
The same beasts, the Master of the Tongtian Sect accompanied the Seven Immortals into mounts, but the Seven Saints of Meishan got their own place

author:Dong Jiangbo
The same beasts, the Master of the Tongtian Sect accompanied the Seven Immortals into mounts, but the Seven Saints of Meishan got their own place

It is said that in the "Evolution of the Fengshen Gods", on the eve of the Great War of the Fengshen Gods, why was it that the Interception Of the Master of the Tongtian Sect was able to achieve the grand situation of more than 100,000 ordinary disciples coming to the Dynasty and the ordinary disciples, while the Exposition of the Yuan Shi Tianzun and the Humanism of the Taishang Laojun, the merger of the two religions, more than 100 immortal talents, and the withering of hundreds of ordinary disciples?

If it is said that the exposition can really be based on one hundred hundred, then it is also true, but it is clear that the fact is that no matter whether it is the quantity and quality of high-end combat strength, or the quantity and quality of low-end combat strength, the exposition is compared with the interception of teachings, which is a comprehensive and unbearable sight. Therefore, Yuan Shi Tianzun had to invite foreign aid to receive the Daoists and quasi-Daoists, beat one saint with four saints, and finally defeated the interception of the sect with all kinds of digging corners and doing evil deeds.

However, the consequences of these tumultuous operations spread to the Heavenly Court and Western Buddhism, and after the return of the Master of the Tongtian Sect, the position of the people in Taoism became more and more stable, and they also borrowed the body of bodhiculture to create a new world. In the end, he laughed and became the Master of the Tongtian Sect.

Why? It was only because the Master of the Tongtian Sect had no class, the Nine Realms Gods, Immortals, Demons, Demons, Demons, Spirits, and Ghosts, and all those who had Hui Root were practicing Taoism later, so the disciples of others were many and powerful. Don't say that beasts like the Seven Immortals of Sui shu, even the essence of the Three Xiao Niangniang (three clouds) and Zhao Gongming (a wisp of wind), can not be mistaken, and the people have also cultivated into the Great Luo Golden Immortal Strong.

However, the Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun who had cultivated the narrow path of cultivation were only willing to accept disciples in the human world, so this scope was too narrow to be done, which is why the exposition and humanism were always very small. The two saints did not look for this fundamental reason, but they used envy and jealousy on their little master and disciple Tongtian Sect Lord.

The same beasts, the Master of the Tongtian Sect accompanied the Seven Immortals into mounts, but the Seven Saints of Meishan got their own place

This kind of envy and jealousy was epitomized in the practice of Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun in dealing with the disciples of the Tongtian Sect Master and serving the Seven Immortals.

First, the overall strength of the Seven Immortals was second only to that of the four great disciples of the Master of the Tongtian Sect.

The four disciples under the Master of the Tongtian Sect are the Duobao Daoist, the Golden Spirit Virgin, the Turtle Spirit Virgin, and the Wudang Virgin. The people who intercept the inner disciples, get rid of the four disciples and a small number of disciples, most of the disciples, are the four disciples personally passed on, the difference is that some of them are passed on behalf of the teacher, some are the disciples to pass on the art, and more disciples, that is, to observe, to see their own talent to understand.

In addition to the four major disciples, the Seven Immortals of the Seven Immortals, the Golden Hoop Immortal Ma Sui, the Bilu Immortal, the Lingya Immortal, the Qiu Shou Immortal, the Golden Light Immortal, and the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal were all disciples of the Master of the Tongtian Sect, and the Master of the Tongtian Sect, who especially liked the Long-Eared Dingguang Immortal, also handed over the great killing instrument of the Soul Summoning Banner to the Long-Eared Dingguang Immortal to take charge of, but unfortunately, the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal eventually betrayed the Master of the Tongtian Sect under the temptation of the Four Saints such as Yuan Shi Tianzun and finally became the Dingguang Joyful Buddha of Buddhism.

The true combat strength of the Seven Immortals has reached the highest level of the Golden Immortals, and people often think that the three immortals who fought against Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun, Puxian Zhenren and Cihangdao people are the highest in the combat strength of the Seven Immortals, but in fact, they are not, the combat strength of these three is actually the weakest, and the remaining four immortals are all seconds to kill the Golden Immortals, directly fight the Great Luo Golden Immortals, and even dare to challenge the existence of the saints.

