
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

author:Quadratic observation
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

<h1>Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place! </h1>

In the previous episode, it is said that Takasaka Reina arrived at the grave of Takisaka's wife and vowed to win the gold medal. Plus Asuka wants to get her father's appreciation through the gold award, etc. There is a great possibility that the gold medal will not return. In fact, if you think about it calmly, there are also some paradoxes in this. For example, Takasaka Reina still has two years to hit the gold medal, and Asuka's goal is actually completed at the moment of rushing into the national competition. At first glance, it seems reasonable, but it is also unexpected?

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

Having participated in two competitions and two off-campus performances, kita-Uji's wind-playing department has mastered the preparations before the performance. The animation quickly entered the performance stage... Huh? How it suddenly ended. Unlike the previous ten-minute hyper-realistic concert close-up, this performance of the wind department does not depict a second or even a moment. In my opinion, this choice is very correct.

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

If there is a clip, it will give people the hope of winning the gold medal, because the performance of the animation will substitute for the author's emotions and even spoilers for the following. Without any picture, people will wonder whether something will go wrong. When I watched the awards in the back, I had a strong uneasiness, just like the publication dinner of my participation in the art competition. In particular, when I think back to the feeling of ten to nine stable in the Kansai Competition, it is probably because of the ultra-realistic music performance of the ten minutes.

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

In connection with the bronze award only won by the final wind department, such a poor performance can be performed, so should those teams with silver and gold awards be more portrayed? If such a high degree of similarity occurs many times in the same animation, it is bound to affect the overall animation evaluation. And I also think that such a bronze award is more real, as the animation says, it is a miracle that this strength can enter the national competition. Catching up with so many strong schools in the country in a year, are you all μ's in Kita Uji? Therefore, "Kyobuki" is a realistic animation, and "Love Live" is a fantasy animation.

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

Although I only received the consolation prize, the various goals before the competition were completed at the moment when the performance of the national competition was over. Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place. Through Asuka's resignation, Minister Haruka finally stepped out from behind Asuka and made the final pre-match mobilization. But the phrase "Asuka Party" from your first two episodes is still imprinted in my mind, and I haven't been there for a long time.

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

Asuka got a message from her father after the performance, "I'm glad you can stick with it." "After seeing your own daughter but not even showing her face, your father is really cold enough." Looking at the layout of asuka's family houses, it is not a rich and noble family that has an ancestral inheritance. Putting aside the length of the novel and the necessity of conciseness, thinking about the strange relationship between Asuka's father and mother, thinking carefully and carefully, thinking about it.

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

When the philharonic department was crying because of the big game and the retreat of the senior three members, Kumiko pulled out her legs and caught up with Asamiko. Shout at your sister, "I like my sister the most." Because my sister played the trombone, I wanted to play it with my sister and practiced the upper bass horn. The love of blowing music is also the love of family. After being shown a little of Akikumiko's admiration for her sister, Asamiko has long shown her understanding and support for her sister. It is said that Kumiko learned to play music because she liked her sister, but did Shuichi learn to play music because she liked Kumiko?

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

Reina Takasaka confessed to Takisei, and once in front of the national team, she seemed to be mistaken for help, so she confessed again in front of Takisei. Takisei is a person who looks expressionless, but in fact has a meticulous mind. Everyone should be careful to get along with this kind of friend in daily life, they are born with a doctorate in psychology, and they are aware of the relationship between people. In the face of Takasaka's confession, she calmly thanked her from the teacher's position and went back. Good villains can also be regarded as confessions, and other members of the department also know, let alone be able to get what they want. (Teacher-student love is not going to be possible, and it is not filming "Eagle Hero".) )

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

The biggest Easter egg in this episode is the interaction between Shuichi and Kumiko, which has a feeling of "the person who knows you best is still me". The two met at the hotel vending machine on the eve of the game, "Your movements are so strange. "What, Xiuyi." "Excessive." The performance of the two is too in tune, and the breath of life between the dialogues is overflowing with words, and it is indeed a natural pair. Even casual clothes worn at night are couples. I always carried a sunflower hairpin that I was going to give Kumiko a birthday gift, and finally gave it to Kumiko before the competition.

Kumiko also lived up to my expectations, bringing the hairpin to the scene of the competition and placing it in the most prominent position on the music stand. The animation here gives a close-up of the only non-character of the game process. In the last paragraph, when Kumiko runs out to chase Asamiko, she gives Xiu a close-up of her facial expression and looks at Kumiko with a smile with a look of great love. ----------------------------------

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

Most of the anime this season has only done 12 episodes, not counting SP, and some big bosses have only done 11 episodes (talk about you, Natsume and Zhou). Kyo Ani is committed to his duty and will do 13 episodes, but the current animation content is very complete. Moreover, there is no foreshadowing in this episode to prompt the content of the next episode, and the content of this 13th episode is really clueless.

Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!
Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

Yesterday I just saw 2017's "Blow! The official monthly calendar of the "Youfeng" has a high-definition picture. Sure enough, this season's various CPs. But I still stand firmly on the front line of "Hideichi × Kumiko".

Text by Haruharu Kita

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Blowing on the bass horn animation is over! Although there are shortcomings, each has its own place! Twelve bass trumpets: despite their flaws, each has its own place!

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