
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

author:China Micro Horse News Department
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

Everyone has their own place, and every challenge succeeds

——Anyuan Micro Horse Running Association helped nanchang marathon to hold long-distance running activities

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

"Each has its place, everyone succeeds" This is the school motto of anyuan no. 1 middle school of the provincial key middle school, these eight big characters are like a lighthouse illuminating the direction of an anyuan no. 1 xinxin students, so as to bravely go forward, buckle the first button of life, realize everyone's life dream, and it is as if a warm sunshine also inspires every family of Anyuan micro horse, motivates us to self-discipline and self-improvement, insist on running continuously, so that we run farther, run longer, and run happier.

The Wei Ma family rejoiced

Help ChangMale to blend in

Today everyone wants to achieve it

Each celebrates its success

First, for the hero horse to help, Anyuan micro horse in action

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

  At the time when the Launch of the Shenzhou 13th Loaded Spacecraft carrying the dream of 1.4 billion people "chasing dreams in the Heavenly Palace and writing poems in space" was a complete success, we are about to usher in the Hero Nanchang Marathon in Nanchang, a hero in Jiangxi Province, who defeated the epidemic and made everyone safe and healthy.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

  Nanchang Marathon, also known as the hero horse, was cancelled in 2020 due to the impact of the epidemic, and this year's Nanchang Marathon returned domineeringly in the eager expectations of many runners, and the athletes rejoiced. Anyuan Micro Horse Running Association in the Nanchang Marathon before the official start of the day to carry out the "everyone get what they want, each challenge success" as the theme of the activity to help in action, through the activity will be runners like the enthusiasm of the runners to this heroic city and warrior-like runners, but also for the Anyuan Micro Horse has been signed the hero horse of the micro horse family cheers up, but also want to influence through this activity, drive more people to join the micro horse, join the ranks of the long-distance running team, in this positive and upward family to experience the joy of sports, harvest health, practice "faster, Higher, stronger" Olympic spirit and self-discipline and self-improvement never give up the fighting spirit.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

In order to help prepare for the Nanchang Marathon on November 6, according to the event agreement, at 5:00 a.m. on October 18, 2021, the half-day was bright, and the Anyuan micro-horse long-distance running teammates met to gather at the Cultural and Sports Square to participate in this long-distance training to help in action.

Today's sky is not beautiful, it rains a long autumn rain, the ground is wet, the autumn wind blows on the body, the autumn rain falls on the face, the whole body is cold and cold, the feeling of severe winter has arrived, but the gentle autumn wind can not blow the enthusiasm of the teammates to run, the cold autumn rain can not stop the teammates from running, there are a few hesitant people who are discouraged and finally melted by passion, with the belief of victory, with the determination to go forward, we set off.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

The support activity was divided into a full horse team, a half horse team and an accompanying support team, they were a half horse team composed of 34 people, including Lu Riwang, Zhong Qinlai, Zheng Hongying, Sun Shenggui, Tang Min, etc., and anyuan all-horse warrior composed of 14 people, including Tang Qingfei and Chen Lihua.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

Second, cheer for the successful athletes, Anyuan micro horse to help in action

The dawn opens the snow on the rocky side, and the wind blows the plum blossoms. At 5:50 a.m., the team dressed in orange micro-horse uniforms divided into two columns and set sail, and a group of like-minded people running together with the same goal and one heart must win. Look at all the confident and eager to try, you are the best! The love supply car goes with us, giving the teammates safety and security at the same time, but also giving the teammates photos, cheering, encouraging, bringing us infinite motivation, and full of happiness, you are the warmest people!

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

The admirable all-horse athlete deserves praise

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

  Today's all-Malaysian route starts from the Cultural and Sports Square, passes through The Source of Green, the North Toll Station of the Expressway, Xinlongwei, Xinlongxiang, Shangyao, and then goes to Shangding Village, Nanping Village, Lianhuayan Village, Longtou Village, Chetouwei, Longzhu Village, and Sanpai Village in Chetou Town, and returns to the county seat, with a total distance of about 42.195 kilometers.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

Today, there are 14 people who challenge the whole horse, including Tang Qingfei, some of them are runners who have participated in the domestic all-horse races many times after hundreds of battles, such as Chen Lihua, Du Shiping, Du Shengbin, etc.; some are motor runners, such as Tang Qingfei, Lai Xiaohong, Du Changjin, Zhong Haiying, Qiu Hongzhen, Lai Shuixiu, Lan Weiping, Ouyang Ximin, Du Xiaofang, Sun Jianping, etc.; some are newcomers who have challenged the whole horse for the first time, truly admire the spirit of overcoming themselves and daring to challenge, and even more admire the courage of Guo Xuemei, a newcomer who has broken through himself.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

Assist Changma in training

Sing and smile all the way

Autumn wind and rain are not to be afraid of

Teammates bravely rush forward

——(Xie Dexiu)

  At about 10:30, the whole horse, which took more than 4 hours, was successfully completed under the careful care and protection of Brother Hu and Sister Lin, and everyone got what they wanted and succeeded.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

  Chen Lihua is so admirable, running more than 50 kilometers 520 pace, she is the running god and our goddess! Our idol! Always exude your own unique aura!

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

Xie Dexiu, a member of the Weima family, sighed and said: The reason why these people have succeeded is not only that they are more serious and stronger than others day after day, but also that they are very self-disciplined and constantly insistent on running on weekdays. Their tenacity is worth learning from each of us, worthy of praise, and has poetry clouds:

All Horse athletes have strong faith

Push the limits straight ahead

Wind and rain are not afraid

Fight tenaciously and bravely to be the first

The enviable half-horse athlete deserves praise

  According to the pre-event planning, the running route of today's half-horse team is like this, starting from the cultural and sports square like the whole horse, passing through the source of green, high-speed north, new dragon in the turnaround, new longlitian village, Changli village, Guoxing automobile trade, green source, back to the cultural and sports square, the whole journey is about 21.0975.

