
Play their proper role? 1 out of 3 Wall Trading Solutions! The Rockets killed two birds with one stone, and the Clippers bet 3 for 1 bet on the Big Three

author:Pot basketball

As an old strong team in the West, the Rockets were forced to enter a reconstruction period when the two cores of Westbrook and Harden forced the palace to leave the team.

But in the process of Westbrook and Harden forcing the palace to leave, the Rockets initially did not accept the fact of rebuilding, but tried to remain competitive, which allowed the team to take over Wall, a former All-Star guard who returned from injury.

Unfortunately, due to injury problems, the Rockets' Wall + Oladipo + Wood trio lineup eventually fell apart.

Play their proper role? 1 out of 3 Wall Trading Solutions! The Rockets killed two birds with one stone, and the Clippers bet 3 for 1 bet on the Big Three

Faced with such a situation, the Rockets completely accepted the fact of rebuilding, and began to peddle Wall, the core of the team's backcourt.

Last season, Wall still averaged 20.6 points, 6.9 assists, 3.2 rebounds and 1.1 steals per game, but his true shooting percentage was only 45.8%.

This, combined with adverse health conditions and a $91.7 million contract over the next 2 years, leaves Wall with little value left in the deal.

Play their proper role? 1 out of 3 Wall Trading Solutions! The Rockets killed two birds with one stone, and the Clippers bet 3 for 1 bet on the Big Three

Therefore, it is widely believed that leaving the Rockets through a buyout is Wall's only choice, but Wall and the Rockets do not agree with this approach, and the two sides still hope to break up through a transaction.

To this end, the US media "hoopshabit" also combined with the current situation of the teams in the league, around The Wall listed 3 potential transaction plans.

Among them, the Rockets are expected to kill two birds with one stone, and the Clippers will bet on the big three in 3 for 1.

Play their proper role? 1 out of 3 Wall Trading Solutions! The Rockets killed two birds with one stone, and the Clippers bet 3 for 1 bet on the Big Three
Play their proper role? 1 out of 3 Wall Trading Solutions! The Rockets killed two birds with one stone, and the Clippers bet 3 for 1 bet on the Big Three

Next home option three: Philadelphia

The US media gave a 2-for-1 trade plan from the salary matching possibility of the player trade, And Philadelphia sent Ben Simmons + Maxi (according to previous reports, the two will be traded at the same time), and got Wall from the Rockets.

But in terms of player trade value, Wall simply can't trade two players, and even a single change for Simmons is impossible.

Therefore, the US media put Philadelphia in the third place on the list, and the two sides want to complete the transaction, only looking for a third party, or a fourth party to adjust the chip difference that the two teams are currently facing, but the overall difficulty is very large, because Wall's contract amount and ability are too different.

Play their proper role? 1 out of 3 Wall Trading Solutions! The Rockets killed two birds with one stone, and the Clippers bet 3 for 1 bet on the Big Three

Next home option two: Lone Rangers

The Lone Rangers are also in turmoil, with the second team leader Bo Shen dissatisfied with the team's absolute core Doncic, hoping to get more ball rights and tactical status.

Due to the ability gap between Doncic and Boshin, the Mavericks began to peddle Boshin in the offseason, but due to contract and ability problems, Boshin and Wall were unable to be sent away.

Therefore, the US media believes that the two teams can complete the deal that they deserve, the Lone Ranger sends away Boshin + Powell, and gets Wall from the Rockets.

Play their proper role? 1 out of 3 Wall Trading Solutions! The Rockets killed two birds with one stone, and the Clippers bet 3 for 1 bet on the Big Three

Boshin perfectly fits the Rockets' existing roster needs, because the current rocket coach Silas, who previously took up a position in the Lone Ranger, chose Wood to play a role similar to Boshin.

From the Rockets' selection of Shin Kyung and Garupa in the draft, it is not difficult to see the Rockets' desire for interior reinforcement, after all, the team has determined the defensive line configuration of Kevin Porter Jr. and Green.

However, this deal is still not balanced enough, but it is not as big as the first one, as long as the chips are further adjusted, the two teams are fully likely to complete the deal.

Play their proper role? 1 out of 3 Wall Trading Solutions! The Rockets killed two birds with one stone, and the Clippers bet 3 for 1 bet on the Big Three

Next home option one: The Clippers

It would make more sense for the Clippers to trade Wall without a deal to get Bledsoe, but given next season's Leonard season reimbursement, the Clippers still have a reason to bet on Wall.

The potential deal is for the Clippers to send Reggie Jackson + Morris Jr. + Kennard, the Rockets not only cleared out Wall, but also got Kennard, a player who can enter the rotation, and Reggie and Morris Jr. also handled it very well.

For the Clippers, Wall will help George achieve his playoff goals for next season, while forming a big three to attack the championship after Leonard's return.

Play their proper role? 1 out of 3 Wall Trading Solutions! The Rockets killed two birds with one stone, and the Clippers bet 3 for 1 bet on the Big Three

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