
Recommended book: "The Boy Here" Gangnam

author:Meta no rain

Jiangnan described university life in the form of a large collection of classic characters in Jin Yong's book when the memory of youth was still very fresh. According to the author Jiang Nan, "'The Boy Here' is just a boyhood dance. Before I forgot, I used the mood of the time to copy the past and leave it to my friends and myself many years later. ”

Supposedly, being hit by such a thin pamphlet is something that is not in keeping with my character. I always feel that I can't even code the tome, and I deserve to be called the author? Can even a few thin sheets of paper be called a book? In these years, even the bitch who took off her clothes and made a picture of a kitchen book could be called a writer.

At the beginning of the book, Guo Jing rode a bicycle from Mongolia to report to Yenching University, and then easily met Yang Kang and fell in love with the rich woman Huang Rong, and that was it. While watching and laughing, another cross-text. But the facts have once again proved that a person should not speak too absolutely, the words are too full and too hard, and the retribution will come quickly. It's just a gadget to pass the time, but in the shortest time to let the tears fall. When he saw Kang Min graduate from college and bid farewell to Qiao Feng, he couldn't care less about how to bite his teeth on the bus home, and he couldn't resist the sudden blow and break the iron wall of the copper wall that he never shed tears in front of people. This is the unique appeal of "The Boy Here", and this book only writes about one thing, that is, the youth we have lost, and the first love that left us with youth, the feeling of the first heartbeat. The past, which we have buried in the deepest recesses of our hearts, is resurrected through these simple words and phrases. The naïve and naïve self who thought he had already died might still be alive in another parallel universe, and perhaps there was another ending.

As long as there is still a slight memory of the youth years in the mind, you can definitely be activated by this book to the extreme beauty but can never be restored to the good days, laughing and crying. No one has a say until the last page is seen. Just by the back of a woman, don't easily guess whether she is a dinosaur or a fairy. Speaking lightly about good or bad is a very hurtful thing. As adults, we cannot be easily hurt, nor can we be vulnerable.

Book Excerpts:

1. Qiao Feng was drunk, but Kang Min did not have the strength to carry him back, several girls pulled the drunken Kang Min to the front, Qiao Feng was still able to recognize the way by himself. Halfway down the road, a brother who seemed to be a little frustrated sat on the side of the road playing guitar, the cool breeze blew, and the summer night was also cold, so many people almost involuntarily stayed behind to listen to his lonely guitar. Further on, the friends gradually dispersed, and when Qiao Feng was blown awake by the wind, he saw Kang Min walking more and more slowly, gradually pulling from the group of girls in front of him to his side.

  "Qiao Feng," Kang Min said.

  "Ah," Qiao Feng said with a smile, "does Xiao Kang have any uncompetited careers in our department?" Even if you want to blow up the national political system, your brother will definitely help you complete it. ”

  "No," Kang Min said, "I'll play less in the future and mix up my main class grades." ”

  "Depend," Qiao Feng said, "you are now beginning to evolve from my elder sister to my mother." ”

  "Listen to me," Kang Min said, "the last time you fought with Murong Fu and them, Old Man Fang Zheng was very dissatisfied, and after being honest, let others catch you, and your sister will not be able to cover you." ”

  Qiao Feng was stunned for a moment and said, "Oh. ”

  "I'll seal some of the messy things I used before in a cardboard box, and when I leave tomorrow, I'll send you to your dormitory, and I'll have all the previous rolls of word cards and everything, how to deal with it for yourself."

  "Oh," Qiao Feng and Kang Min walked silently shoulder to shoulder under the dim street lamp, "tomorrow when you go to the train station, remember to call me." ”

  Kang Min smiled: "It doesn't matter if I send it or not, I don't have any luggage." ”

  She slowly stopped and stood under the dim aperture of the street lamp. Qiao Feng was a little puzzled, so he stood with her.

  "Qiao Feng," Kang Min looked up at him, a very slender and soft hand gently pressed Qiao Feng's chest, "be more careful yourself." ”

  And so, very simply, Kang Min cried, crying like a paper man who would shatter at any moment in the evening wind of a summer night. Something choked in Qiao Feng's throat and made him feel bad.

  "What's wrong with Xiao Kang?" Qiao Feng watched blankly as Kang Min turned his head and ran away, submerging into the darkness by the flowerbed.


It turns out that the spring water spring tree is the most prosperous thing that should be included in the painting, otherwise it will pass, and the good scenery will not be able to be chased back in the past. And autumn sorrow is like this, the most exhausting, only singing with the two dry strings of the huqin can be slightly comforted. When Qiao Feng realized that he was indeed going to graduate tomorrow, he had a feeling that time had passed. In the past, after drinking too much on this boulevard, Qiao Feng would even have the illusion that Kang Min would suddenly appear behind him and pat him on the shoulder, and everything would be the same as before. But he will not go down this road in the future, so this illusion will also be extinguished.

  Qiao Feng will eventually leave all his fantasies, although he may soon see Kang Min.

  "Both of their children can play soy sauce, right?" Qiao Feng said to himself.

  A strong acid gas that had accumulated for two years rushed from the nasal cavity to the back of the head, facing the wind, and there was an unbearable sourness in the eye socket.

  The memory floated of the girl in black. She jumped up hard, knocked Qiao Feng's head, and said, You know a fart! ”

  And then knock again, and then another...

  Qiao Feng grinned and gently touched his head, which seemed to hurt a little.

  The wind kept blowing, and the shadow finally faded, faded, until the heart was empty.

2. Ling Hu Chong: "Old Fifth, you watch girls all day, aren't you bothered?" ”

Duan Yu: "No, you can see girls annoyingly?" ”

Ling Hu Chong: "But the old look is always a little..."

Duan Yu: "You want to see it, you don't like good-looking girls?" ”

Ling Fox Chong: "Like." ”

Duan Yu: "Why don't you watch it?"

3. There is a kind of happiness in the world that can never be sold, it requires you to be younger and more stupid. It is a pity that people can no longer be young after they are old, and after seeing many things, it is more difficult to become stupid.

  So that kind of happiness, only once.

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