
Let traditional culture rejuvenate digitally Warren held a generative design workshop on "Jiangnan Creation"., Shanghai
Let traditional culture rejuvenate digitally Warren held a generative design workshop on "Jiangnan Creation"., Shanghai News, June 30 (Wang Jingyu, Xu Jing) "When we want to design for Jiangnan, we must perceive and experience Jiangnan, and abstract our experience into concepts and images, and use AIGC's tools to design creative and unique cultural and creative products with new concepts." On June 29, the School of Art, Design and Media of East China University of Science and Technology successfully held the second phase of the generative co-design series workshop. With the theme of "Created in Jiangnan", the workshop uses the generative design paradigm to empower the inheritance of Jiangnan culture and give traditional culture a digital new life.

Let traditional culture rejuvenate digitally Warren held a generative design workshop on "Jiangnan Creation".

The workshop was unveiled.

Four new generations of Jiangnan intangible cultural heritage inheritors respectively told the stories behind Jiangnan intangible cultural heritage skills, interpreted traditional intangible cultural heritage with modern aesthetic connotations, and showed the challenges and development directions of intangible cultural heritage in the new era.

As one of the eight major schools of Chinese bonsai, Tongpai bonsai is loved by people because of its solemn momentum and beautiful posture. Zhu Shu introduced the three major cutting characteristics of Tongpai bonsai, such as fine materials, beautiful modeling and clear layers. The traditional bonsai represents the shape of "two and a half bends", mostly using podocarpus, five-needle pine and other tree species, and carefully bending the trunk into a ground bend, a second bend, and a half bend. Tongpai bonsai is an organic combination of natural beauty and artistic beauty, which requires the exquisite skills of bonsai masters, rigorous style and super high plant maintenance experience, thousands of times of meticulous carving, repeated climbing and pruning. Dozens of springs, summers, autumns and winters embody the perseverance and persistence of craftsmen.

From the daily bag of the Tang Dynasty to the emperor's dragon robe in the Ming Dynasty, and to the monopoly of the royal family during the Qing Dynasty, Chen Yajun told the historical development of silk skills. With the weaving method of "passing through the warp and breaking the weft", the silk embodies the wisdom and intelligence of Chinese craftsmen and the essence of traditional Chinese culture. In modern clothing design, silk is not only a material, but also a fusion of traditional and modern elements. Many designers combine silk with minimalist modern clothing to breathe new life into traditional silk.

Starting from the Chinese way of drinking tea, Li Ning introduced to everyone that unlike modern tea, in a long historical period, the main way to drink tea was "mixed boiled soup", mixed boiling. As a traditional Chinese way of drinking tea, ordering tea began in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty. In the four events of the Song Dynasty, ordering tea became the most lifelike and elegant thing. The tea drinking skills such as tea fighting and tea opera derived from it have also brought Chinese tea ceremony skills to the peak.

Li Ning demonstrated the Song-style tea ordering process in the form of a video: after grinding the tea cake into the end, putting in the tea cup to mix the ointment, then pouring boiling water and whisking with a tea whisk, so that the tea powder and water are blended together to form a milky tea soup. As the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage, the purple clay pot is not only a vessel, but also a work of art with profound cultural connotation.

Ge Hanlu introduced that the success of a purple sand handicraft has to go through ten to dozens of complex molding processes. To complete these processes, one depends on the production skills of the artists, and the other is on a variety of production tools. At the same time, she mentioned that innovation is also an indispensable part of the process of protection and inheritance. The combination of tradition and modernity not only maintains the traditional charm of the purple clay pot, but also injects new creative elements to make it glow with new vitality and vitality.

In the roundtable forum, Professor Yang Faxiang, Vice Dean of the School of Social and Public Administration of East China University of Science and Technology, Zhu Qi, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Shanghai Society of Science and Art, Yan Aibin, Associate Professor of the School of Art, Design and Media, and Zhou Jie, teacher of the School of Art, Design and Media, East China University of Science and Technology, shared their views on the theme of "Why Jiangnan".

This roundtable forum not only depicted the highly recognizable cultural genes in Jiangnan culture, but also provided a new path for everyone to shape the design of "New Jiangnan".

According to reports, Professor Fu Rongrong's team has been deeply engaged in the digital dissemination of Jiangnan intangible cultural heritage and the art research of Jiangnan images for a long time, and has completed a number of provincial and ministerial art fund projects, closely integrating with the industry to promote the combination of traditional intangible cultural heritage and cultural creativity. She said: "The beauty of Jiangnan lies in the mountains and rivers, in the skills, in the culture, but also in the spirit of innovation and change, openness and inclusiveness. This is the gene of Jiangnan culture, and it is also the foundation for culture and technology to converge, coexist and renew in the era of artificial intelligence. ”

As one of the series of activities of the "AI + Cultural Creativity" Development Forum of the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference, this event aims to bring the popular science education of "AI + Cultural Creativity" into colleges and universities, so that college students can more intuitively understand the practical application and value of artificial intelligence in the field of cultural and creative industries, and jointly promote the development and innovation of the field of artificial intelligence. After the previous day's online learning, more than 50 students from different colleges and universities have learned about the application of LLM in the field of design creativity, the principles and strategies of AI image generation. On this basis, the students were divided into groups to carry out the creative practice of Jiangnan cultural and creative design, and made a report and display.

Let traditional culture rejuvenate digitally Warren held a generative design workshop on "Jiangnan Creation".

After on-site voting, the works "Tea Zen One Taste" and "Songying Qinghui" won the Best AI Application Award and the Best Creativity Award respectively in this workshop, and other works also won awards. (ENDS)

Editor: Xu Jing

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