

author:Flower Parenting 5H1B

He Jiong: Those inadvertent small actions warmed our hearts

On the glamorous stage of the entertainment industry, every move of the stars has attracted much attention. Sometimes, however, it's not the elaborate glamorous scenes that really move people's hearts, but the sincere emotions that are inadvertently revealed. Today, let's talk about He Jiong, an evergreen in the entertainment industry, and how his small actions make us feel warm and moved.


1. Opening lightning strike: that late-night hug

I remember it was a cold winter night, and a grand awards ceremony had just come to an end. While most people were immersed in the joy of victory or the loss of defeat, He Jiong noticed a young actor sitting alone in the corner, silently wiping away tears. He didn't hesitate, walked straight over and gave the actor a warm hug. At that moment, the whole venue seemed to be quiet, only that hug, warm and firm. This scene was captured by sharp-eyed reporters and quickly spread all over the Internet. Netizens said that they were moved by He Jiong's kindness and thoughtfulness, and they also felt the warmth and care in the entertainment industry.


2. Warmth in the details: small notes convey great love

In the entertainment industry, He Jiong is known for being careful and thoughtful. He often prepares some small surprises for the guests when recording the show. For example, on a guest's birthday, he will prepare a small note full of blessings in advance and put it on the guest's seat. When the guests found this note, there was always a look of surprise and emotion on their faces. Although this small gesture is insignificant, it conveys He Jiong's care and respect for the guests. It is these seemingly inconspicuous small details that have won He Jiong the respect and love of countless people in the entertainment industry


3. Netizens are hotly discussed: He Jiong's healing charm

He Jiong's healing charm is not only reflected in his words and deeds, but also in his attitude towards work and life. He often shares his experiences and insights in the show, and conveys positive energy in a humorous and humorous way. In "Happy Camp", a program that has accompanied the growth of countless audiences, He Jiong is like a big brother, caring about every guest and audience. His smile and warm words can always make people forget their worries and tiredness, and feel the beauty and hope of life. Therefore, netizens have said that He Jiong is the healing male god in their hearts, and his existence makes this world a better place.


Fourth, the incident: an unexpected rescue

In addition to being careful and thoughtful at work, He Jiong is also a helpful person in life. Once, during the recording of a show, a staff member suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. Faced with this sudden situation, He Jiong quickly calmed down and commanded everyone to rescue. He personally called the emergency services and stayed by the staff's side to comfort and encourage him. He was relieved only when an ambulance arrived at the scene to take the staff to the hospital. This incident has made more people see He Jiong's bravery and responsible spirit, and it has also made his image in people's hearts more lofty and respectable


5. Outcome of the event: Convey love and positive energy

He Jiong's small actions not only warmed the people around him, but also infected more people to pass on love and positive energy. Under his influence, more and more people began to pay attention to those around them and those in need. They are beginning to learn to use their own way to convey love and warmth and make the world a better place. And this kind of positive energy transmission is exactly what He Jiong hopes to see, and it is also one of the goals he strives to pursue.


6. Summary of views: He Jiong's small actions show his big character

Looking back on He Jiong's career, it is not difficult to find that he has always adhered to a sincere, kind and optimistic attitude towards work and life. He used his actions to interpret what is a real star and what is a real idol. Although his small actions are insignificant, they show his great character as a person and his sense of responsibility and responsibility as a star. It is these seemingly inconspicuous small acts that make us love and respect him more, and at the same time, let us see the beauty and hope in the entertainment industry.



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