
Xie Xian's ex-wife Zhen Zhen had a cerebral hemorrhage and had craniotomy around her, only her son took care of her

author:Beiqing Net

According to Taiwan media, Xie Xian's ex-wife Zhen Zhen was urgently hospitalized for craniotomy in March this year because of brain hemorrhage, Zhen Zhen did not want to trouble relatives and friends, has not disclosed the matter, only her son is around to take care of.

Zhen Zhen was interviewed by reporter by phone, admitting that she had been operated on for brain hemorrhage, and after a few months of recuperation, she has now recovered and can go out to eat normally.

Xie Xian's ex-wife Zhen Zhen had a cerebral hemorrhage and had craniotomy around her, only her son took care of her

Zhen Zhen's previous and high blood pressure problems were later diagnosed as panic disorder, and from time to time she would feel dizzy and shaky. According to reports, as early as February this year, she fell at home dizzy, her face directly hit the wooden sofa chair, resulting in bruising of the face, originally thought it was just a trauma and did not care, and then its cardiologist found that something was wrong, helped her to do the examination, which found that her doctor found that there was water and bleeding in her brain, and she had to go through the hospitalization procedures for surgery on the same day.

It is understood that the operation done by Zhen Zhen is very dangerous, the wound is opened from the forehead to the back of the head, fortunately the operation was successful, she was hospitalized for ten days and returned home to recuperate, and will return to the clinic again in June.

Xie Xian's ex-wife Zhen Zhen had a cerebral hemorrhage and had craniotomy around her, only her son took care of her

The reporter described that Zhen Zhen's voice on the phone is still loud and in a good state, she does not want everyone to worry about her, and advises everyone to wear a mask when going out, minimize going out, and take care of her body.

Xie Xian's ex-wife Zhen Zhen had a cerebral hemorrhage and had craniotomy around her, only her son took care of her

In March 1974, Zhen Zhen and Xie Xian registered their marriage in Hong Kong. In December 1976, Xie Xian and Zhen Zhen agreed to separate, ending the marriage. Although the two divorced, they currently maintain a friendship relationship, and during Zhen Zhen's hospitalization, Xie Xian also bought flowers to visit.

Xie Xian's ex-wife Zhen Zhen had a cerebral hemorrhage and had craniotomy around her, only her son took care of her

In August 1978, Zhen Zhen and Liu Jiachang married in New York. In April 1986, Zhen Zhen gave birth to a son, Liu Ziqian, and in May 2015, Zhen Zhen was shocked to have divorced Liu Jiachang in the United States more than 20 years ago. This time for surgery, Zhen Zhen has also been taken care of by her son, which is very warm.

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