
Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

author:A story gallery

On the evening of September 19, 1999, a 100-acre luxury estate in Los Angeles was brightly lit and guests were like clouds. A grand wedding is taking place at the estate, with kung fu superstar Jet Li as the groom and his new wife Li Zhi as the bride.

Jet Li is dressed in a black dress, handsome and straight, while Li Zhi is wearing a white wedding dress, the beautiful and moving wedding scene is elegantly and noble, showing the taste and status of the newlyweds everywhere.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

However, Jet Li's ex-wife Huang Qiuyan is worried about her livelihood in a basement of only 10 square meters not far from the mansion. There was only a bed, a table and a TV in the room, without any extra furniture and appliances. Huang Qiuyan sat on the edge of the bed, her eyes glazed over, as if she was recalling the past.

This dramatic contrast is like a huge joke played by fate. The husband and wife used to fight side by side, but now they live very different lives. Jet Li reached the peak of his life, while Huang Qiuyan fell to the bottom.

Looking back on Jet Li's life course, we will unconsciously think: What kind of fate arranged him from a poor boy to gradually climb to the top of the film industry, and experienced such a big ups and downs in his love life?

Jet Li's life is like a movie. He was born on April 26, 1963, in Beijing to a family of ordinary workers. When he was 5 years old, due to his family's poverty, his mother sent him to a martial arts school. Even when he was young, Jet Li had to get up early and train late every day, and in order to save 10 yuan in tuition, his mother had to ride a bicycle to pick him up every day.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

In the arduous training, Jet Li's martial arts level has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has won the national martial arts championship many times and has become a rising star in the Chinese martial arts world. However, the gears of fate have long since begun to turn, propelling him to a bigger stage.

In 1982, 19-year-old Jet Li started his acting career because of the explosion of the movie "Shaolin Temple", and since then, he has continued to climb the peak of his career and has become a kung fu superstar in the Chinese film industry. However, just when his career was booming, his love life had twists and turns.

In 1986, Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan tied the knot and formed their own small family. However, as their careers continued to improve, cracks gradually appeared in their relationship. During the filming of "Dragon in the World" in 1989, Jet Li and Li Zhi met, and the two quickly fell in love. In the end, Jet Li chose to divorce Huang Qiuyan and got together with Li Zhi.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

Today, when we see the luxurious wedding held by Jet Li and Li Zhi, and then think back to Huang Qiuyan's life in the basement, we can't help but think about what is the definition of success and failure, happiness and pain? What kind of inspiration can such a game of fate bring us?

In 1994, Jet Li's career was at its peak, he successfully conquered the audience with one kung fu movie after another, enjoyed a very high status in the Chinese film industry, and attracted many eyes every time he appeared. However, fate brought him a cruel joke at this seemingly bright moment.

Jet Li failed to invest in real estate and was saddled with a debt of up to 30 million yuan overnight. The former kung fu superstar has now become a "rat crossing the street" who is being collected by creditors. In order to repay the debt, he had to sign a deed of sale with the company and advance 30 million yuan.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

Jet Li recalled: "At that time, I really felt that the sky had fallen, and I was thinking about how to repay my debts and how to survive every day."

This sudden blow plunged Jet Li into deep self-doubt. He began to reflect on his own life, thinking of the teenager who trained diligently at the Shichahai Sports School in Beijing. In the past, he had to get up at 5 a.m. to train and rest at 10 p.m.

"I remember one time when I didn't do it right, the coach whipped me." Jet Li recalled, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, "I felt very bitter at that time, but it was that kind of training that made me who I was later."

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

After hard training, Jet Li's martial arts level has improved by leaps and bounds. He has won the national wushu championship many times and has become a future star in the Chinese wushu world. In 1982, Jet Li, who was only 19 years old, starred in the movie "Shaolin Temple" and became an instant hit, and since then he has embarked on his acting career.

At that time, his daily salary was only 1 yuan, and the salary he received after filming "Shaolin Temple" was only 120 yuan. However, Jet Li was not satisfied, he continued to struggle, and gradually reached the peak of his career. In 1990, he cooperated with director Tsui Hark and participated in the action movie "Once Upon a Time: Top Gun", with a salary of millions. However, while his career was booming, there were problems in his love life.

In 1989, during the filming of the movie "Dragon in the World", Jet Li met Li Zhi, the "little fish" in "The Peerless Twins", and quickly fell in love. This put the married Jet Li in a painful struggle. "It was a really contradictory time," he recalls, "on the one hand, it was a responsibility to the family, and on the other hand, it was an irresistible feeling."

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

When the economic crisis hit in 1994, Jet Li fell into an unprecedented predicament. However, just when he thought he could start a new life, things didn't go as he expected, and in the end he chose to end his marriage with his ex-wife and be with Lizhi.