Like the full horsemen, today's half-horse players deserve more praise. I summed up that today's Anyuan micro-horse team challenged the half-horse team with the following breakthroughs: First, the number of people participating in the challenge was the largest, with a total of 34 people, accounting for about half of the number of Anyuan long-distance running team; second, the number of novices participating in the half-horse challenge was the most, there were a total of 5 people, they were Tang Min, Du Zhen, Du Jinfang, Xu Yulan, Ouyang Guiying, etc.; the third was that they were over sixty years old, or even the age of Dagu Rare, they were Huang Yuehua's big brother, Du Meilin's big brother, and Zhong Yonghe's big brother who had just passed his 70th birthday. He is a rare seed runner, a model for us to learn; another breakthrough is that everyone in this challenge was successfully and safely completed before two hours and thirty minutes, it is worth mentioning the challenge, because the actual run was halfway around a village, when we ran back to the finish line, everyone's performance was more than 24 kilometers, far more than the 21.0975 kilometers of the half horse, which is also a new breakthrough.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

  Praise for the half-horse team that challenges itself, breaks through itself, and overcomes itself. At this time, there should be a poem:

Half-horse athletes want to boast

An unprecedented number of people

Successful new breakthroughs

Safe finish with joy

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

The Wei ma family and accompanying guards who have paid for their love deserve praise

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

  This is a caring, careful and thoughtful team, whether it is large or small activities, we never perfunctory, faithfully fulfill the "public welfare, equality, health, sunshine" core values of Weima.

The people who worked hard to help the event deserve credit

Our Tang Qingfei, Lai Xiaohong, etc. have spent a lot of energy, they have carefully prepared sports supplies, arranged love supply vehicles and personnel, made registration links and registrations, etc. have carried out a lot of work, as well as Du Shengbin, Du Shiping, Du Changjin, etc. in planning and designing running routes, and their great love is worthy of praise.

The people who support the vehicle to support the event deserve praise

Our car support personnel are really the love guards of boundless love, the whole process of caring for us, following the whole horse is Hu Jian big brother, Lin Fengyi big sister, the whole 4 hours of follow and companionship; there are ouyang Deming, the car support personnel, they, the speed and running at the same frequency resonance, the heart and the heart are connected, this is the big love; the car is full of supplies, there are bread, hot water, bananas, brown sugar water, mineral water, etc., as well as our replacement clothes, so careful care warms everyone, This is also our infinite strength to overcome all difficulties, we are so happy, with their selfless dedication and love, we have no worries, we can bravely move forward.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

  The beautiful photography left to support the event is commendable

The hardest part of each activity is our photography, especially Lai Xiaohong and Chen Linying, everywhere you can see the figure of them busy chasing after running before running, in order to retain the most beautiful moments they forget the tiredness of running, take a picture of the more beautiful look in our minds, let us have a good memory. Thanks to their sincere efforts, we have a beautiful mark that we will never forget.

  Today we want to praise the athletes who challenged half horses and full horses. Congratulations to everyone for getting their place and succeeding! More thanks to Brother Hu, Brother Deming and other enthusiastic Weima family members throughout the warm care, thanks to photography for everyone to leave a good memory, today's footprints will be deeply engraved in everyone's life memory, recorded in the annals of Anma Weima history. Happy and congratulatory, the memory lives on forever.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

He Shuai, a member of the Weima family who donated wine for love, deserves thanks

Anyuan long-distance running is worth a boast

Half horse full horse is great

Zhongxin Tea House to help entertain

Dong Jiu was full of congratulations to everyone.

Here is a special thanks to our Weima family He Cuizhong for donating Dongjiu to help this event. Not only is he loving, half-horse, full horse and pace are among the best, he is also recognized by girls as He Dashuai.

Golden autumn Ten Laurel flowers

The Wei Ma family gathered together

Marshal Zhongxin came to help

Dong Wine Accompanies Long Love (Xie Dexiu)

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

Third, celebrate for yourself, Anyuan Micro Horse helped to achieve complete success in the action

Celebrate for those who break through themselves. Although the activity is over, today we have gained a lot, I believe that everyone has a great understanding, in the running to improve themselves, break through themselves, sincerely hope that everyone has their own dreams, with a dream we have to carefully care for it, and strive to achieve it, we must dare to have dreams, dare to chase dreams, diligent in fulfilling dreams, our goal will always be able to run on the colorful track, do run for a hundred years.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

  Celebrate also for those who transcend themselves. The autumn weather is cool, the weather is pleasant, and although the event is over, we want to send blessings to ourselves and our teammates who surpass ourselves. The road is long, please take care of it, I hope that all of us will shake our spirits at a new starting point, work hard, and create our own sky! Raise a glass, friend!

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

Drinking is a great deal

Happy partners meet happily

Home and will be happy

Good luck and good luck

(Ye Guifang)

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds
Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

  Finally, the teammate who hopes to win the hero horse light equipment race will run in a healthy posture and finish the race safely in hero city.

Text: Ouyang Fortune, Xie Dexiu, Editor: Grandma Liu, Photographer: Lai Xiaohong, Chen Linying, Zheng Hongying, He Chunhua, Liu Yongxiang, He Yongxi, etc., Editor-in-Chief: Ding Hui.

Everyone has their own place, and each challenge succeeds

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