

author:Flower Parenting 5H1B

Zhao Liying's first bloom on the screen: innocence and growth in "Golden Wedding".

In the dazzling Chinese film and television circle, Zhao Liying's name has long been a household name. But you know what? is now the queen of the screen, her first TV series is actually a family ethics drama called "Golden Wedding". This work not only opened her acting career, but also left an indelible impression in the hearts of the audience. Today, let's review Zhao Liying's wonderful performance in "Golden Wedding" and feel the innocence and growth.


1. Fledgling, the screen is blooming

The drama "Golden Wedding" can be said to be the starting point of Zhao Liying's acting career. She was only a teenager at the time, and with her love and talent for acting, she successfully won the role of the third daughter in the play. Although this is the first time she has touched the screen, Zhao Liying has shown extraordinary acting skills and charm. She played Duoduo, lively and cute, smart and natural, which left a deep impression on the audience.


In the play, Zhao Liying partnered with a group of powerful actors, such as Zhang Guoli, Jiang Wenli, etc. In the face of these seniors, she did not have the slightest stage fright, but worked harder to devote herself to the role. Her performance was not only recognized by the director, but also won the love of the audience. It was the success of this drama that made Zhao Liying begin to emerge in the entertainment industry.


Second, the years of innocence, the road to growth

"Golden Wedding" is set in the background of the founding of New China, and tells the married life of Tong Zhi and Wen Li, a couple spanning half a century. And Duoduo, played by Zhao Liying, is the third daughter of the couple. In the play, she has experienced the transformation from a young girl to a young woman, witnessing the changes of the family and the change of the times.


In the years of innocence, Duoduo was the pistachio of the family, and her laughter always brought joy to the family. However, as the plot develops, Duoduo gradually grows up and begins to face various pressures and challenges in life. She not only has to face the changes in her family, but also has to choose between career and love. These experiences have made Duoduo more mature and stronger, and they have also made her cherish her family and affection more.


Zhao Liying's performance in the play is very good, and she interprets Duoduo's growth process vividly. Whether it is the liveliness and cuteness of girlhood, or the tenacity and independence of adulthood, she has performed it very well. The audience seems to see a real Duoduo, an ordinary girl with flesh and blood, affection and righteousness.


3. Netizens are hotly discussed, and rave reviews

After the broadcast of "Golden Wedding", it quickly aroused a warm response from the audience. Zhao Liying's outstanding performance has won widespread praise from netizens. Many netizens have said that Zhao Liying's performance in the play is eye-catching, her acting skills are natural and real, and people feel the real emotions of the character.


Some netizens commented: "Zhao Liying's performance in "Golden Wedding" is really amazing! She plays Duoduo who is cute and sensible, and people can't help but want to hug her. Some netizens said: "Zhao Liying's acting skills are really getting better and better!" Her growth process in the play is empathetic, as if she sees her own shadow. ”


In addition to the praise of netizens, the drama "Golden Wedding" has also won many awards. These include the Best TV Drama Award, the Best Director Award, the Best Screenplay Award, and more. The winning of these awards not only proves the excellent production of "Golden Wedding" and the outstanding performance of the actors, but also brings Zhao Liying's acting career to a new level.


Fourth, summarize the views and look forward to the future

Looking back on Zhao Liying's performance in "Golden Wedding", we can't help but be impressed by her acting skills and charm. This drama not only opened her acting career, but also left a deep impression on her in the hearts of the audience. With the passage of time, Zhao Liying's acting career has continued to make new breakthroughs and achievements. With her own efforts and talents, she has gradually become a bright star in the Chinese film and television industry.


In the future, we look forward to Zhao Liying continuing to challenge more different types of characters and works, and bring more wonderful performances to the audience. At the same time, we also hope that she can maintain her original intention and enthusiasm, and continue to pursue a higher artistic realm and life value. Let's look forward to this screen queen shining more brightly on the road of acting in the future!


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