For example, the Golden Hoop Immortal Ma Sui clamped the Yellow Dragon True Man of the Twelve Golden Immortals in only one round; the Wuyun Immortal dared to fight with the Quasi-Ti Daoist and easily defeated Guangcheng Zi and Chi Sperm, and The Bilu Immortal was undefeated, and according to the instructions of the Master of the Tongtian Sect, he directly submitted to the Western Sect and later became a Buddha, and had a very high status in the Western Sect; the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal held the Soul Summoning Banner, so that Laozi, Yuan Shi, Jieyin, and Zhun Ti were all jealous, and their own strength was also the cultivation of the Quasi-Great Luo Golden Immortal.

The same beasts, the Master of the Tongtian Sect accompanied the Seven Immortals into mounts, but the Seven Saints of Meishan got their own place

Second, let's first look at the final outcome of the various immortals in the "Fengshen Yanyi"?

After reading the ending of the nine types of immortals, you will understand that in fact, the mount is quite good. This immortal is actually a reference to a level of Daoist cultivation, which is equivalent to the lowest title like the fourth-level title, and those below the immortal are ordinary beings.

Of course, all those who could participate in the Battle of the Gods, except for the warring human sides, the other beings were at least of the level of immortals.

What do you say, qing cultivation yourself, do not come to participate in the war of the gods, then, do you have a way to resist the heavenly calamity and death once every 500 years, or something? Ren Tianting has a large yield of peach, Taishang Laojun has a general yield of immortal elixirs, Zhen Yuanzi has a particularly small yield of ginseng fruit, what do you have? No, come and participate in the Battle of the Gods.

In this "Fengshen Yanyi", only those who are on the list of "Fengshen Gods" can become gods in heaven, and the remaining immortals, if they are unfortunately caught or killed in the Battle of The Fengshen Gods, then the ending is nothing more than the following four:

The first is to die in battle, reincarnate, and become a mortal being. This is also the most ordinary, dead, the soul yuan god left behind the strength of the greatly reduced, can not maintain the existence, had to reincarnate, start again. This kind of thing is to completely degenerate into a mortal mortal, and the probability of cultivating into an immortal is very small, even if it can, it will be hundreds of years, or even longer.

The second is to escape from injury and live in the middle of nowhere. This was not killed in battle, still alive, the degree of injury was different, but they were all seriously injured, but fortunately, they escaped, hid, and could continue to cultivate, but their strength was not good, and they did not dare to make trouble again. For beings who have already become immortals, every step forward is extremely difficult, and all kinds of catastrophes are waiting.

The same beasts, the Master of the Tongtian Sect accompanied the Seven Immortals into mounts, but the Seven Saints of Meishan got their own place

The third, not killed in battle, is still alive, but unfortunately, is caught. Some of them became mounts, and some of them became disciples of Western buddhism (later Buddhism). This is really a random fate. Therefore, three of the seven immortals who have become mounts can also be regarded as proper immortals, and the master and himself are all golden immortals of respected status, which is also appropriate.

The fourth is that the body is dead, but the soul is there, and there is no damage to mana and cultivation, and it becomes a ghost immortal, either retreating or attaching to a powerful master. Six of the seven monsters of Meishan are ghost immortals, attached to the big backstage of the Erlang god Yang Jian. And the seventh monster is a monkey spirit Yuan Hong, even if it is not Sun Wukong himself, it has a lot to do with Sun Wukong, and, if you think about it, Yuan Hong is practicing Eighty-Nine Xuangong, and Yang Jian is also practicing Eight-Nine Xuangong, which will not be a coincidence at all. He was named the Four Wastes Star King, the Lord God, in charge of the four wastes of the Nine Realms, and all those who encountered them were weak and sick, did not accomplish anything, had a beginning and no end, and were sometimes great stars.

In the "Evolution of the Gods", these various types of immortals, those who are not on the "List of Sealed Gods", those who have not retreated from the whole body, and those who have not been taught by the West, are all these four ends, and they can also be regarded as each of them.

Third, why did you choose the Three Immortals of the Spirit Tooth Immortal, the First Immortal, and the Golden Light Immortal as the mounts?

