
The love of the family is important! People with diabetes at home should give these cares

author:Medical sugar

Source: Sugar Friend Butler

Family care is important

Family or friends are the most important support and reliance of diabetics. The care and support of loved ones can help people with diabetes better control their condition. But nagging and urging are often just a glimmer of the line. If the family just keeps telling the sugar friend what to do and what not to do, it will only make the sugar friend feel bored, but it is not conducive to the control of the disease.

If you want to really help your family, in addition to giving love, you must also pay attention to the following 10 details.

The love of the family is important! People with diabetes at home should give these cares

1. Learn diabetes knowledge

Like patients, family members should first understand the basic knowledge of diabetes and common sense of treatment, so as to closely cooperate with the doctor's treatment and keep the condition stable. In the long process of diabetics' prevention and treatment of diseases, they need to continuously learn a lot of diabetes knowledge and manage their own condition scientifically and reasonably. As a family member, you must learn and make progress together with sugar friends in order to help patients well.

2. Eliminate bad emotions such as anxiety

When it is learned that diabetes is an incurable lifelong disease, there will be a variety of chronic complications, almost everyone will more or less have fear, anxiety, pessimism, despair, broken jars and other bad emotions. Family members should comfort and encourage the specific emotions of sugar friends to help sugar friends build confidence and face them bravely.

3, do not act as a doctor, casually make suggestions

Unless you're an expert in the field of diabetes, don't casually give patients medication or treatment advice. You may be out of kindness and comfort a diabetic relative, "This is a small disease, don't care, you should eat, you should drink"; it will affect the treatment. Family members and sugar friends should have a correct attitude, actively take action to control the disease, control blood sugar, and avoid complications.

4, to become the patient's "patient"

The first priority for people with diabetes is to develop a healthy lifestyle. As a family member, you can think of yourself as a diabetic person, walking together every day, playing ball, and taking the initiative to order some healthy and nutritious meals when eating. This lifestyle change is not only helpful for patients, but also for families themselves.

5. Encourage more, intimidate less

Diabetics have to control their diet every day, monitor blood sugar, take medication according to medical advice, insist on exercise, etc., which is not easy to do. As a patient's family, we should give encouragement and support to sugar friends, affirm their efforts, and help them build confidence in overcoming the disease.

6. Assist in measuring blood glucose and supervising medication

Family members should help sugar friends to measure blood glucose regularly, observe blood sugar changes, and regularly go to the hospital for corresponding complications, and if there is abnormality, early treatment. Diabetics should be cautious in taking drugs, take drugs regularly, and do not indiscriminately choose hypoglycemic drugs without authorization. Diabetes can lead to serious complications, so proper and effective control of the condition is essential.

7. Develop healthy living habits

Urge diabetics to quit smoking and alcohol, and eat less high-calorie, sugar-up foods such as porridge and fatty meat. Assist the patient to develop a sports plan, preferably exercise together, and pay attention to protecting the patient during exercise to prevent foot damage and cardiovascular complications.

8. Observe the condition and take early prevention

Observe whether sugar friends have hypoglycemic reactions such as panicking and shaking cold sweats, and learn to supplement sugar by drinking sugary drinks to cope with hypoglycemia.

If the patient's weight gain or loss, if he is obese, he must lose weight; if the weight loss is accelerated, it is a manifestation of aggravation of the disease.

Whether the patient is old drinking water and running the toilet, it may be caused by elevated blood sugar, and blood glucose should be closely monitored.

9. Help wash your feet and check your feet

Help sugar friends wash their feet with warm water every day, diabetics feel that the temperature is not sensitive, it is best for family members to try the water temperature with their hands to avoid burns.

After washing the feet, help check whether there are bumps in the feet, whether there are any color changes, and if there is any abnormality, treat it as soon as possible. Help the sugar friend cut his toenails.

10. Do not use alkaline toiletries

Most diabetics have low skin moisture content and itching, and alkaline bath gels, shampoos, etc. are easy to irritate the skin and aggravate skin itching. Therefore, bathing should be used with toiletries that are less irritating and used by infants and young children.

The water temperature for bathing should not be too high, and it is most suitable to take 35 ° C ~ 42 ° C.

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