"At that time, I really felt like a failure." Jet Li recalled, his voice full of bitterness. Not only did he lose his family, but he was also saddled with huge debts. Every night before going to bed, he thinks, "What will I do tomorrow?" ”。

At this moment, Jet Li's predicament received an unexpected helping hand - his ex-wife Huang Qiuyan. After Huang Qiuyan learned of Jet Li's situation, she offered to help. She took good care of her two daughters, and often sent food and daily necessities to Jet Li.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

At that time, Jet Li had to live in the basement of a friend's house, which was only 10 square meters, and the conditions were very difficult. Jet Li recalled: "At that time, I really fell to the bottom of my life, but it was also at that time that I began to rethink the meaning of life.

Jet Li's experience of falling from the peak to the bottom made him deeply aware of the impermanence of life. He began to reflect on what he had done in the past, and he also began to cherish the friendship of the people around him.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

This difficult time, although painful, has also become an important turning point in Jet Li's life.

On June 3, 1986, Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan registered their marriage in Beijing. At that time, Jet Li became famous with the success of the movie "Shaolin Temple", and his career was at its peak. Huang Qiuyan is Jet Li's classmate, and the two grew up together since childhood and have a deep relationship.

"Qiu Yan is a very virtuous person and very supportive of my career." Jet Li recalled affectionately, with a nostalgic look on his face, "At that time, although our conditions were simple and our lives were not rich, we lived very happily.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

However, as Jet Li's star journey is getting wider and wider, the contradictions between husband and wife are gradually emerging. Jet Li often needs to film in various places, and he can't accompany his family for a long time. Huang Qiuyan took on the responsibility of taking care of the family and raised her two daughters alone.

In 1989, during the filming of the movie "Dragon in the World", Jet Li got acquainted with Li Zhi, the "little fish" in "The Peerless Double Pride". Born in Shanghai in 1961, Li Zhi is two years younger than Jet Li and is a well-known Hong Kong actress and model.

The appearance of Li Zhi caused ripples in Jet Li's heart. "That's when I felt that this girl was really different." Jet Li said frankly, "But I also know that I have a family.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

However, emotional matters are often beyond the control of the intellect. The growing relationship between Jet Li and Li Zhi caused him to fall into a deep inner struggle. On the one hand, it is a responsibility to the family, and on the other hand, it is a new feeling that is difficult to resist.

In July 1991, Jet Li made a difficult decision, he chose to divorce Huang Qiuyan. "I know it's unfair to Qiu Yan," his eyes were filled with deep guilt, "but in the face of feelings, I can't deceive myself."

After the divorce, Jet Li handed over the custody of his two daughters to Huang Qiuyan. "I don't feel like I'm capable of taking care of them," he explained. My career is on the rise, and I often have to run around.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

This decision put a lot of psychological pressure on him, and he often felt guilty for not being able to fulfill his father's responsibilities.

However, the economic crisis in 1994 put Jet Li in an unprecedented predicament, and he originally thought that he could start a new life with Lizhi. Fate played a joke on him again.

"I felt like a complete loser," Jet Li recalled in a painful voice, "not only did I lose my family, but I was also burdened with heavy debts." ”

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

It was at this time that an unexpected helping hand reached out. When Huang Qiuyan learned of Jet Li's predicament, she offered to help, and in addition to taking care of my two daughters, she often sent me food and daily necessities.

"Qiu Yan's kindness is touching, but it also makes me feel deeply guilty," Jet Li said, tears in his eyes, "I feel like I owe her too much." "

During this period, Jet Li and Li Zhi's relationship also faced challenges. In the face of difficult times, Li Zhi stood firmly by Jet Li's side, she said: "I love Jet Li as a person, not his fame or wealth.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

During this difficult period, the relationship between Jet Li and Li Zhi became stronger. On November 21, 2005, they finally had a make-up wedding in the United States. Although this wedding was nearly 16 years later than their acquaintance and love, they thought that this would make up for the regret in their hearts.

Jet Li's two marriages are like a microcosm of life, showing the difficult choice and growth between love and responsibility. From the sweetness of childhood sweethearts, to the pressure of family responsibilities, to the impact of new feelings, and finally to the reflection and redemption of the past, Jet Li continues to grow in this process and cherishes the happiness in front of him even more.

2001 was a major turning point for Jet Li. After a 7-year trough period, he finally ushered in the second spring of his career in this year. This year, he received an invitation from Hollywood and began his new journey in the international film industry.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

"I got an offer from Hollywood," Jet Li recalled, with a relieved smile on his face, "and I really felt like I had a new lease on life." This invitation not only represents a new opportunity for his career, but also represents a recognition of his efforts over the years.

However, when Jet Li's career returned to its peak, his heart was not at peace. He recalls the most difficult days of 1993

At that time, Jet Li, in order to avoid creditors, had to live in the basement of a Hong Kong friend's house, which was only 10 square meters. "The basement was so small," he described, "but I had no choice at the time.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

There was a deep helplessness in his eyes.

Jet Li has lived in a very difficult basement for nearly a year. There is no air conditioning, and it is unbearably hot in the summer and bitterly cold in the winter.

Jet Li recalled bitterly: "I remember one time when it suddenly rained heavily in the middle of the night, and the basement was flooded, I could only stand on the bed and watch the water flood up. At that time, I really felt that I had reached the lowest point in my life.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

It was in this predicament that Jet Li began to deeply reflect on his life. He realized that money and fame are not the most important things in life, but the love of his family is the most precious.

