
China Youth Robot Competition Gansu Competition: Cutting-edge technology is better than "smart" devices

author:China News Network
China Youth Robot Competition Gansu Competition: Cutting-edge technology is better than "smart" devices

On May 13th, the 20th China Youth Robot (Gansu Division) Competition opened in Shandan County, Zhangye City. Photo by Wei Jianjun

Lanzhou, May 13 (Reporter Wei Jianjun) "This competition involves technical research and technology integration in cutting-edge fields such as artificial intelligence, image processing, and communication sensing. Zhao Jinhui, deputy director of the Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Museum, said that this is also the difference and highlight of this competition and previous competitions.

On the 13th, the 20th China Youth Robot (Gansu Division) Competition and the World Youth Robot Invitational Competition (Gansu Division) Selection Competition opened in Shandan County, Zhangye City. With the theme of "Happy Growth", the competition focused on displaying the achievements of gansu youth science and technology education.

Zhang Ping, vice chairman of the Gansu Provincial Association for Science and Technology, said that the competition for the first time added the Selection Competition of the World Youth Robot Invitational Competition (Gansu Division), with a total of 17 representative teams, 281 teams and 712 primary and secondary school students from primary and secondary schools across the province participating.

China Youth Robot Competition Gansu Competition: Cutting-edge technology is better than "smart" devices

The picture shows students of the Second Affiliated Middle School of Northwest Normal University demonstrating an articulated robot. Photo by Wei Jianjun

According to reports, this robot competition is divided into 7 types of competition items, China Youth Robot (Gansu Division) competition includes a robot comprehensive skills competition with the theme of "garbage classification, helping environmental protection", with 67 participating teams; a robot creative competition with the theme of "collaborative robots", with 81 participating teams; the VEX Robot Engineering Challenge with the theme of "Building Blocks into Towers" has 23 participating teams; and the Robot Innovation Challenge with the theme of "Smart City" has 37 participating teams.

The World Youth Robot Invitational Competition (Gansu Division) selection competition mainly includes the primary school group with the theme of "After the Storm", the junior high school group WRO regular season with the theme of "Snow After the City", with 35 participating teams; the primary school group with the theme of "smart transportation", the junior high school group Make X robot challenge with the theme of "intelligent manufacturing", with 18 teams; and the VEX IQ Challenge with the theme of "Golden Ball in the Frame" has 20 teams.

In recent years, the Gansu Provincial Association for Science and Technology, in cooperation with the Provincial Department of Education and other relevant units, has held various forms of youth science and technology competitions to further improve the scientific literacy of the majority of young people, so that more college, middle and primary school students can exert their potential, pay attention to science and technology, enter science and technology, and love science and technology.

In recent years, Zhangye City has also actively held various extracurricular science and technology education activities for teenagers in the education reform, and 4 science and technology museums have been built and opened. Shandan County supports the construction of Peili Vocational College, plans to build a New China-Singapore University of Applied Technology, vigorously develops modern vocational education with "science and technology + innovation", and cultivates craftsmen and technical talents in big countries.

China Youth Robot Competition Gansu Competition: Cutting-edge technology is better than "smart" devices

The picture shows the scene of the competition. Photo by Wei Jianjun

Zhang Wei, the county magistrate of Shandan County, said that the county actively carried out the pilot work of provincial-level innovative counties, built the largest county-level science and technology museum in Gansu, identified 19 high-tech enterprises and 9 provincial-level innovative enterprises, and the number of patents authorized during the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period reached 2260, and the contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth was significantly enhanced.

Teng Zhen, vice chairman of Lanzhou Science and Technology Association, said that the youth robot competition is an activity that integrates scientific and technological innovation and passionate collision, which is not only a stage for youth, but also a field of wisdom, which further stimulates the good atmosphere of "learning science, loving science and using science" in the city, and promotes the continuous improvement of the scientific quality of teenagers in the city.

In this year's robot competition, the robot team of Beijing No. 2 Experimental Primary School Lanzhou Branch participated in two competitions: the WRO Engineering Challenge and the Creative Robot Competition. Liu Weimin, director of the school's information center, said that in the process of competition, the children's knowledge, skills, emotions, attitudes and values have been developed and improved.

China Youth Robot (Gansu Division) Competition is a popular science and technology education activity integrating knowledge accumulation, skill training, inquiry and learning for primary and secondary school students in the province, aiming to become a brand activity of Gansu youth science and technology education through challenging competition projects, after years of continuous holding.

Zhao Jinhui said that robots to microscopic nano-robots, from humanoid robots representing cutting-edge technology to pet robots that children like, robots have increasingly entered our lives and become the closest partners of human beings.

"Although we have to bear a certain amount of pressure on the field and deal with various unexpected situations, these experiences are a valuable memory of the children's growth path, which is also the value of our hosting this competition." Zhao Jinhui said. (End)

Source: China News Network

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