
Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this

author:Xiao Yu said entertainment


In recent years, with the popularity of a series of excellent film and television works, the audience has also put forward higher requirements for the performance of actors, and they hope to better feel the beauty and truth of life through film and television works. Among these excellent film and television works, there are many powerful actors, who have won the love of the audience with their excellent acting skills and unique temperament, and have become an indispensable part of film and television dramas.

Among these powerful actors, there is one actor who has attracted much attention, and she is Wan Qian. Wan Qian has created many roles loved by the audience in film and television works with her superb acting skills and unique temperament, whether it is a cold and noble temperament or excellent acting skills, which impresses the audience.

Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this

Although Wan Qian has now become the heroine of many film and television dramas, in her own mouth, she used to be a "scumbag", and she has never been pursued in her entire student days. What does Wan Qian think of such a self? How did you gain the strength from this experience to become who you are today? Let's take a look.

Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this
Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this

The reason why the cold temperament has become the one that no one pursues?

Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this

When it comes to Wan Qian, I believe that the first impression of many viewers is her cold and noble temperament, whether it is Xiao Jingrui played in "Langya Bang" or Zhen Huan played in "The Legend of Ruyi", they all show an innate noble temperament, as if they are a lonely flower in front of the camera, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this

And it is precisely because of this that many people think that Wan Qian should be the type that has been pursued since she was a student, but in an interview, Wan Qian admitted that she had never been pursued in her entire student days, and even laughed at herself as a "scumbag".

Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this

As for the reason why she has no one to pursue, Wan Qian mentioned her cold temperament, she feels that her temperament may become the reason why no one pursues, and in the campus at that time, everyone's definition of pursuit may only stay in appearance and temperament, and do not really understand Wan Qian's unique character in the depths of her heart.

Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this

Wan Qian's cold temperament was not at the beginning, but slowly formed in the process of her growth, perhaps because of the family environment, or because of her unique understanding of life, and finally formed today's cold temperament, and this temperament has become the reason why she is not pursued.

Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this

Does a cold personality affect interpersonal relationships?

In addition to her cold appearance and temperament, in fact, Wan Qian's inner world is also full of unique colors, she has a very independent and firm character, and she also has a very clear plan and pursuit for her life, which also makes her seem a little "cold" in interpersonal relationships.

On campus at that time, maybe everyone didn't know much about Wan Qian, but just stayed on the cognition of her appearance, thinking that she was a cold and noble "scholar" girl, but she didn't know her unique character in the depths of her heart, so she felt that she was a girl who was "pursued by no one".

As for the experience that no one pursued when she was a student, Wan Qian did not feel inferior or sad because of this, but she felt that such an experience was a unique experience for her, a rich and profound understanding of life, and an important part of her growth path.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this experience that Wan Qian will love the acting industry even more, because on the stage of performance, she can integrate her unique understanding and perception into it through the portrayal of the role, feel the story behind each role with her heart, treat every performance with her heart, and present a more real and full performance to the audience.

Draw strength from your experiences and stay true to yourself

It is precisely because of such a unique character and unique perception of life that no matter which film and television work it is, the audience can feel different touches from Wan Qian's performance, and she can use very delicate emotional interpretation to show the inner world of the character vividly and vividly, so that the audience is moved.

In today's film and television drama market, there is very fierce competition in both acting and appearance, and it is not easy to stand out, but Wan Qian can successfully attract the attention of the audience through her unique performance charm, and has become a beautiful landscape in film and television dramas.

Perhaps it is precisely because of such a unique experience that Wan Qian is there today, she can use her performance works and her own growth experience to influence and infect more people, so that everyone can understand that everyone is a unique existence, and everyone has their own unique value and meaning.

In today's society, each of us may experience all kinds of setbacks and difficulties, and there will be moments of misunderstanding, neglect and even ridicule, but it is these experiences that make us stronger and our inner world richer, and such experiences are actually a valuable asset.

Therefore, in the face of various voices and evaluations from the outside world, perhaps we can learn from Wan Qian, stick to our true selves, and believe in our inner voice, because only by truly being ourselves can we radiate the most dazzling light and find our own place in this pluralistic society.

Wan Qian revealed that no one chased her when she went to school, and after seeing her school uniform photo, netizens: How dare you chase this


Everyone's growth path is full of all kinds of scenery and touching, and Wan Qian's growth path is the same, she used her own performance works, with her own growth experience, to bring a lot of moving and inspiration to the audience, but also let everyone understand that everyone is so beautiful, and every experience is so precious.

Maybe on the way to pursue our dreams, we will also have all kinds of confusion and difficulties, but it is these experiences that make us more brave and strong, and make our lives more colorful, so whether it is the past or the future, let us all be brave, to try, to explore, and believe that no matter where we go, there will be a wonderful chapter of our own.

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