

author:Flower Parenting 5H1B

Inventory of He Jiong's high-love shopping mall: the "Dinghai Shen Needle" in the entertainment industry

In the complexity of the entertainment industry, there is a host who has always won the love and respect of the audience with his high emotional intelligence and excellent adaptability. He is He Jiong, an entertainment program host known as "Dinghai Shenzhu". Today, let's take a look at He Jiong's high-spirited shopping malls in the show, and see how he keeps calm, resolves embarrassment, and shows his unique charm on the ever-changing stage.


1. Respond skillfully and resolve embarrassment

At an awards ceremony, one guest's trophy was wrongly handed to another due to a staff error. Faced with this sudden embarrassing situation, He Jiong reacted quickly, he smiled and walked on the stage, first congratulated the award-winning guests, and then changed the conversation and said: "It seems that our trophy today also has a hobby of 'stealing the spotlight', it ran to the hands of this guest first, but it doesn't matter, the real glory will not go to the wrong place." He then motioned for the staff to exchange the trophy and congratulated the correct winner again. He Jiong's words not only resolved the embarrassment, but also cleverly ridiculed the atmosphere of the scene, making the audience laugh


2. Be witty and humorous and deal with challenges

In another variety show, He Jiong and the guests played the game of "Truth or Dare". When it was the turn of a guest to choose the truth, he suddenly hesitated and was unwilling to reveal his secret. Faced with this situation, He Jiong did not ask directly, but chose to take a big risk. He took out a cup filled with chili sauce and said to the guests, "If you don't want to tell the truth, then please drink this special cup of 'truth or truth'!" Seeing this, the guests had no choice but to tell the truth. He Jiong's wit and humor instantly warmed up the atmosphere of the scene, and also let the audience see his calmness in dealing with challenges.


3. Careful and considerate, caring and caring

In addition to showing high emotional intelligence on stage, He Jiong is also a careful and considerate person in private. During the recording of a show, one of the guests left the venue early because he was unwell. After learning the news, He Jiong immediately put down his work and went to the guest's lounge to visit in person. He inquired about the guest's physical condition with concern and told him to take a good rest. In addition, He Jiong also specially arranged for the staff to prepare hot tea and snacks for the guests, so that he could feel the warmth of home in the lounge. This kind of careful and considerate care moved the guests and let the audience see another side of He Jiong as the host.


4. Be good at listening and communicate sincerely

When communicating with guests, He Jiong is always able to be patient and sincere. He is good at listening to the stories and experiences of the guests, and responds and supports them with his words and expressions. During the interview, he never interrupted the guests' speeches, but gave them plenty of room to express themselves. This kind of listening and respect made the guests feel valued and understood, and also let the audience see He Jiong's professionalism and personality charm as the host.


5. Summarize views and convey positive energy

He Jiong's high emotional intelligence is not only reflected in his adaptability and interpersonal skills, but also in his attitude towards life and work. He always maintains a positive attitude and transmits positive energy with his words and deeds. In the show, he often encourages the guests to face challenges and difficulties bravely, and face life and work with an optimistic attitude. His positive energy has also infected the audience and fans, making them more firm in their beliefs and pursuits.


To sum up, the reason why He Jiong was able to win such a high reputation and status in the entertainment industry is inseparable from his high emotional intelligence. He is able to show his calm, witty and humorous side on stage; In private, he is a thoughtful and thoughtful listener. His high emotional intelligence not only made him the "Dinghai God Needle" in the entertainment industry, but also made him the "national host" in the eyes of the audience. In the days to come, we look forward to He Jiong being able to continue to maintain this state of high emotional intelligence and bring us more exciting programs and touching stories.


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