger was bitten to death by a partner.

After the male tiger Millon came to the zoo in the UK, he lived with Cinda many times in the past two years, and the first few times were very smooth, this time, before the two tigers cohabited, Milon did not behave abnormally, did not have a tendency to attack the same kind, and the researchers were puzzled by his killing of female tigers.

Why the male tiger killed the female tiger, the researchers were puzzled, and netizens expressed their opinions

Netizens found out a lot of reasons why male tigers killed female tigers, and some people felt that Milong's 6-year-old fresh meat did not want to have a relationship with 14-year-old bacon, roughly converted, equivalent to a young man in his 30s and a woman in his 50s. In the face of such an "arranged marriage" as a zoo, the male tiger Milon endured no outbreak in the first two years, and now he can't bear it anymore, and bites the other party to death.

Before mating with a 6-year-old male tiger, a 14-year-old female tiger was bitten to death by a partner.

Some people also feel that it is still the same old topic, one mountain does not allow two tigers, in the same area, two tigers without blood relations are always difficult to live in peace, even if it is a husband and wife, once there is a conflict, one of them will inevitably suffer, this time it is the female tiger, because it is old, can not beat the male tiger, if you change to a young one, maybe the male tiger suffers.

Before mating with a 6-year-old male tiger, a 14-year-old female tiger was bitten to death by a partner.

Some people feel that the male tiger Milon has domestic violence, intermittent seizures, has previously bitten and killed female tigers in other zoos, and later lived peacefully with female tiger Simba, there are in-depth exchanges and no accidents, indicating that this intermittent domestic violence disorder occurs once every few years, and domestic violence is regardless of species.

I have to say that the brain hole of netizens is really big, and the reason for saying it is so reasonable.

The Siberian tiger is one of the largest tiger species in the world, with coarse, conical canine teeth

Siberian tiger is an endangered animal, called Siberian tiger in China, mainly distributed in the northeast of the subspecies, namely the Russian Far East and Jilin and Heilongjiang in northeast China, due to habitat destruction and poaching, there are only more than 500 Siberian tigers in the wild in the world.

Before mating with a 6-year-old male tiger, a 14-year-old female tiger was bitten to death by a partner.

The Siberian tiger is one of the largest tiger species in the world, with males weighing an average of 260 kg and a head length of about 2.3 meters, and females weighing an average of 180 kg and a body length of about 2 meters. The lifespan of living in the wild is generally 10-15 years, and up to 20 years in captivity.

Before mating with a 6-year-old male tiger, a 14-year-old female tiger was bitten to death by a partner.

Siberian tiger teeth are stronger, canine teeth are very coarse, conical, the tip of the tooth is slightly curved backward, 54-78 mm long and 20-26 mm thick. The tiger claw is also its hunting artifact, when catching prey, the four very sharp tiger claws are extended when used, and usually shrink when walking.

This is not the first time that a male tiger has killed a female tiger, and when a conflict is detected, human intervention is too late

This is not the first time that a male tiger has killed a female tiger in the UK. In February 2019, a 7-year-old male Sumatran tiger Asim, at ZSL Zoo in London, killed a 10-year-old female tiger, Merati, who was arranged to live with Asim to breed offspring.

Before mating with a 6-year-old male tiger, a 14-year-old female tiger was bitten to death by a partner.

Initially, the contact between Melati and Asim went as the staff expected, but it didn't take long for a fierce clash between them.

The staff also prepared for this unfavorable situation and immediately made noise and used flames to separate the two tigers. Unfortunately, Achim had the upper hand by then, and Melati eventually died.

Males also kill their pups in order to force females into heat or address threats in advance

Male tigers not only kill female tigers, but also kill cubs, in 2020, in the Dudwa Tiger Sanctuary, India, a male tiger bit a tiger cub to death, when the tigress was found, the cub was motionless, and understood that such a situation was powerless to return to heaven, the tigress knew that she was not the opponent of the male tiger, and after mourning in front of the dead cub, she left with the other 3 cubs.

Before mating with a 6-year-old male tiger, a 14-year-old female tiger was bitten to death by a partner.

Why do male tigers kill cubs, on the one hand, male tigers kill other family cubs to prevent the cubs from growing up to threaten their status and become their own competitors, on the other hand, male tigers kill cubs to force female tigers to come into heat again.

It seems to be a rule that tigers bite their mates to death, while male spiders, praying mantises, and scorpions are bitten to death after mating

It is an accident for tigers to bite their mates before and after mating, but for creatures such as spiders, praying mantises, and scorpions, being bitten to death by a partner after mating seems to have become the rule for this type of species.

Male individuals of creatures such as spiders, praying mantises, and scorpions are aware of the risks of intercourse, but in order to pass on their genes, they are willing to sacrifice themselves and become food for female individuals, which is also a great performance in a sense.


All things have their own rules and tempers, and if they act against their will, they may obey in the short term, and if they are oppressed for a long time, they will be resisted, and the ways of resistance are also different.