
"Wenyuan" Essay II (Issue 914)

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Five Lotus Poetry Society

The Literary Story of Mother Ru Zhijuan and Daughter Wang Anyi (Essay)

Kuang Tianlong

  The famous contemporary female writer Ru Zhijuan has a daughter who is also a famous writer named Wang Anyi. Ru Zhijuan and Wang Anyi are a pair of famous mother-daughter writers.

Many people are interested in ru Zhijuan's question of "how to train her daughter to become a writer", and Ru Zhijuan replied in the article "From Wang Anyi": Don't care.

When Wang Anyi was very young, Ru Zhijuan did not coerce his children to do his homework like the parents next door. More often, just let her daughter read Tang poems and Song poems. When Wang Anyi spontaneously wrote and wrote works such as "Phantom", Ru Zhijuan only mentioned in his reply how to write "Phantom" for better advice. However, immediately Ru Zhijuan felt that he was wrong, and felt that he should not make these suggestions, and let his daughter explore on her own. Later, when Wang Anyi sent the works to his mother to see, Ru Zhijuan no longer said anything, and his attitude was "don't care".

Years later, Ru Zhijuan said: "In retrospect, don't care about her, let her grope and walk on her own... If I have a little effect, this can be counted as a contribution. ”

"Wenyuan" Essay II (Issue 914)
"Wenyuan" Essay II (Issue 914)

In Liu Zongyuan's essay "The Legend of Planting Trees guo qi camel", the method of planting trees said by the tree planter Guo Qihu is "able to follow the heavens of the wood, so that its nature is yan'er", which is also the truth. At the end of the article, I sighed that "I asked to raise trees, and I got to raise people", which is the same as Ru Zhijuan's method of raising daughters.

As parents or teachers, do we sometimes manage too much about our children's education? It is advisable to learn from this "leave it alone" experience. "Leave it alone", let the child find the place of interest, grow healthily according to its nature, thrive like a sapling, the trunk is strong, and the branches and leaves are luxuriant.

Reading and writing is life!

Between you and me, there are always some people who are looking for silence in the depths of the soul, looking for dreams. The bits and pieces of life, the stories of time, the concern and admiration, and even the indignation and sadness are portrayed into poems. I hope that in this chaotic earthly world, there is such a pure place that heals the numb heart, and let us sing high in the journey of poetry together!! The times are the mother of thought, and life is the source of literature. I hope you can feel your picturesque life here. Spring is the gentle and crisp sound of birds, the rich and intoxicating fragrance of flowers; spring is a dewdrop on the tip of green grass, a touch of color on the red and red flowers; spring is the force of arching when the seeds break out of the earth, the noisy rhythm of the trees; spring is a transparent and pure dream, a fiery boiling song, an inspired poem; spring is the innocence on the child's face, the beauty and shyness on the girl's cheek; spring is the hope, dream and ideal of a stubble that we plant with sweat, diligence and wisdom. Spring has come silently, like a song that tugged at our heartstrings; like a poem, telling the warmth of spring. Life enlightenment, long journey, good life, praise spring, spring is the best time in life. Everyone has a journey, some people are used to walking at night, accompanied by the sound of the moonlight and wind; some people carry the sun, not afraid of the wind and rain, not afraid of how bumpy the road ahead is, and write their own life stories in the run; the person who carries the sun is a person with a story, their story, is also your story... If there is light in the heart, there will be a distance!

Reading is a pleasure that can increase people's knowledge and cultivate people's sentiments. Writing is a way to record the bits and pieces of life and express people's inner world. Good articles can express people's inner world, but also infect readers, so that the author and the reader resonate.

"Wenyuan" Essay II (Issue 914)

Spring has a hundred flowers, autumn has a moon, summer has a cold wind and winter has snow; if there is no idle business to worry about, it is a good season in the world. Reading the world's hundreds of ways knows all kinds of bitterness, and reading the world's articles can recognize all kinds of sweetness. No matter how high the sky is, tiptoeing up can get closer to the sun! Books are the carrier of human knowledge and culture, the crystallization of human wisdom. Memory is the precious experience and accumulation of life, and it is our precious spiritual wealth. A book, a cup of tea, blowing the dust of the heart Faith gathers strength, and literature lights up the heart. Literature is the key to opening the door of the heart, the code to open the wall of the soul, through literature, human beings know better about beauty, good and evil, truth and falsehood. As a non-governmental cultural undertaking, it shoulders the mission of cultural exchange, ethnic understanding, tolerance of faith, and helping the construction of the common body of human destiny, and has made unique contributions in this regard, which has attracted the attention of all walks of life at home and abroad. Harmony and prosperity, tolerance and understanding always have the shadow of prejudice and misunderstanding, conflict and dispute behind them. We hope that in the new era, the writers will write righteous words with the pen in their hands, objectively and positively portray the moods and expressions of minorities, and outline the historical and practical footprints of multiculturalism. The family is the basic cell of society, the first school of life. Family rules and family training have always been a unique cultural tradition in China and an important way to inherit Chinese virtues.

"Wenyuan" Essay II (Issue 914)

People who seem to have no heart and no lungs are actually quite easy to be sad, they are pressed in a very deep place, touching a little sunlight, encountering a little similar plot, encountering a little familiar back, and even touching a little eyebrow, they will be overwhelmed and panicked. People who always think that people who are smiling are happy, and it turns out that it is just a disguise. In disguise, they always give people an illusion, an illusion of happiness.

Standing under thousands of stars, have you ever thought that there is a star in the sky that shines for you; in the vast galaxy, the brilliant nebula will not be the trace of your inadvertent whimsy; from the glimmer of the morning sun to the afterglow of the sunset, thousands of floating worlds have also become the world's treasures.

Appreciation of a person begins with appearance, respect for talent, fit in character, long than kindness, and finally character. Reading is a pleasure that can increase people's knowledge and cultivate people's sentiments. Writing is a way to record the bits and pieces of life and express people's inner world. Good articles can express people's inner world, but also infect readers, so that the author and the reader resonate. Reading and writing is life! Let this life be one with ours.