
China University of Science and Technology RoboGame Robot Contest robot than shooting

author:China News Network
China University of Science and Technology RoboGame Robot Contest robot than shooting

The robot is in a game shot. Courtesy of The University of Science and Technology of China

Hefei, October 25 (Liu Aihua, Wu Lan) Grabbing, crossing obstacles, shooting... In less than a minute, the basketball is accurately recognized and thrown by the robot, which is the scene of the final of the 21st RoboGame Robot Competition of the University of Science and Technology of China.

On the 24th, the final of the 21st RoboGame Robot Competition of the University of Science and Technology of China was held at the university. It is reported that the competition is a major brand activity for the scientific and technological innovation and comprehensive practical education of Chinese university students. Since its inception in 2001, it has been successfully held for 20 sessions, and has achieved good results in stimulating students' awareness of learning, exploration and innovation, cultivating students' practical ability, comprehensive innovation ability and teamwork spirit.

The theme of this year's competition is shooting competition robots, which require teams to design robots that can accurately identify, grab basketballs on simulated courts, and cross obstacles before shooting. The judges decide the winner based on the team's ball and shot score within a specified time. A total of 23 teams registered for the competition this year, and through the preliminary points-based qualifiers, 12 teams finally entered the final.

It is understood that the RoboGame Robot Competition requires the participating teams to design and produce robots by themselves within five months and around specific competition themes and rules under the premise of limiting funds. All registered participants are juniors and below of the school, and each team has no more than 5 members.

Dong Erbao, the organizer of the event and associate professor of the School of Engineering Sciences of the University of Science and Technology of China, said: "The competition aims to encourage the participants to comprehensively use the knowledge they have learned, exert exquisite creative ideas, design and develop novel and unique robots, and fully stimulate the students' excellent innovation vitality and courage to challenge the fighting spirit." ”

Source: China News Network