
Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

author:Gua Xue is pedantic Bei Xiaoxi

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" >introduction:</h1>

Li Zhi's daughter became a celebrity, his ex-wife's daughter lived in the basement and was displaced, and Jet Li's eccentric father's love.

Last time, Xi Jie wrote about Jet Li's young daughter graduating from high school, and talked about his and Li Zhisheng's sister Flowers, the third daughter Jane and the fourth daughter Jada.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

Many netizens feel that these two daughters look average, and the two daughters born by his ex-wife Huang Qiuyan are more attractive and beautiful than the two daughters of Li Zhisheng, so let's talk about the daughters of the ex-wife - Li Si and Li Timmi this time.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

Compared with Li Zhi's daughters, the daughters of the ex-wife are obviously unfortunate, and they are abandoned by their fathers not long after they are born.

Jet Li's infidelity is indirectly related to the eldest daughter Li Si.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

At that time, Jet Li made a name for himself in China because of the "Shaolin Temple" series of movies, and he was young and vigorous, and he had the idea of going to the United States. So he took his wife Huang Qiuyan to the United States with him, and also took a loan to buy a house there.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

The birth of the eldest daughter, Li Si, made Jet Li, a new father, feel happy, but at that time, the United States was no better than China, and he did not have much popularity in the United States, and no one looked for him to make movies for a long time. With the need to repay the mortgage and support his wife and children, Jet Li is facing huge financial pressure.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

Director Deng Yancheng's invitation phone call became Jet Li's life-saving straw, he had a new film about "The Dragon in the End of the World", he could play the male lead, and he played with Zhou Xingchi and Di Wei, and the female lead was the Asian sister champion, who was hot at the time.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

Under The beauty of Li Zhi, Jet Li fell hopelessly into it and became a prisoner. He was overwhelmed by love, forgetting to take care of him during his serious injuries, accompanying him to huang Qiuyan, the wife of the chaff who shared his happiness and suffering, and even more forgetting that Huang Qiuyan was pregnant with her second child at that time.

He called Huang Qiuyan, saying that he was in love with someone else, saying how good Li Zhi was, how much he loved Li Zhi to death, and every word was like a knife stabbed in Huang Qiuyan's heart.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

Jet Li left the House in the United States to Huang Qiuyan as compensation, Huang Qiuyan gave birth to the second daughter Li Momi, she was not familiar with the Land in the United States, her English was not good, she could not find a job, she could not carry a huge mortgage, and she also had to milk two daughters.

She sold the house, fortunately, there was an old American lady with a kind heart, took in their mother and daughter, and cleaned up one of her basements for the mother and daughter to live in, Andi Li si and Li Timmy grew up in such a difficult environment.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

At this time, Jet Li was immersed in the gentle township of Li Zhi, where did he still have the heart to care about the death and death of his ex-wife and daughter?

Huang Qiuyan is also a proud woman, even if she has a bad life, she does not contact Jet Li to ask for his alms. It wasn't until both daughters were in middle school that she couldn't afford her daughter's tuition that she called Jet Li.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

Jet Li was surprised to hear about their situation, he didn't know that Huang Qiuyan's life with his daughter was so bad. Finally, he still had a little conscience, so he took his two daughters back to China and let their grandmother raise them and study in China.

He also greeted his friends in the United States and asked them to find a job at a barbershop for Huang Qiuyan.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

When Huang Qiuyan went all the way from apprentice to beautician, opened her own beauty shop, and had considerable savings, Jet Li arranged for her two daughters to go to the United States and return to her mother.

Li Si and Li Timmy's young years were spent in a turbulent displacement, and it was not until they graduated from high school and were reunited with their mothers that life became stable.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

But the two daughters born to Li Zhi were born with golden spoons and were loved by Jet Li.

They are well educated, and their third daughter, Jane, attends Harvard, and the fourth daughter, Jada, attends Phillips Academy, the nation's number one private high school.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

Li Zhi cultivated his two daughters as celebrities and let them enter and leave the upper social circle. Jane has already participated in the Paris Celebrity Club at the end of 2019.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

The ball was filled with prominent whites from all over the world, whose fathers were either powerful or rich, and the threshold was quite high, not rich enough to enter, and even Trump's eldest daughter Ivanka was rejected.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

Li Si and Li Tim have followed their mother, joined the United States nationality, and remarried with their mother to a Chinese restaurant owner surnamed Wang.

They can only live the life of ordinary girls, low-key growth, and some media reports have reported that these two daughters have also graduated from prestigious schools in the United States.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

At the age of 25, Li Thought entered the entertainment industry through the SNH48 group audition, Jet Li said that he would not interfere with his daughter's choice, and in fact, in addition to giving his two daughters living expenses and tuition fees, he almost never asked about their lives and did not care enough about them.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

SNH48 operator also invited Jet Li, hoping that he would serve as a judge for the second term and witness the debut of his daughter, but this matter was not over, nor did she see Li Si debut, somehow gave up, maybe she found that she did not like the complex environment of the entertainment industry, and quit early.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

There is even less information about the second daughter, Li Timmy, who is well protected by Huang Qiuyan, who knows that her ex-husband is a big person, and once she and her daughter do anything out of the ordinary, they are easy to be caught by the media.

Huang Qiuyansheng's sister flowers, whose appearance is higher than Li Zhi's daughter, but has not become Jet Li's palm pearl Introduction: Recommended reading:

So she educated her two daughters well, did not add any gossip to Jet Li, even if it was the most decent explanation to her ex-husband, she was indeed a generous woman.

[Pay attention to Sister Xi, take you to eat all the melons in the simplest posture]

#李连杰 #

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