
Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

author:Extremely ridiculous

The sky of the Hong Kong entertainment industry has recently been shrouded in shocking news - the "living fossil of Hong Kong movies" in our hearts, Mr. Xie Xian, was exposed to be critically ill! When you hear this news, do you feel like a bombshell that instantly makes our hearts tremble?

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

Xie Xian, this name, in the hearts of our generation, is not just a name. He is the memory of a generation, the symbol of Hong Kong films, and a legend in our hearts. I remember when I was a child, every time I turned on the TV, I could always see his familiar face, or a heroic knight, or an affectionate gentleman, and every role was deeply imprinted in our hearts.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

Just when everyone thought that he would continue to shine in the film industry, he won the Academy Award for Best Actor again at the age of 80 with that "Kill at Dusk"! That's right, you heard it right, it's 80 years old! This is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also a tribute to his entire acting career.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

But then again, the knife of time is fair to everyone. Although the old man Xie Xian has the spirit of not accepting the old, he is still invincible to the destruction of time after all. Now the news that he is critically ill is really mixed in people's hearts.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

Let's talk about the legendary life of Old Man Xie Xian. He was born into a wealthy family and lived a worry-free life since he was a child. But the good times didn't last long, and his family was in the middle of the road, so he had to step into society early and find his own way out. Luckily, he met the showbiz and the stage that allowed him to shine.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

Starting from a small supporting role, he has reached the top step by step with his talent and hard work. His acting career has spanned many eras, from black and white films to color films, from martial arts films to comedies. Every role, he has tried to figure out and interpret with his heart, and has become a treasure in the Hong Kong film industry.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

In addition to his acting career, Mr. Xie Xian's love life has also attracted much attention. He had been in love with his girlfriend, who was 50 years younger than him, for 12 years, and this relationship caused an uproar at the time. But Old Man Xie Xian didn't care, he proved with his actions what true love is. His sweet daily life with his girlfriend has also become a good story in the entertainment industry.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

Of course, when it comes to Mr. Xie Xian, I have to mention his relationship with his daughter-in-law Cecilia Cheung. The relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is known as the model of "the most enlightened mother-in-law and daughter-in-law". When Xie Xian was critically ill, Cecilia Cheung did not hesitate to suspend all work and take care of him wholeheartedly. This sense of responsibility to the family and respect for the elders is really touching.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

Now, Old Man Xie Xian's illness affects the hearts of countless people. Some speculate that this is just an exaggeration by the media, but many more hope that he will be able to get through this difficult time and recover soon. After all, he is a legend in our hearts and a "living fossil of Hong Kong films" forever.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

But then again, what is Old Man Xie Xian's condition? We don't know. But no matter what the outcome is, we have to thank him for those classic characters and fond memories that he brought us. His spirit of disobedience to old age and vigorous vitality have always infected everyone around us.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, old actors like Xie Xian are becoming more and more rare. With their talents and efforts, they have left us many valuable assets. I hope that Mr. Xie Xian can recover soon and continue to bring us more wonderful works and memories. At the same time, it is also hoped that more young people can cherish the dedication and contribution of these older generation artists and inherit their spirit and skills.

Outburst! Cecilia Cheung bid farewell to the entertainment industry and took care of her seriously ill ex-father-in-law, which caused heated discussions

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