This experience made him start to re-examine his values and also gave him a new understanding of life.

During these difficult days, Jet Li received support from friends and family, especially his friend and agent Zhang Chaoyang, who has been silently helping. Zhang Chaoyang not only gave financial support, but also gave spiritual encouragement, helping Jet Li through the most difficult period.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

These selfless help deeply moved Jet Li and made him cherish the people around him even more. He began to realize that in the past he had focused too much on his career and neglected the importance of family and friends.

As time went by, Jet Li's career improved, and he began to make some small-budget movies, and gradually paid off his debts. In 2001, his outstanding performance in the Hollywood film Deadly Romeo brought him recognition from audiences and the industry again.

On November 21, 2005, Jet Li and Li Zhi made up for their wedding, which was nearly 16 years late, to make up for the regrets in their hearts.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

After the baptism of wind and rain, we finally came together, Jet Li said with emotion, "This makes me cherish my current happiness even more." "

This wedding is not only a testimony of Jet Li and Li Zhi's love, but also intended to herald the starting point of a new stage of Jet Li's life. After experiencing career and emotional twists and turns, Jet Li has become more mature and stable.

He began to learn to balance his career and family life and deeply cherished the happiness of the moment.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

From the basement to Hollywood, from debt to successful counterattack, Jet Li's story can be called a realistic version of inspirational journey. He told us from personal experience that as long as we don't lose hope and persevere, we will be able to miraculously counterattack and regain the turning point in life.

As his career got off to a new start, Jet Li re-examined his family relationships. In the winter of 2004, he made an important decision to take his eldest daughter Sisi to his side. This decision marks the beginning of Jet Li's efforts to make up for his past indebtedness to his family.

"I owe so much to my children," Jet Li said, his eyes filled with deep guilt, "and I want to try to make up for my past negligence to them." He knows that in the process of becoming a father, he once neglected to care for his children because he was too focused on his career.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

Jet Li began to struggle to balance career and family. He not only takes care of the children around him, but also regularly returns to China to visit his youngest daughter who is by Huang Qiuyan's side.

"Every time I see the children, I think of how irresponsible I was," Jet Li said, his voice full of self-reproach, "I hope to regain their trust and love." "

In order to make up for the lack of the past, Jet Li began to learn how to be a good father. He tries to spend as much time as possible with his children and participate in their lives. Although it was a little rusty at first, Jet Li's sincerity and hard work gradually won the recognition of the children.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

At the same time, the relationship between Jet Li and Huang Qiuyan gradually eased. Although it is impossible for them to renew their old friendships, as parents of their children, they learn to understand and respect. Huang Qiuyan's tolerance and generosity made Jet Li feel extremely guilty and grateful.

Jet Li praised from the bottom of his heart: "Qiu Yan is a great woman, she has given so much for her children, I am really grateful to her." Since then, he has started to support his ex-wife and children in every possible way and financially and spiritually.

Jet Li and Li Zhi also tried their best to create opportunities for the children of the two families to spend more time together. They want their children to build a deep sense of brotherhood and sisterhood without alienating each other because of their parents' choices.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

Although the process was arduous, Jet Li's sincerity and hard work eventually touched his family and made them understand and accept. As time passed, the estrangement between the two families gradually dissolved, and new family ties began to be established.

After unremitting efforts, Jet Li not only succeeded in repairing the relationship with the children, but also achieved self-redemption to some extent. He realized that being a good father is not only about material giving, but also about growing up with them with love.

Jet Li has now found a balance in his life. Instead of working as hard as he used to, he devotes more time and energy to his family. This transformation stems from his deep reflection and reorientation in life.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

"I used to think that success is continuous success," Jet Li reflected, "but now I understand that real success is to take care of your family and make them happy." His words reveal the maturity and wisdom of the storm.

Jet Li looked back on the past and couldn't help but feel emotional. He was once a poor boy from a poor family, and he also became a world-renowned kung fu superstar. However, his life has not been smooth sailing, he has experienced career peaks and lows in life, and now he is peaceful, calm and calm.

These rich experiences have given him a deeper understanding of life.

Jet Li: Not far from his mansion in Los Angeles, he and Lizhi live in the basement where he lives with his ex-wife

"Life is like a kung fu," Jet Li said with a smile, with a glint of wisdom in his eyes, "It's not how many moves you have, it's how you get back up after you fall." This sentence not only reflects his philosophy of life, but also reflects his spiritual realm as a martial artist.

Today's Jet Li cherishes the time spent with his family even more. He tried his best to find a balance between career and family, and no longer let work be the whole of life. He said frankly: "Now I know how to cherish the happiness in front of me, and I also understand the importance of my family.

Jet Li's story, from the luxurious home to the basement and now to the peaceful life now, vividly shows how a person can find his true self in the ups and downs of life. His experience tells us that real kung fu is not only the excitement shown in the film, but also the tenacity and courage in the face of setbacks in real life.

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