
Zhengzhou plans to carry out the fourth round of nucleic acid testing on August 15, and experts appeal: If the public receives a circulation call, please give support and cooperation

author:Bright Net

□ Top News Dahe Newspaper reporter Hou Bingyu Feng Ziyong

On August 13, Zhengzhou held the eleventh press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Li Huifang, deputy secretary general of the Zhengzhou Municipal Government, Wu Jingyu, director of the Municipal Health Supervision Bureau, Li Xiaohong, chief physician of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention and chief expert of infectious disease prevention and control, and Hou Huiting, vice mayor of Dengfeng Municipal Government, attended the press conference, released the latest progress of the epidemic, and answered questions from reporters on issues of social concern.

On August 12, there were 2 new confirmed cases in the city, and 9 cases were confirmed by the original asymptomatic infected people

According to Li Huifang, from 0:00 to 24:00 on August 12, there were 2 new confirmed cases and 2 cases of asymptomatic infection in the city, and 9 cases of original asymptomatic infection were confirmed.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic on July 31, a total of 136 confirmed cases and 2 asymptomatic infected people have been reported, and the above cases have been subjected to centralized treatment or isolation for medical observation as required.

The first round of key populations detected 9 positive cases, and the second round has not yet detected abnormalities

The reporter learned at the press conference that at present, the first round of nucleic acid testing of key populations has been completed, a total of 696344 people have been tested, and 9 cases have been detected positive.

Among them, 2 cases on August 10, 3 cases on August 11, and 4 cases on August 12 are all close contacts of confirmed cases in centralized isolation, which have been counted as newly infected people on that day.

As of 24:00 on August 12, the second round of nucleic acid testing of key populations had sampled a total of 607,140 people, and 544737 people were tested. Abnormal results have not been detected.

All 138 infected people have completed the circulation, and the cumulative centralized isolation of more than 20,000 people

It is reported that at present, all 138 infected people in Zhengzhou Have completed the circulation, and a total of 2515 people have been tracked and 8048 people have been closely contacted.

According to the prevention and control strategy of "circle and seal", a total of 21,949 people have been isolated in the dense connection, sub-close connection and high-risk population.

In the next step, Zhengzhou will still adhere to the equal emphasis on the "epidemic" and manual "race" of data warfare, and use the "big data + grid" inspection method to check the number of people, check the number of people, check the location, and clarify the trajectory for the close connection, sub-close connection, key personnel and personnel from medium and high-risk areas.

Zhengzhou plans to carry out the fourth round of nucleic acid testing for all employees on August 15

The reporter learned at the press conference that in view of the characteristics of the high viral load, strong transmission capacity, fast transmission speed and strong transmission concealment of the Delta mutant strain, in order to resolutely eliminate the hidden dangers of transmission and ensure the health and life safety of the people, it is planned to carry out the fourth round of nucleic acid testing for all employees on August 15, and will accurately and scientifically adjust the closed, sealing, closed-loop management and other measures for epidemic prevention and control in Zhengzhou according to the results of the fourth round of nucleic acid testing, to control key people and release healthy people.

Members of the public may receive mobile calls at any time, please give support and cooperation

Recently, many citizens have received epidemiological phone calls or text message investigations, is this "normal operation"? According to Li Xiaohong, epidemiological investigation is a key link in the pursuit of virus traces, and the information collected by circulation can play a key role in effectively curbing the epidemic.

In order to achieve the goal of checking people on the ground and sealing as soon as possible, the city's circulation team has been carrying out 24-hour uninterrupted traceability work, and the circulation personnel may call the public at any time, even late at night or in the early morning, in order to understand the verification situation at the first time, ask for the details of the trajectory, and inevitably bring inconvenience to everyone's life. Li Xiaohong appealed that at the moment of the epidemic, please understand the general public and friends, and give support and cooperation as much as possible to truthfully provide accurate information.

Source: Big River News

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