
Zihan 9.15 I defend myself against Lu, and then Lezheng, Ya and Ode each have their own place

author:Don't worry
Zihan 9.15 I defend myself against Lu, and then Lezheng, Ya and Ode each have their own place

9.15 Zi Yue: "I defend myself against Lu, and then Lezheng, Ya and Ode each get their place." ”


▲ Self-defense against Lu: In the winter of 484 BC (the eleventh year of the Duke of Lu'ai), Confucius returned to the state of Lu from Weiguo, ending a life of 14 years of uncertain travel.

▲ Lezheng: Adjust the chapter of the song. "Lezheng" is the inversion of "Zhengle", and "正" is the meaning of correction and conformity. "Le Zheng" is also an official name, which was an official title that existed during the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, responsible for the music rhythm and court ceremonial music department, that is, the highest commander in charge of the ceremonial band. His descendants took the official name of their ancestors as a surname, so they called it Lezheng surname.

▲ "Ya" and "Ode": The chapters of the Book of Poetry are divided into three categories: "Wind", "Ya", and "Ode". Different poems with different pieces of music.


Confucius said, "I returned to the country of Lu from Weiguo and began to sort out the movements so that ya and ode returned to their proper positions. ”

【Learning and Thinking】

The Book of Poetry is divided into three categories according to the different musical tones: wind, elegance, and praise. "Wind" is the local music of different regions, "Ya" is the music of the region directly under the Zhou Dynasty, that is, the so-called Zhengsheng Yale, which is the music song of the court banquet or the court meeting, and the "Ode" is the dance song lyrics of the Zongmiao Temple, and the content is mostly to praise the deeds of the ancestors.

【Knowledge Expansion】

"History of Confucius's Family": Confucius Lu Master: "Happy to know also." The beginning is like, the pure is like, the pure is like, the root is like, and the root is like, to be successful. "I defend myself against Lu, and then Lezheng, Ya and Ode each have their place."

Confucius discussed the Music with Lu Guo's master of music, saying: "The truth of the Music is known: at the beginning, the bell rings, and everyone is excited; after the continuation, the eight tones are played in unison, the sound is pure, the rhythm is clear, and the sound is continuous until the end." Confucius also said: "After I returned to luguo from the Wei kingdom, I began to sort out the poetry and music, so that the Ya and Odes were returned to the right position. ”

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