
Fan Haolun woman directed the SWAT movie "Rose Sword" with a grand female version of Wolf Warrior

author:Poster News

Recently, the movie "Rose Sword" with the theme of female SWAT was launched at the Xi'an SWAT Team, which was directed by young director Fan Haolun. The film can be called the female version of the wolf, why it is so called, let's find out.

Fan Haolun woman directed the SWAT movie "Rose Sword" with a grand female version of Wolf Warrior

The prototype of the film is the xi'an municipal public security bureau women's special police team, as a rare show of female special police style of the film, the director strives for realistic, grand film effect, the film uses real police, real scene, real weapons, will be in Xi'an City and Huaihua City Passage County and other places to shoot. According to the director of the on-site press conference, female SWAT actors are still being selected and are now in the stage of secrecy. In order to present a film that truly shows the heroic and tenacious posture of China's female SWAT officers, the director Fan Haolun on the choice of starring requires the actors to be close to the role itself, and the actors must enter the SWAT team for training, which is why the film is called "female version of the wolf".

Fan Haolun woman directed the SWAT movie "Rose Sword" with a grand female version of Wolf Warrior

The film has a rich and compact plot, telling the story of the members of the Lingbei Women's SWAT Team who infiltrated the cross-border black gambling group undercover, looking for its base camp "Grace Class", and destroying the entire criminal organization in one fell swoop. From the perspective of female SWAT officers, the film shows the style of female police officers in the police force, and the female SWAT officers train together, fight together, laugh together to overcome various difficulties, become close comrades in arms, and finally complete the tasks entrusted to them by the police force. In the face of a powerful and fierce criminal group, female SWAT officers use their wisdom and courage to fight with them, they fight hard, carefully, bravely, and even complete tasks that many male police officers cannot complete, and surpass themselves in battle after battle.

Fan Haolun woman directed the SWAT movie "Rose Sword" with a grand female version of Wolf Warrior

The movie "Rose Sword" is director Fan Haolun's first foray into SWAT films. Fan Haolun graduated from the Central Academy of Drama. He has participated in TV series such as "Cover" and "Fire Blue Blade". In 2015, Fan Haolun completed the first self-written and self-directed criminal investigation and crime genre film "Where Are You", and the 2016 film "Where Are You" was officially invited by the Venice International Film Festival to hold a world premiere in early September. In 2016, the self-written and self-directed film "Where Are You" won four awards at the Vancouver Chinese Film Festival (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Cinematography), and on October 27, 2017, the first self-written and self-directed film "Where Are You" was released Chinese mainland. Since then, he has filmed inspirational movies "My Hero" and "Why Sunshine", both of which have been well received by the industry.

Fan Haolun woman directed the SWAT movie "Rose Sword" with a grand female version of Wolf Warrior

The fight scenes in this movie are very exciting, showing the style of female SWAT officers to the fullest, which is very consistent with the image in the wolf warrior. In recent years, with the explosion of Wu Jing's wolf warriors, various anti-crime films have poured into everyone's attention, and this type of film has a strong shocking power and can impress the audience very well. And "Rose Sword" is the best in this, with its high-quality and moving story to bring the audience more spiritual and visual shock.

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