
"Queen of the Nine Days" Jane Gray: 16 years old confused to succeed to the throne, only 9 days but the soul of the Tower of London

author:Red sleeves say something

"Queen of the Nine Days" Jane Gray: 16 years old confused to succeed to the throne, only 9 days but the soul of the Tower of London

There is an old saying in the history of our country: "Sometimes there must be something in fate, and there must be no demand in fate at any time." This phrase is most appropriate to describe Henry VIII, who married six queens in order to give birth to the heir of the empire, but only one son of Edward VI.

"Queen of the Nine Days" Jane Gray: 16 years old confused to succeed to the throne, only 9 days but the soul of the Tower of London

The protagonist of this issue is named Jane Gray, although she is the first queen in British history, but her fate is tragic. Jane Gray ascended the throne at the age of 16, but he was in Power for nine days before he lost London.

After the death of Henry VIII, he was succeeded by his only son, Edward VI. Unfortunately, Edward died young, when he was 16 years old, and even more difficultly, he did not give birth to an heir to the throne.

Edward VI ascended the throne in 1547 and was too young to govern himself, so he was regent by his uncle Edward Seymour. And the protagonist of our story, Jane Gray, is the cousin niece of Edward VI.

"Queen of the Nine Days" Jane Gray: 16 years old confused to succeed to the throne, only 9 days but the soul of the Tower of London

After the death of Edward VI, the entire British Empire was in a state of emptiness. According to the bloodline, the most likely successors are Princess Mary and Princess Elizabeth. However, the two princesses were legally illegitimate daughters and were deprived of the right to inherit.

Jane Gray's father was the Duke of Sufok and his mother was Francis Brandon. Speaking of creating people, Jane Gray was originally a candidate for Queen Edward, but the plan was not implemented due to the early death of the king.

In this way, Jane Gray became the best heir to the throne, and after the death of 16-year-old King Jane Grey Edward, he became the queen, becoming the first queen in British history.

Although Jane Gray said before he took the throne: "This throne does not belong to me, and it does not make me happy and happy". But all this Jane Gray obviously had no right to decide, she could only accept the arrangement.

"Queen of the Nine Days" Jane Gray: 16 years old confused to succeed to the throne, only 9 days but the soul of the Tower of London

However, Princess Mary later staged a coup d'état and Jane Gray was overthrown after only 9 days on the throne. Princess Mary was brave and resourceful, won the support of the masses, and eventually took Jane Gray's place and ascended to the throne of the Queen of England.

In 1553 AD, the nightmare that belonged to Jane Gray really began, and she was imprisoned in the Tower of London. Because Jane Gray's reign lasted only nine days, she was known as the "Queen of the Nine Days".

Princess Mary successfully ascended to the throne, known historically as Mary I. She is Jane Gray's cousin and has been friends with Jane Gray's mother for many years. Thus Jane Grey was imprisoned in the Tower of London, but Mary I apparently did not want to kill the killer.

"Queen of the Nine Days" Jane Gray: 16 years old confused to succeed to the throne, only 9 days but the soul of the Tower of London

Mary I's way of life at the time was that Jane Gray could be pardoned if she chose to renounce her Protestant faith and convert to Catholicism. However, the pious Jane Gray did not accede to this request, and eventually lost his only chance of survival.

Later, Jane Gray's father launched an uprising to rescue his daughter, but this time he completely pushed Jane Gray into the fire pit. This action completely infuriated Mary I, who allowed others to snore at the bedside, and Jane Gray could not stay.

Mary I insisted on putting Jane Gray on the guillotine despite the objections of her courtiers. Jane Grey was originally trained as Queen of England, but did not expect King Edward to die prematurely, which eventually led to this tragedy.

"Queen of the Nine Days" Jane Gray: 16 years old confused to succeed to the throne, only 9 days but the soul of the Tower of London

It is said that Jane Gray's greatest wish in life was to read books and talk about the piano on the bright path of the field. However, such a naïve and innocent young girl was unprovoked involved in a cruel and cold-blooded struggle, and became a political victim in a vacuum.

Jane Gray was fascinated by literature in her youth, especially the philosophies of Plato and Socrates, and was fascinated by the literary young woman, in our words today. She once said: Literature makes me feel extremely full and happy, and I can be called a mentor and friend in my life.

Jane Gray reigned for only nine short days, so much so that his later presence in British history was extremely low. Although she was revered as a queen, none of this was really what she really wanted. Jane Gray was sixteen years old, but she was used as a wedding dress, and her ending also made countless people sad and lamented.

"Queen of the Nine Days" Jane Gray: 16 years old confused to succeed to the throne, only 9 days but the soul of the Tower of London

Editor's comments: The world is one after another, Sai Weng lost his horse and knew that it was not a blessing, and no one could tell the serious relationship. Jane Grey was originally trained as Edward's queen, but the king died prematurely and became the heir to the throne.

It was precisely because of the power struggle that Jane Gray died in the Tower of London at the age of sixteen, becoming the first short-lived queen in British history, and her life can be described as a combination of surprise and fright!

Readers, what do you think of this "Queen of Nine Days" Jane Gray? Welcome to discuss the message, Xiaobian and everyone will meet again in the next issue!

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