1. If you look at these beast immortals, before they cultivate the Tao, what their bodies are, you will understand.

Let's first look at the seven monsters of Meishan, what are the main bodies, white apes (Yuan Hong), buffaloes (Jin Dasheng), dogs (Dai Li), wild boars (Zhu Zizhen), centipedes (Wu Long), white snakes (Chang Hao) and goats (Yang Xian), let's not say first, Yang Jian, an important member of the First God Clan, wants to take 6 as subordinates, even if you don't take them, do you look at the Nine Realms of the Universe, do you take these beasts as mounts?

The same beasts, the Master of the Tongtian Sect accompanied the Seven Immortals into mounts, but the Seven Saints of Meishan got their own place

Besides, the Humanistic Guangfa Heavenly Dignity, the Ci Hang Dao, and the Puxian Zhenren are all cultivated by human beings in the human world to become Golden Immortals, and it is the common sentiment of people to choose these kinds of beasts as mounts?

Let's look at the Seven Immortals who sat down with the Master of the Tongtian Sect: the Dark Cloud Immortal Golden Whisker fish, who was taken to the Western Seven Treasure Forest Bade Pond by the Quasi-Ti Dao people as the Golden Immortal of the Protective Pond, the Golden Hoop Immortal Horse is a human body, but may not be a pure human, but an ape type, and then follow the Wudang Virgin To avoid leaving, reorganizing and intercepting the teachings; the Vilu Immortal is the Great Gourd into the Immortal, the Spirit Tooth Immortal body is a white elephant, the Qishou Immortal body is a green lion, the Golden Light Immortal body is a golden hair, and the long-eared Dingguang Immortal is a rabbit immortal.

Let's not say first, the seven immortals have their own endings, if you let you pick, you say, which one do you pick to be a mount, the golden-bearded fish, the human horse, the big gourd, the rabbit, these four, will definitely be rowed away.

In fact, Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun, Ci Hangdao, and Puxian Zhenren had no choice at all, only the White Elephant of the Lingya Immortal, the Green Lion of the Qishou Immortal, and the Golden Light Immortal Golden Haired Fox were left, and there was no choice at all, only one person could be chosen.

The same beasts, the Master of the Tongtian Sect accompanied the Seven Immortals into mounts, but the Seven Saints of Meishan got their own place

2. Why not directly enter the door and be a mount?

In fact, the main reason was to disgust the Master of the Tongtian Sect, although the Master of the Tongtian Sect was a little master, but the cultivation, achievements and power were far under the merger of Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun, so the two brothers always wanted to disgust the Tongtian Sect Lord and suppress him.

No, your beloved apprentice, give my apprentice a mount, and though they don't ride often, but once in a while, it's disgusting enough for you, and the diaphragm responds to you, and then we're happy.

Moreover, the collection as a mount, in fact, is also a doorman, but also retained the immortal book, killing two birds with one stone, why not enjoy it? In fact, when we look at the direction of the story in the later period, we can also guess that the three disciples of the Lingya Immortal White Elephant, the Green Lion of the Golden Head Immortal, and the Golden Light Immortal Golden Haired Fox, in addition to having more respect for their masters Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun, Ci Hangdao, and Puxian Zhenren, are completely arrogant and commanding to the other disciples under the door. In fact, Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun, Cihang Dao, and Puxian Zhenren were not the three immortals who were ambushed by their true ability, but won by the four deceptions of the Quasi-Ti Dao People, the Guide Dao People, the Burning Lantern Dao People, and the Antarctic Immortal Company.

Therefore, in the world of the gods, it is also like this, even if you are a beast, it also depends on what kind of beast you are, unless you are a strong person in the Great Luo Golden Wonderland, even if a rabbit becomes an immortal, you can get good results, such as the long-eared fixed light immortal. However, if it is only an ordinary beast, not a majestic green lion, a white elephant, and a golden retriever, it is not even worthy of being a high-level immortal's mount, because the mount, there are also immortals, and they are also immortals. Therefore, not all beasts become immortals, they are as lucky as the six monsters of Meishan, there are Yang Jian left for use, if not, either reincarnated and re-cultivated, or reduced to ghost immortals, but both, can not escape the three disasters and six disasters and one difficulty when cultivating into immortals, thousands of difficulties, eighty-nine times out of ten eternal fallen in the cycle of reincarnation. (End of full text.) Author: Dong Jiangbo, pen name cold as the wind)

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